Thursday, September 01, 2005
Taking A Break!
This is the closing stage of the Daily Morning Writings. Since my first language is Spanish, I feel it won't hurt to start a section in which only Spanish speaking friends and family can relate to my writings. I have over a year worth of Motivators, and to be honest, It is hard to think to write on more subjects. I feel like I might repeat myself; To reduce the chances, I will focus in translating what I have so far. If there are things that I want to post here, I will, but for the most part I will give it a rest. Feel free to go through the archives and read all of what is in this section....Remember this section takes a break, but a new one arises: Motivate En EspaƱol!
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
"The work an unknown good man has done is like a vein of water flowing hidden underground, secretly making the ground green." --Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) Scottish Writer
Motivator: If u're letting the little things get 2 u, perhaps the big things rn't compelling enough. When ur focus & direction r weak & unclear, the smallest, most trivial distraction -- whether it is positive or negative -- can swirl u around like a feather in the wind. Where r u headed? What do u intend 2 accomplish? Answer these questions with confidence & clarity, & there's almost nothing that can stop u. It's impossible 2 b focused, if there's nothing 2 focus upon. Yet when the goal is clearly visualized & meaningful enough 2 u, it becums almost impossible 2 ignore. With a destination that is clear & convincing enough, u'll do whatever it takes 2 find ur way there.
Motivator: If u're letting the little things get 2 u, perhaps the big things rn't compelling enough. When ur focus & direction r weak & unclear, the smallest, most trivial distraction -- whether it is positive or negative -- can swirl u around like a feather in the wind. Where r u headed? What do u intend 2 accomplish? Answer these questions with confidence & clarity, & there's almost nothing that can stop u. It's impossible 2 b focused, if there's nothing 2 focus upon. Yet when the goal is clearly visualized & meaningful enough 2 u, it becums almost impossible 2 ignore. With a destination that is clear & convincing enough, u'll do whatever it takes 2 find ur way there.
Monday, August 29, 2005
"Life is no brief candle to me. It is sort of a splendid torch which I have got hold of for a moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations." --George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Irish Playwright
Motivator: Do u think that all the world is against u? Then it is. Do u really think that u can succeed against all odds? Then u can. Do u think that 2day will b tedious & boring? Then it will b. Do u think that u can make a difference? Then u will. Whatever u think, is true 4 u. Whatever u truly believe, is the reality which u've imposed on urself. What do u think?
y do u think it? Do ur thoughts serve u, or do they hinder u? If u r 2 do anything, u must 1st think that u can do it. Thinking does not make it happen. That takes action. Thinking, however, makes it possible. Think carefully. Whatever u truly think, whether positive or negative, u'll find a way 2 make it happen.
Motivator: Do u think that all the world is against u? Then it is. Do u really think that u can succeed against all odds? Then u can. Do u think that 2day will b tedious & boring? Then it will b. Do u think that u can make a difference? Then u will. Whatever u think, is true 4 u. Whatever u truly believe, is the reality which u've imposed on urself. What do u think?
y do u think it? Do ur thoughts serve u, or do they hinder u? If u r 2 do anything, u must 1st think that u can do it. Thinking does not make it happen. That takes action. Thinking, however, makes it possible. Think carefully. Whatever u truly think, whether positive or negative, u'll find a way 2 make it happen.
Friday, August 26, 2005
"I am thankful for small mercies. I compared notes with one of my friends who expects everything of the universe, and is disappointed when anything is less than the best, and I found that I begin at the other extreme, expecting nothing, and am always full of thanks for moderate goods." -- Ralph Waldo
Motivator: The highway on which u travel is there because some1 had a dream. Achievement begins with a dream. Great accomplishments cum about not only because some1 dreamed of them, but also because some1 believed in the dream enough 2 walk the long, hard road of making that dream a reality. It takes a dream. & then it takes more than a dream. What is urs? What r u doing about it? Stop & think 4 a moment about all the great things that have ever been achieved. Some1 had a dream. Some1 just like u. The world is filled with possibilities 2day. Take YOUR pick, & then make it happen.
Motivator: The highway on which u travel is there because some1 had a dream. Achievement begins with a dream. Great accomplishments cum about not only because some1 dreamed of them, but also because some1 believed in the dream enough 2 walk the long, hard road of making that dream a reality. It takes a dream. & then it takes more than a dream. What is urs? What r u doing about it? Stop & think 4 a moment about all the great things that have ever been achieved. Some1 had a dream. Some1 just like u. The world is filled with possibilities 2day. Take YOUR pick, & then make it happen.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
"The most absurd and reckless aspirations have sometimes led to extraordinary success." --Vauvenargues
Motivator: Rather than being annoyed, b amused. Instead of getting angry, becum curious. In place of envy, feel admiration. In place of worry, take action. In place of doubt, have faith. Negative energy is just positive energy that's flowing in the opposite direction. There's no need 2 fight or run away from that negative energy. All u need 2 do is change its direction. The more negative u r, the more positive u can b. Turn ur sadness in2 caring. Transform ur complaints in2 useful suggestions. Change ur bitterness in2 determination. The energy is already there. All YOU need 2 do is change its direction...
Motivator: Rather than being annoyed, b amused. Instead of getting angry, becum curious. In place of envy, feel admiration. In place of worry, take action. In place of doubt, have faith. Negative energy is just positive energy that's flowing in the opposite direction. There's no need 2 fight or run away from that negative energy. All u need 2 do is change its direction. The more negative u r, the more positive u can b. Turn ur sadness in2 caring. Transform ur complaints in2 useful suggestions. Change ur bitterness in2 determination. The energy is already there. All YOU need 2 do is change its direction...
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
"Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are." --Malcolm Forbes (1919-1990) American Publisher
Motivator: If u have something 2 say, say it! If u c that something must b done, do it. If u have an idea, pursue it. If u c a possibility, explore it. If u have a dream, live it! The reason u can c what must b done is because u're the 1 who can do it. The reason u have a dream is because u're the person who can live it. Life cums 2 u in abundance every moment of every day, & it speeds away from u just as fast. Use it while u have it. That means right now! Speak ur mind. Make a difference. Fill each of YOU days with joy & meaning...Live
Motivator: If u have something 2 say, say it! If u c that something must b done, do it. If u have an idea, pursue it. If u c a possibility, explore it. If u have a dream, live it! The reason u can c what must b done is because u're the 1 who can do it. The reason u have a dream is because u're the person who can live it. Life cums 2 u in abundance every moment of every day, & it speeds away from u just as fast. Use it while u have it. That means right now! Speak ur mind. Make a difference. Fill each of YOU days with joy & meaning...Live
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
"Happy is he who dares courageously to defend what he loves." -- Ovid
Motivator: In life, we may find it easy 2 allow ourselves 2 love & accept multitudes of other people, but when it cums 2 loving ourselves we're not as forgiving. In fact, we can b quite relentless in our pursuit of perfection. The first step to begin a love affair with yourself is 2 realize that u r somebody. U're a friend, some1's daughter or son, possibly a lover, an employee or employer, or maybe even some1's spouse. No matter how ur role changes, u're still somebody. Nothing will ever change that. The next step is 2 take time out 2 actually love urself. In romantic relationships it is often said that true love is shown through actions, not words. Learn to apply this 2 urself as well! Remember u can't truly give ur all 2 love some1 else without loving YOURSELF!...Love
Motivator: In life, we may find it easy 2 allow ourselves 2 love & accept multitudes of other people, but when it cums 2 loving ourselves we're not as forgiving. In fact, we can b quite relentless in our pursuit of perfection. The first step to begin a love affair with yourself is 2 realize that u r somebody. U're a friend, some1's daughter or son, possibly a lover, an employee or employer, or maybe even some1's spouse. No matter how ur role changes, u're still somebody. Nothing will ever change that. The next step is 2 take time out 2 actually love urself. In romantic relationships it is often said that true love is shown through actions, not words. Learn to apply this 2 urself as well! Remember u can't truly give ur all 2 love some1 else without loving YOURSELF!...Love
Monday, August 22, 2005
"I wept because I had no shoes, until I saw a man who had no feet." --Persian saying, Ancient
Motivator: Take a good look @ ur life & u'll c ur true priorities. If u're not completely satisfied with where ur priorities have taken u, that's K. U can change ur priorities. However, u can't change them just bi saying so. Priorities r not a wish list. Ur authentic, driving priorities r commitments 2 action. Ur true priorities r the things 4 which u'll undertake any effort, meet any challenge, or make any necessary sacrifice in order 2 achieve or maintain. The fact is, u will most certainly achieve ur true priorities. U've always done it & u always will. Whatever u want enough 2 live 4, u'll get. That's an awesome power, & it is urs 2 direct as u wish. Choose ur true priorities wisely, & they'll take YOU 2 magnificent heights...FLY
Motivator: Take a good look @ ur life & u'll c ur true priorities. If u're not completely satisfied with where ur priorities have taken u, that's K. U can change ur priorities. However, u can't change them just bi saying so. Priorities r not a wish list. Ur authentic, driving priorities r commitments 2 action. Ur true priorities r the things 4 which u'll undertake any effort, meet any challenge, or make any necessary sacrifice in order 2 achieve or maintain. The fact is, u will most certainly achieve ur true priorities. U've always done it & u always will. Whatever u want enough 2 live 4, u'll get. That's an awesome power, & it is urs 2 direct as u wish. Choose ur true priorities wisely, & they'll take YOU 2 magnificent heights...FLY
Friday, August 19, 2005
"When we accept tough jobs as a challenge to our ability and wade into them with joy and enthusiasm, miracles can happen." --Arland Gilbert
Motivator: The perfect time 2 start will never cum if u wait 4 it. Get started now & do ur best. Ur efforts matter much more than meager circumstances. U can watch the world change, or u can change it. It will change 2day with or without u. The more input u have in2 that change, the more u'll like the results. 4get the excuses. They will bring u no value. Step up & give the best that u have. Accomplishment is a thrill which has no equal. Remember how good it feels? U can have all YOU want. & now is the time 2 go 4 it. Stand up, step out & make a difference.
Motivator: The perfect time 2 start will never cum if u wait 4 it. Get started now & do ur best. Ur efforts matter much more than meager circumstances. U can watch the world change, or u can change it. It will change 2day with or without u. The more input u have in2 that change, the more u'll like the results. 4get the excuses. They will bring u no value. Step up & give the best that u have. Accomplishment is a thrill which has no equal. Remember how good it feels? U can have all YOU want. & now is the time 2 go 4 it. Stand up, step out & make a difference.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
"Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are... Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in my pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return." --Mary Jean Iron
Motivator: The more effectively u can meet challenges, the more u'll b able 2 achieve. Not only does challenge pull u toward achievement, it also strengthens u so that u may successfully face the even greater challenges that lead 2 even higher accomplishments. That's y it is so important 2 continually challenge urself. Get used 2 challenge. Get experienced with overcuming challenges. Challenge urself, & u'll remain strong in the face of the challenges which the world will surely send YOUR way. Embrace challenge, & it becums an opportunity rather than an obstacle.
Motivator: The more effectively u can meet challenges, the more u'll b able 2 achieve. Not only does challenge pull u toward achievement, it also strengthens u so that u may successfully face the even greater challenges that lead 2 even higher accomplishments. That's y it is so important 2 continually challenge urself. Get used 2 challenge. Get experienced with overcuming challenges. Challenge urself, & u'll remain strong in the face of the challenges which the world will surely send YOUR way. Embrace challenge, & it becums an opportunity rather than an obstacle.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
"The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps - We must step up the stairs." -- Vance Havner
Motivator: 2 reach the goal, often requires that we modify the original plan, or at least certain components of the plan. Just because something goes wrong along the way, does not mean that the goal is unreachable. & more likely than not, something will go wrong. 4 example, if u have 2 get 2 an important meeting & ur car won't start, u call a taxi or find another way 2 get there. U wouldn't abandon the meeting just because 1 of the many options 4 getting there (driving in ur car) didn't work out. 4 anything u want attain, there r many ways 2 get there. When 1 path becums blocked, don't turn back. Instead, take a detour, & u may soon find that the going is even better than YOU could have imagined....TRY!
Motivator: 2 reach the goal, often requires that we modify the original plan, or at least certain components of the plan. Just because something goes wrong along the way, does not mean that the goal is unreachable. & more likely than not, something will go wrong. 4 example, if u have 2 get 2 an important meeting & ur car won't start, u call a taxi or find another way 2 get there. U wouldn't abandon the meeting just because 1 of the many options 4 getting there (driving in ur car) didn't work out. 4 anything u want attain, there r many ways 2 get there. When 1 path becums blocked, don't turn back. Instead, take a detour, & u may soon find that the going is even better than YOU could have imagined....TRY!
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
"Great hopes make great men." -- Thomas Fuller
Motivator: "I can't" usually means "I won't." B the person who will, & a world of opportunity opens up 2 u. It is easy 2 say "no," 2 avoid the challenge & the effort. Success cums 2 those who say "yes," & then set about 2 make it happen. Complaints & excuses will keep u imprisoned in a dull world of mediocrity. Yet what is impossible 4 others, does not have 2 b 4 YOU. Welcum the challenges. Take the initiative. Feel the satisfaction of accomplishing that which has never be4 been attempted. Look 4 things which can't or won't b done. B the 1 who makes them happen, & reap their enormous value.
Motivator: "I can't" usually means "I won't." B the person who will, & a world of opportunity opens up 2 u. It is easy 2 say "no," 2 avoid the challenge & the effort. Success cums 2 those who say "yes," & then set about 2 make it happen. Complaints & excuses will keep u imprisoned in a dull world of mediocrity. Yet what is impossible 4 others, does not have 2 b 4 YOU. Welcum the challenges. Take the initiative. Feel the satisfaction of accomplishing that which has never be4 been attempted. Look 4 things which can't or won't b done. B the 1 who makes them happen, & reap their enormous value.
Monday, August 15, 2005
"If you have made mistakes...there is always another chance for may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down." -Mary Pickford (1893-1979) Canadian Actress
Motivator: Da most successful peeps in this world have a refined ability 2 very accurately predict the future.Is it da result of some mysterious psychic power?No. Does this ability cum from having a superior intelligence?No. Successful peeps very accurately predict da future using a methodology that is available 2 any1, regardless of age, status, place of residence, experience, or any other special factor. Any1, anywhere can predict their own future with amazing accuracy. It is simple. Just set a goal 4 urself, determine exactly what actions u must take 2 reach that goal, & then take every 1 of those actions.The moment u decide on a course of action & make a solid commitment 2 following it, u've predicted ur own future. Predict YOUR own bright, shinning future, & make it happen.
Motivator: Da most successful peeps in this world have a refined ability 2 very accurately predict the future.Is it da result of some mysterious psychic power?No. Does this ability cum from having a superior intelligence?No. Successful peeps very accurately predict da future using a methodology that is available 2 any1, regardless of age, status, place of residence, experience, or any other special factor. Any1, anywhere can predict their own future with amazing accuracy. It is simple. Just set a goal 4 urself, determine exactly what actions u must take 2 reach that goal, & then take every 1 of those actions.The moment u decide on a course of action & make a solid commitment 2 following it, u've predicted ur own future. Predict YOUR own bright, shinning future, & make it happen.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
"Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person." --Mother Teresa (1910-1997) Albanian Missionary
Motivator: Can u c the possibilities 4 improvement in a seemingly hopeless situation? Can u c a small glimmer of light when there is darkness all around? Do u have the courage & determination 2 move urself 2ward that faint light, so that it becums brighter bi the day? Can u envision ur world as being better than it is today? Can u imagine in rich detail the dreams u hunger 2 achieve? R u able 2 c clearly the path which will take u from where u r right now, 2 where u want 2 b? Do u have the discipline 2 go ahead & take the next step on that path? Do u have the perseverance 2 continue taking step after step, even through the setbacks which will surely cum? Yes, u do. Yes, u can c ur dreams. Yes, u can chart ur course 4 success. & yes, u can reach it. U already have everything it takes. All that remains, is 4 YOU 2 decide 2 do it. Now go out & make it happen.
Motivator: Can u c the possibilities 4 improvement in a seemingly hopeless situation? Can u c a small glimmer of light when there is darkness all around? Do u have the courage & determination 2 move urself 2ward that faint light, so that it becums brighter bi the day? Can u envision ur world as being better than it is today? Can u imagine in rich detail the dreams u hunger 2 achieve? R u able 2 c clearly the path which will take u from where u r right now, 2 where u want 2 b? Do u have the discipline 2 go ahead & take the next step on that path? Do u have the perseverance 2 continue taking step after step, even through the setbacks which will surely cum? Yes, u do. Yes, u can c ur dreams. Yes, u can chart ur course 4 success. & yes, u can reach it. U already have everything it takes. All that remains, is 4 YOU 2 decide 2 do it. Now go out & make it happen.
Friday, August 12, 2005
"True happiness is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose." --Helen Keller (1880-1968) American Writer
Motivator: When u turn on a light in an already lighted room, u make it just a little bit brighter. But when u turn on a light in a room that was completely dark, u significantly change the environment. The light reveals possibilities. The more u r surrounded bi negativity, the more impact u can have bi being positive. Just 1 person who insists that yes, we can get it done, & who steadily works 2 make it happen, can achieve astonishing results. If there is negative energy all around u, c it as an opportunity. Consider how much of a difference u can make with ur positive thoughts & actions. Turn on ur own light, & those nearby cannot help but c. The darker it is around u, the brighter ur light will shine...that's 1purpose I have: 2 SHINE! What is YOURS?
Motivator: When u turn on a light in an already lighted room, u make it just a little bit brighter. But when u turn on a light in a room that was completely dark, u significantly change the environment. The light reveals possibilities. The more u r surrounded bi negativity, the more impact u can have bi being positive. Just 1 person who insists that yes, we can get it done, & who steadily works 2 make it happen, can achieve astonishing results. If there is negative energy all around u, c it as an opportunity. Consider how much of a difference u can make with ur positive thoughts & actions. Turn on ur own light, & those nearby cannot help but c. The darker it is around u, the brighter ur light will shine...that's 1purpose I have: 2 SHINE! What is YOURS?
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Things turn out best for the people who make the best out of the way things turn out." Anonymous
Motivator: Most anything that happens can b useful 2 u, or it can set u back, depending primarily on what u make of it. Get in2 the habit of asking urself "how can I make the best of this?" The various circumstances in which u find urself can serve as excuses, or they can b turned in2 opportunities. What's great about the time & place in which u find urself? Whatever YOU make of it. So what will it b?
Motivator: Most anything that happens can b useful 2 u, or it can set u back, depending primarily on what u make of it. Get in2 the habit of asking urself "how can I make the best of this?" The various circumstances in which u find urself can serve as excuses, or they can b turned in2 opportunities. What's great about the time & place in which u find urself? Whatever YOU make of it. So what will it b?
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
"Should U Ever Arbitrate Beween Love & Mind, Opt to Intuition Backed Up With Logic!" Marco M. Lopez
Motivator: Have u ever heard the phrase "I can't change; U have 2 accept me the way I am." As true as people might think this is, it's not! If some1 u like is jelous, possissive, insecure, causes scenes in front of others, etc...if they claim they can't change & u have 2 accept them, that is also not true. We can aknowledge their behavior yet we don't have 2 put up with it. Although we r capable of changing, we don't have 2 because our actions don't have 2 reflect how we choose 2 b. Next time u hear those phrases from others, or urself, remember that feelings (i.e. jelousy, insecurity) don't have 2 rule ur being; the proof is upon the actions taken when u feel as such. Don't fool urself thiking u have 2 accept that type of people because u don't! YOU have a choice! ...Believe
Motivator: Have u ever heard the phrase "I can't change; U have 2 accept me the way I am." As true as people might think this is, it's not! If some1 u like is jelous, possissive, insecure, causes scenes in front of others, etc...if they claim they can't change & u have 2 accept them, that is also not true. We can aknowledge their behavior yet we don't have 2 put up with it. Although we r capable of changing, we don't have 2 because our actions don't have 2 reflect how we choose 2 b. Next time u hear those phrases from others, or urself, remember that feelings (i.e. jelousy, insecurity) don't have 2 rule ur being; the proof is upon the actions taken when u feel as such. Don't fool urself thiking u have 2 accept that type of people because u don't! YOU have a choice! ...Believe
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
"They are ill discoverers who think there is no land, when they can see nothing but sea." - Francis Bacon
Motivator: How can u tell if u're fully committed 2 reaching a particular goal? It's easy. Commitment makes itself evident when the obstacles start 2 appear. It's a different story to keep going after the initial thrill has faded, when very real and very difficult challenges begin to emerge. Any1 can express their commitment in words. True commitment is shown bi actions, bi persistence, bi the willingness 2 do whatever it takes. The only way 2 b truly committed 2 a goal, is 2 make sure that the goal has meaning 4 u. U absolutely must find a way 2 personally relate 2 & connect with the goal. Make that connection, understand precisely what's in it 4 u, & YOUR commitment will make it happen.
Motivator: How can u tell if u're fully committed 2 reaching a particular goal? It's easy. Commitment makes itself evident when the obstacles start 2 appear. It's a different story to keep going after the initial thrill has faded, when very real and very difficult challenges begin to emerge. Any1 can express their commitment in words. True commitment is shown bi actions, bi persistence, bi the willingness 2 do whatever it takes. The only way 2 b truly committed 2 a goal, is 2 make sure that the goal has meaning 4 u. U absolutely must find a way 2 personally relate 2 & connect with the goal. Make that connection, understand precisely what's in it 4 u, & YOUR commitment will make it happen.
Monday, August 08, 2005
"To be able to practice five things everywhere under heaven constitutes perfect virtue... gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness." --Confucius (551-479 BC) Chinese Philosopher
Motivator: Success is often boring. When we c success in others, it looks exciting & fun. We c some1 who is successful in business living in a magnificent house, driving a shiny new car & taking exotic vacations. We c a successful athlete being cheered bi the crowd after a winning performance on the playing field. We usually c only the results of success in others. What we often fail 2 c & appreciate is how they got there. The person with a successful business has spent many long hours, working late in2 the night on tasks that no 1 would consider fun or exciting.Those who understand, appreciate & accept that the road 2 achievement can often b tiresome, those who r willing 2 do whatever it takes, no matter if it is often tedious & boring, r the 1's who will get the reward they seek.
Motivator: Success is often boring. When we c success in others, it looks exciting & fun. We c some1 who is successful in business living in a magnificent house, driving a shiny new car & taking exotic vacations. We c a successful athlete being cheered bi the crowd after a winning performance on the playing field. We usually c only the results of success in others. What we often fail 2 c & appreciate is how they got there. The person with a successful business has spent many long hours, working late in2 the night on tasks that no 1 would consider fun or exciting.Those who understand, appreciate & accept that the road 2 achievement can often b tiresome, those who r willing 2 do whatever it takes, no matter if it is often tedious & boring, r the 1's who will get the reward they seek.
Friday, August 05, 2005
"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." --William Arthur Ward
Motivator: After this day is over, the world will b a little bit different place because of what u have done. Will it b a better place, or worse, or just different? That depends on what u do. Y should u care? Because u r a part of the world!! The positive things u do, cum back 2 u, as do the negative things. U cannot escape the consequences of ur own thoughts & actions. So make them the best that u can. U can change the world. U have the power & the ability 2 change it 4 the better, right this moment & every moment. As long as u're going 2 change the world, u might as well change it in a positive way. U're changing the world. It's a big responsibility & a tremendous opportunity. Make the best of it, 2day & every day...believe in me
Motivator: After this day is over, the world will b a little bit different place because of what u have done. Will it b a better place, or worse, or just different? That depends on what u do. Y should u care? Because u r a part of the world!! The positive things u do, cum back 2 u, as do the negative things. U cannot escape the consequences of ur own thoughts & actions. So make them the best that u can. U can change the world. U have the power & the ability 2 change it 4 the better, right this moment & every moment. As long as u're going 2 change the world, u might as well change it in a positive way. U're changing the world. It's a big responsibility & a tremendous opportunity. Make the best of it, 2day & every day...believe in me
Thursday, August 04, 2005
"Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each one of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation." - Robert F. Kennedy
Motivator: Every great achievement builds on accomplishments that preceded it. The new, powerful computers which we now use were designed & produced using the previous generation of computers. Artists develop techniques which draw heavily from previous methods. Successful businesses often adopt & improve upon the strategies used bi others. Whatever u wish 2 accomplish, u don't have 2 start from scratch. Rather than envy the success of others, find a way 2 build upon it. As the world grows more successful, there r more ways 2 becum successful. The same concept applies on a personal level. Even a very small success, can b used 2 build a greater success. Achievement has infinite potential. Any1 can start with a small accomplishment. & when u do, u're on your way to greatness.
Motivator: Every great achievement builds on accomplishments that preceded it. The new, powerful computers which we now use were designed & produced using the previous generation of computers. Artists develop techniques which draw heavily from previous methods. Successful businesses often adopt & improve upon the strategies used bi others. Whatever u wish 2 accomplish, u don't have 2 start from scratch. Rather than envy the success of others, find a way 2 build upon it. As the world grows more successful, there r more ways 2 becum successful. The same concept applies on a personal level. Even a very small success, can b used 2 build a greater success. Achievement has infinite potential. Any1 can start with a small accomplishment. & when u do, u're on your way to greatness.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
"Don't bother about genius. Don't worry about being clever. Trust to hard work, perseverance and determination." -Sir Frederick Treves (1853-1923) English Surgeon
Motivator: 2 get from here 2 there, takes plain old ordinary effort. U can b filled with a positive attitude, full of wonderful ideas, smart, experienced, & well connected. Yet even with all that going 4 u, u still must put out effort in order 2 make things happen. There is no substitute 4 effort. There is no magic secret, no technological machine, no cleverly designed "system" that will replace the need 4 effort. These things can certainly make ur efforts far more effective. Without ur effort & initiative, though, they r useless. The effort necessary 4 achievement is often difficult & uncomfortable. It will stretch u & likely demand more of u than u thought YOU had. & therein lies the the true reward of success.
Motivator: 2 get from here 2 there, takes plain old ordinary effort. U can b filled with a positive attitude, full of wonderful ideas, smart, experienced, & well connected. Yet even with all that going 4 u, u still must put out effort in order 2 make things happen. There is no substitute 4 effort. There is no magic secret, no technological machine, no cleverly designed "system" that will replace the need 4 effort. These things can certainly make ur efforts far more effective. Without ur effort & initiative, though, they r useless. The effort necessary 4 achievement is often difficult & uncomfortable. It will stretch u & likely demand more of u than u thought YOU had. & therein lies the the true reward of success.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
"All big things in this world are done by people who are naive and have an idea that is obviously impossible." --Dr. Frank Richards (1875-1961) English Writer
Motivator: What do u remember about yesterday? Do u remember the problems & disappointments, or do u remember the progress & the achievements? What do u remember about last month, or last year? What's happened has happened. There is nothing u can do about it. Yet ur imagination is urs 2 control as u wish. U can remember exactly what u choose 2 remember, in exactly the way u want 2 remember it. When u remember mostly the good things, u build an image of urself as an achiever & a winner. Importantly, that self image has a profound effect on ur future actions, on the results u get. Remember ur past as a winner, & u'll act like a winner. In ur mind, treasure the good things in ur past, & their memory will brighten YOU memory of my mother ...RIP
Motivator: What do u remember about yesterday? Do u remember the problems & disappointments, or do u remember the progress & the achievements? What do u remember about last month, or last year? What's happened has happened. There is nothing u can do about it. Yet ur imagination is urs 2 control as u wish. U can remember exactly what u choose 2 remember, in exactly the way u want 2 remember it. When u remember mostly the good things, u build an image of urself as an achiever & a winner. Importantly, that self image has a profound effect on ur future actions, on the results u get. Remember ur past as a winner, & u'll act like a winner. In ur mind, treasure the good things in ur past, & their memory will brighten YOU memory of my mother ...RIP
Monday, August 01, 2005
"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." --Robert Brault
Motivator: B happy with the little things, because there r so many more of them. Don't postpone ur enjoyment of life until after some grand achievement. Strive 4 that grand achievement, 2 b sure. Take pleasure in all the joys along the way. Every day presents u with countless opportunities 2 experience happiness. There is joy available in each moment, if u really want 2 find it. Consider how very much more likely u r 2 persevere, & 2 reach that big achievement, if the path to it is filled with delight. Find enjoyment in the small things, & even in the striving. It will keep u going. Relish the journey, & it will help YOU reach the destination.
Motivator: B happy with the little things, because there r so many more of them. Don't postpone ur enjoyment of life until after some grand achievement. Strive 4 that grand achievement, 2 b sure. Take pleasure in all the joys along the way. Every day presents u with countless opportunities 2 experience happiness. There is joy available in each moment, if u really want 2 find it. Consider how very much more likely u r 2 persevere, & 2 reach that big achievement, if the path to it is filled with delight. Find enjoyment in the small things, & even in the striving. It will keep u going. Relish the journey, & it will help YOU reach the destination.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
If you just keep playing, keep believing and have some faith, something good can happen." - Washington Redskins coach Norv Turner, whose team became only the second in NFL history to win six games after losing the first seven games of the year. December 19, 1998
Motivator: When u're tired & ur energy is gone, when problems pile on top of problems, & u don't know where u will get the strength 2 keep going, that is when the race is almost won. When u've encountered every obstacle that u could possibly have imagined, & then been faced with many more, u're rapidly approaching ur goal. That is when a little bit more persistence can make a big, big difference. The longer u persevere, the more likely is ur success. Each challenge u meet serves 2 solidify ur achievement. The exhaustion u feel is priming u 4 the sweet taste of accomplishment which is 2 cum. Keep going 4 as long as it takes. The steeper the climb, the closer YOU r 2 the summit. Persist, especially now.
Motivator: When u're tired & ur energy is gone, when problems pile on top of problems, & u don't know where u will get the strength 2 keep going, that is when the race is almost won. When u've encountered every obstacle that u could possibly have imagined, & then been faced with many more, u're rapidly approaching ur goal. That is when a little bit more persistence can make a big, big difference. The longer u persevere, the more likely is ur success. Each challenge u meet serves 2 solidify ur achievement. The exhaustion u feel is priming u 4 the sweet taste of accomplishment which is 2 cum. Keep going 4 as long as it takes. The steeper the climb, the closer YOU r 2 the summit. Persist, especially now.
Friday, July 29, 2005
"The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring." --Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) Irish Dramatist and Poet
Motivator: U made a mistake. Or some1 else did. Or perhaps something didn't work out the way it should have. Whatever it was, it has been done. No amount of agonizing or criticizing will change that. 2 wish that it had never happened, or 2 pretend that it didn't, would b a waste of good experience. Find a way 2 make the best of it. U can't go backward in time, only 4ward. & as u go 4ward, u always have the opportunity 2 move urself ahead, regardless of what has happened be4. Make the best of what u have & stop worrying about how u got it. Accept that what's done is done, & focus on the future. Put ur energy & effort where they can make a difference, & they will.
Motivator: U made a mistake. Or some1 else did. Or perhaps something didn't work out the way it should have. Whatever it was, it has been done. No amount of agonizing or criticizing will change that. 2 wish that it had never happened, or 2 pretend that it didn't, would b a waste of good experience. Find a way 2 make the best of it. U can't go backward in time, only 4ward. & as u go 4ward, u always have the opportunity 2 move urself ahead, regardless of what has happened be4. Make the best of what u have & stop worrying about how u got it. Accept that what's done is done, & focus on the future. Put ur energy & effort where they can make a difference, & they will.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
"The sign of intelligent people is their ability to control emotions by the application of reason." --Marya Mannes (1904-1990) American Journalist
Motivator: Although we have no control over the person we fall in love with, we have the ability 2 control that emotion bi the application of reason. Love is 1 of the greatest feelings ever! When we r in love we sometimes 4get 2 reason; we refuse 2 reason. If a person is not good 4 us, we r not so naĆÆve 2 not know. Deep inside we know best, yet we shut our reasoning telling us what makes sense 2 do in such a case. We've all heard the clichĆ© "listen 2 ur heart." I take a step 4ward & tell u 2 listen 2 ur heart, yet not 4getting 2 apply reason 2 the situation. Don't waste ur precious time with some1 not worth ur love. Value urself 1st! Know & b sure 2 get reciprocated the love u r willing 2 give. Don't settle 4 less. in the end u will end up with just that: less=emptiness!
Motivator: Although we have no control over the person we fall in love with, we have the ability 2 control that emotion bi the application of reason. Love is 1 of the greatest feelings ever! When we r in love we sometimes 4get 2 reason; we refuse 2 reason. If a person is not good 4 us, we r not so naĆÆve 2 not know. Deep inside we know best, yet we shut our reasoning telling us what makes sense 2 do in such a case. We've all heard the clichĆ© "listen 2 ur heart." I take a step 4ward & tell u 2 listen 2 ur heart, yet not 4getting 2 apply reason 2 the situation. Don't waste ur precious time with some1 not worth ur love. Value urself 1st! Know & b sure 2 get reciprocated the love u r willing 2 give. Don't settle 4 less. in the end u will end up with just that: less=emptiness!
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
"I want to remind you that success in life is based on hard slogging. There will be periods when discouragement is great and upsetting, and the antidote for this is calmness and fortitude and a modest yet firm belief in your competence. Be sure that your priorities are in order so that you can proceed in a logical manner, and be ever mindful that nothing will take the place of persistence." - Publisher and philanthropist Walter Annenberg in a letter to his son.
Motivator: Negative thinking is perhaps the most extravagant, wasteful indulgence imaginable. The price which negative thinking extracts can never b regained, because the price of negative thinking is paid with life. How is it possible 4 any1 2 replace a moment, or a day or a year lost 2 negativity? & beyond the lost opportunity that it represents, negative thinking is just plain destructive. It accomplishes nothing & it costs so much. 4tunately, negative thinking is completely unnecessary. & it is completely under ur control. No matter what cums ur way, u can decide how 2 respond. Even in the most hopeless of situations, the best course is 2 remain focused on the positive, on what u can do, on the difference u can make. Y would YOU possibly want 2 do otherwise?
Motivator: Negative thinking is perhaps the most extravagant, wasteful indulgence imaginable. The price which negative thinking extracts can never b regained, because the price of negative thinking is paid with life. How is it possible 4 any1 2 replace a moment, or a day or a year lost 2 negativity? & beyond the lost opportunity that it represents, negative thinking is just plain destructive. It accomplishes nothing & it costs so much. 4tunately, negative thinking is completely unnecessary. & it is completely under ur control. No matter what cums ur way, u can decide how 2 respond. Even in the most hopeless of situations, the best course is 2 remain focused on the positive, on what u can do, on the difference u can make. Y would YOU possibly want 2 do otherwise?
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
"The meaning of life is creative love. Not love as an inner feeling, as a private sentimental emotion, but love as a dynamic power moving out into the world and doing something original." - Tom Morris, from his book 'If Aristotle Ran General Motors'
Motivator: R u frustrated & burned out? Is there something u really want 2 achieve? Have u just becum aware of an incredible opportunity? What r u going 2 do about it? What actions will u take 2 end ur frustration, 2 achieve ur dream, 2 take advantage of opportunity? It all depends on what u do. Not on how much u complain, not on ur ability 2 gain sympathy from others. Ur frustration will only grow worse & more fixed if u delay. The achievement u desire will grow more distant, the longer u wait 2 do something about it. Opportunity will fade quickly if u fail 2 act. Ur life is full of possibility. What r YOU going 2 do about it?
Motivator: R u frustrated & burned out? Is there something u really want 2 achieve? Have u just becum aware of an incredible opportunity? What r u going 2 do about it? What actions will u take 2 end ur frustration, 2 achieve ur dream, 2 take advantage of opportunity? It all depends on what u do. Not on how much u complain, not on ur ability 2 gain sympathy from others. Ur frustration will only grow worse & more fixed if u delay. The achievement u desire will grow more distant, the longer u wait 2 do something about it. Opportunity will fade quickly if u fail 2 act. Ur life is full of possibility. What r YOU going 2 do about it?
Monday, July 25, 2005
"It teaches the strong to know when they are weak and the brave to face themselves when they are afraid. To be proud and unbowed in defeat yet humble and gentle in victory. And to master ourselves before we attempt to master others. And to learn to laugh, yet never forget how to weep. And to give the predominance of courage over timidity." - General Douglas MacArthur, on the virtues of competitive athletics.
Motivator: U know what is best 4 u. So y is it so hard 2 do it? 1 of the greatest motivators the world has ever known -desire. If the desire is strong enough, u will do whatever it takes 2 achieve it. How can u make the desire strong enough? 1st, find what u really, truly want -not what some1 else wants 4 u, not what others think u should want, what YOU want. Then, connect it clearly & explicitly within urself 2 whatever must b done. U r willing. U r able. U will do what needs 2 b done. U can b driven, disciplined & committed. Just connect ur actions with YOUR true desires.
Motivator: U know what is best 4 u. So y is it so hard 2 do it? 1 of the greatest motivators the world has ever known -desire. If the desire is strong enough, u will do whatever it takes 2 achieve it. How can u make the desire strong enough? 1st, find what u really, truly want -not what some1 else wants 4 u, not what others think u should want, what YOU want. Then, connect it clearly & explicitly within urself 2 whatever must b done. U r willing. U r able. U will do what needs 2 b done. U can b driven, disciplined & committed. Just connect ur actions with YOUR true desires.
Friday, July 22, 2005
"A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks. " --Charles Gordy
Motivator: Did u know we all experience faith/hope in some level? Any1 who flips on a light switch will cause the lights 2 turn on. Any1 who shifts an automobile in2 gear & presses on the accelerator pedal, will cause the car 2 move 4ward. Any1 who takes the steps necessary 2 build a successful business, will do so. If you put faith/hope in2 a lot of things in ur life, y not put it 2 greater use & have more 4 the things u want 2 accomplish. It really doesn't matter who u r, or where u came from, or what disappointments u've experienced in the past. Any achievement, no matter how small or how grand, is a simple cause-and-effect proposition. Make the right effort & YOU'll get the desired result...from personal experience....
Motivator: Did u know we all experience faith/hope in some level? Any1 who flips on a light switch will cause the lights 2 turn on. Any1 who shifts an automobile in2 gear & presses on the accelerator pedal, will cause the car 2 move 4ward. Any1 who takes the steps necessary 2 build a successful business, will do so. If you put faith/hope in2 a lot of things in ur life, y not put it 2 greater use & have more 4 the things u want 2 accomplish. It really doesn't matter who u r, or where u came from, or what disappointments u've experienced in the past. Any achievement, no matter how small or how grand, is a simple cause-and-effect proposition. Make the right effort & YOU'll get the desired result...from personal experience....
Thursday, July 21, 2005
"The greatest pleasure I know is to do a good action by stealth, and to have it found out by accident." --Charles Lamb (1775-1834) British Essayist
Motivator: On the other side of ur discouragement, there is joy. Once u get through ur trouble, it will b behind u. At the moment it may seem like everything is going wrong, because u're seeing the world from a negative perspective. The way out is 2 work urself through. U r better than the difficulties that now put you down. Work through them, put them behind u, & ur life will b richer 4 the experience. Look ahead, look beyond the disappointments of 2day. Remember where u're headed. Keep the ultimate goal in mind. What seem 2 b setbacks r actually steps along the path. Just because u encounter a detour, doesn't mean u must stop. Work ur way through & u'll move YOURSELF ahead.
Motivator: On the other side of ur discouragement, there is joy. Once u get through ur trouble, it will b behind u. At the moment it may seem like everything is going wrong, because u're seeing the world from a negative perspective. The way out is 2 work urself through. U r better than the difficulties that now put you down. Work through them, put them behind u, & ur life will b richer 4 the experience. Look ahead, look beyond the disappointments of 2day. Remember where u're headed. Keep the ultimate goal in mind. What seem 2 b setbacks r actually steps along the path. Just because u encounter a detour, doesn't mean u must stop. Work ur way through & u'll move YOURSELF ahead.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
"What ought one to say then as each hardship comes? I was practicing for this, I was training for this." --Epictetus (55-135 AD) Roman Philosopher
Motivator: Think of every1 around u --in ur family, ur school, ur office, ur community, ur country, ur world. Who can u help? How can u help them? What value do u have 2 impart 2 others? Answer that question, & it will lead u 2 wherever u want 2 go. The value u have 2 offer is most likely a mixture of ur knowledge, ur skills, ur opinions, ur interests, ur likes & dislikes, the people u know, & the experiences u've lived through. Help others enjoy prosperity, & u will becum wealthy. Help others 2 b truly happy, & u will b filled with joy. Teach 2 others, & u will learn. No matter who u r or how badly life has beat u down, u have something 2 offer, something that will make ur life shine.Who can u help? What can YOU do 2 make a difference?
Motivator: Think of every1 around u --in ur family, ur school, ur office, ur community, ur country, ur world. Who can u help? How can u help them? What value do u have 2 impart 2 others? Answer that question, & it will lead u 2 wherever u want 2 go. The value u have 2 offer is most likely a mixture of ur knowledge, ur skills, ur opinions, ur interests, ur likes & dislikes, the people u know, & the experiences u've lived through. Help others enjoy prosperity, & u will becum wealthy. Help others 2 b truly happy, & u will b filled with joy. Teach 2 others, & u will learn. No matter who u r or how badly life has beat u down, u have something 2 offer, something that will make ur life shine.Who can u help? What can YOU do 2 make a difference?
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
"Men can be stimulated to show off their good qualities to the leader who seems to think they have good qualities." - John Richelsen
Motivator: Did u show up 4 work 2day? Sure, ur bones & skin & clothes r there, but did u show up, 2? Do u bring ur true & valuable self 2 the things u do? If u're going 2 do it, if u're going 2 be there, show up with the best u have. So many times we defeat ourselves b4 we even start, because we fail 2 commit our best 2 the effort. Any1 is capable of excellence. Any1 is capable of greatness. All that's required is 2 show up, 2 truly show up & put the whole of 1's being in2 the effort. Every person alive is filled 2 the top with value & possibilities, with passion, with purpose. Whenever all that abundance is focused & directed, the result is an undeniable greatness.
Motivator: Did u show up 4 work 2day? Sure, ur bones & skin & clothes r there, but did u show up, 2? Do u bring ur true & valuable self 2 the things u do? If u're going 2 do it, if u're going 2 be there, show up with the best u have. So many times we defeat ourselves b4 we even start, because we fail 2 commit our best 2 the effort. Any1 is capable of excellence. Any1 is capable of greatness. All that's required is 2 show up, 2 truly show up & put the whole of 1's being in2 the effort. Every person alive is filled 2 the top with value & possibilities, with passion, with purpose. Whenever all that abundance is focused & directed, the result is an undeniable greatness.
Monday, July 18, 2005
"Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life." --Sophia Loren (1934- ) Italian Actress
Just for a change, in Spanish.....
Motivador: Algunas personas miran a su alrededor y sĆ³lo ven infinitos problemas. Otros, ante el mismo panorama, ven infinitas oportunidades. Algunas personas ven a su trabajo sĆ³lo como una manera d sobrevivir. Otros con un trabajo similar, ven la manera d destacarse. Algunos ven lo q deben hacer y c sienten desanimados. Otros ven lo q pueden lograr haciĆ©ndolo y c entusiasman. Algunos son muy hĆ”biles a la hora d buscar excusas. Otros, allĆ mismo pueden descubrir oportunidades. ¿Q ves tĆŗ? Lo q ves no depende tanto d lo q hay sino d lo q estĆ”s buscando. Aquellos q consiguen lo q desean y disfrutan del Ć©xito lo viven asĆ xq tienen la capacidad d visualizar s Ć©xito y s logro. Lo q tĆŗ puedes ser, y tener, y conseguir y experimentar no depende tanto d lo q estĆ©s mirando sino d lo q decidas ver.
Just for a change, in Spanish.....
Motivador: Algunas personas miran a su alrededor y sĆ³lo ven infinitos problemas. Otros, ante el mismo panorama, ven infinitas oportunidades. Algunas personas ven a su trabajo sĆ³lo como una manera d sobrevivir. Otros con un trabajo similar, ven la manera d destacarse. Algunos ven lo q deben hacer y c sienten desanimados. Otros ven lo q pueden lograr haciĆ©ndolo y c entusiasman. Algunos son muy hĆ”biles a la hora d buscar excusas. Otros, allĆ mismo pueden descubrir oportunidades. ¿Q ves tĆŗ? Lo q ves no depende tanto d lo q hay sino d lo q estĆ”s buscando. Aquellos q consiguen lo q desean y disfrutan del Ć©xito lo viven asĆ xq tienen la capacidad d visualizar s Ć©xito y s logro. Lo q tĆŗ puedes ser, y tener, y conseguir y experimentar no depende tanto d lo q estĆ©s mirando sino d lo q decidas ver.
Friday, July 15, 2005
Seek respect mainly from thyself, for it comes first from within." --Steven H. Coogler
Motivator: Problems don't go away bi themselves, but opportunities do. If u wait 4 problems 2 just disappear, they usually get more serious. If u waste time while opportunity is knocking, it soon will leave and knock on some1 else's door. If u're reluctant 2 do something that needs 2 b done, consider that it will only get worse, the longer u wait. How would u like 2 have super-human strength? Act quickly, & u can solve 10 problems with the same effort it would take 2 deal with just 1 problem which has been avoided & grown 2 serious proportions. Time is ur most precious resource & the less time u wait 2 get started, the less time YOU'll spend doing it.
Motivator: Problems don't go away bi themselves, but opportunities do. If u wait 4 problems 2 just disappear, they usually get more serious. If u waste time while opportunity is knocking, it soon will leave and knock on some1 else's door. If u're reluctant 2 do something that needs 2 b done, consider that it will only get worse, the longer u wait. How would u like 2 have super-human strength? Act quickly, & u can solve 10 problems with the same effort it would take 2 deal with just 1 problem which has been avoided & grown 2 serious proportions. Time is ur most precious resource & the less time u wait 2 get started, the less time YOU'll spend doing it.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
"So great has been the endurance, so incredible the achievement, that, as long as the sun keeps a set course in heaven, it would be foolish to despair of the human race." - Ernest L. Woodward
Motivator: What great thing has ever been accomplished bi some1 who truly believed that he could not do it? How much time do u devote 2 anger? How much energy do u spend on resentment? How much of ur effort goes toward envy or revenge? What value will these things ever provide? Everything has a cost. If u let some1 make u angry, u've given a precious part of urself away 2 them. If u let something get u down, it just steals away that much of ur life. U can't really control what other people do, or what they say. Yet u have complete control over the way u respond 2 the people & events around u. C'ing everything as negative, will accomplish nothing. Make the effort 2 stay positively focused, regardless of the situation. Look 4 the good & YOU will find it.
Motivator: What great thing has ever been accomplished bi some1 who truly believed that he could not do it? How much time do u devote 2 anger? How much energy do u spend on resentment? How much of ur effort goes toward envy or revenge? What value will these things ever provide? Everything has a cost. If u let some1 make u angry, u've given a precious part of urself away 2 them. If u let something get u down, it just steals away that much of ur life. U can't really control what other people do, or what they say. Yet u have complete control over the way u respond 2 the people & events around u. C'ing everything as negative, will accomplish nothing. Make the effort 2 stay positively focused, regardless of the situation. Look 4 the good & YOU will find it.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
"If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears." --Glenn Clark
Motivator: After striving 4 a while & making little or no headway, we're tempted 2 give up. That's y most people never enjoy any significant kind of success. The winners in life realize that lack of progress is not a reason 2 give up, but rather a reason 2 adjust the approach. If 1 way is not working, there r probably a 100, or a 1000 other approaches that haven't yet been attempted. There is a way 2 get where u want 2 go. If the 1st few attempts fall short, keep looking 4 another way. Practice being persistent without being stubborn. There's no need 2 keep doing something that doesn't work. Yet there is no reason 2 give up.Finding urself at a dead end does not in itself prevent u from reaching ur destination. There's another road that will take u there. Keep looking & YOU'll find it.
Motivator: After striving 4 a while & making little or no headway, we're tempted 2 give up. That's y most people never enjoy any significant kind of success. The winners in life realize that lack of progress is not a reason 2 give up, but rather a reason 2 adjust the approach. If 1 way is not working, there r probably a 100, or a 1000 other approaches that haven't yet been attempted. There is a way 2 get where u want 2 go. If the 1st few attempts fall short, keep looking 4 another way. Practice being persistent without being stubborn. There's no need 2 keep doing something that doesn't work. Yet there is no reason 2 give up.Finding urself at a dead end does not in itself prevent u from reaching ur destination. There's another road that will take u there. Keep looking & YOU'll find it.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
"The happy people are those who are producing something; the bored people are those who are consuming much and producing nothing." - William Ralph Inge
Motivator: Who have u always dreamed of becoming? What have u always dreamed of doing? How have u always dreamed of living? There r dreams, & then there r dreams. There r dreams which r merely fantasies & then there r the 1's u actually bring 2 life with ur time, ur effort & ur commitment. The dreams u bring 2 life r the dreams that have the power 2 change ur life & 2 change the whole world 4 the better. How much energy do u put in2 living life on ur own terms, in2 fulfilling the special possibilities that r urs & urs alone? Invest ur time & energy in following ur highest & best dreams. In so doing u'll bring out ur best while contributing 2 life, & the world around u, in YOUR own special way....Believe....
Motivator: Who have u always dreamed of becoming? What have u always dreamed of doing? How have u always dreamed of living? There r dreams, & then there r dreams. There r dreams which r merely fantasies & then there r the 1's u actually bring 2 life with ur time, ur effort & ur commitment. The dreams u bring 2 life r the dreams that have the power 2 change ur life & 2 change the whole world 4 the better. How much energy do u put in2 living life on ur own terms, in2 fulfilling the special possibilities that r urs & urs alone? Invest ur time & energy in following ur highest & best dreams. In so doing u'll bring out ur best while contributing 2 life, & the world around u, in YOUR own special way....Believe....
Monday, July 11, 2005
"The lover knows much more about absolute good and universal beauty than any logician or theologian, unless the latter, too, be lovers in disguise." - George Santayana, "The Life of Reason: Reason in Society", 1906
Motivator: B bold. Though there is no guarantee of success, u significantly increase the probability of ur own success as soon as u take the 1st step 4ward. Suddenly u will know with confidence that it is within ur reach. B willing 2 do whatever is necessary. Doing almost everything necessary is not nearly enough. If u're going 2 make the effort, then make the full & complete effort. Otherwise it's just a waste of ur precious time & energy. There r plenty of difficult obstacles in ur path. Don't allow urself 2 become 1 of them. U can meet the challenges, u can overcome those obstacles, YOU can achieve success bi boldly stepping 4ward.
Motivator: B bold. Though there is no guarantee of success, u significantly increase the probability of ur own success as soon as u take the 1st step 4ward. Suddenly u will know with confidence that it is within ur reach. B willing 2 do whatever is necessary. Doing almost everything necessary is not nearly enough. If u're going 2 make the effort, then make the full & complete effort. Otherwise it's just a waste of ur precious time & energy. There r plenty of difficult obstacles in ur path. Don't allow urself 2 become 1 of them. U can meet the challenges, u can overcome those obstacles, YOU can achieve success bi boldly stepping 4ward.
Friday, July 08, 2005
"Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many--not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some." - Charles Dickens
Motivator: If u find urself at the bottom of a deep hole in the ground, & somebody starts shoveling dirt in2 the hole, what r u going 2 do? R u going 2 give up & resign urself 2 being buried, or r u going 2 step up on top of each fresh mound of dirt until u're finally able 2 step out of the hole? It all depends on whether u look at the dirt as something that will bury u or as something that can lift u higher. In short, it's a matter of attitude & perspective. Every day, problems, frustrations, challenges & uncertainty r heaped upon u. Which will it b? Don't stand still & let urself get buried when, with a bit of effort, u can use the very same situation 2 lift YOURSELF up.
Motivator: If u find urself at the bottom of a deep hole in the ground, & somebody starts shoveling dirt in2 the hole, what r u going 2 do? R u going 2 give up & resign urself 2 being buried, or r u going 2 step up on top of each fresh mound of dirt until u're finally able 2 step out of the hole? It all depends on whether u look at the dirt as something that will bury u or as something that can lift u higher. In short, it's a matter of attitude & perspective. Every day, problems, frustrations, challenges & uncertainty r heaped upon u. Which will it b? Don't stand still & let urself get buried when, with a bit of effort, u can use the very same situation 2 lift YOURSELF up.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
"Right actions for the future are the best apologies for wrong ones in the past." --Tyron Edwards
Motivator: If u've known nothing but frustration & disappointment 2day, keep going. Change ur approach based on what u've learned & u'll get urself where u want 2 go. The only way 2 lose is 2 give up. The only way 2 win is 2 persist. It's a clear choice. U can give up now, u can settle 4 less, or u can continue 4 as long as it takes 2 achieve what u've set out 2 achieve. Time will pass no matter what u do. Time will keep on going. Make use of every moment. U r destined 2 make things happen. U r here 2 make a difference. Keep on going, & in the persistence of ur efforts, u'll find a level of joy & fulfillment that YOU otherwise could not know.....Am I making a difference somehow????
Motivator: If u've known nothing but frustration & disappointment 2day, keep going. Change ur approach based on what u've learned & u'll get urself where u want 2 go. The only way 2 lose is 2 give up. The only way 2 win is 2 persist. It's a clear choice. U can give up now, u can settle 4 less, or u can continue 4 as long as it takes 2 achieve what u've set out 2 achieve. Time will pass no matter what u do. Time will keep on going. Make use of every moment. U r destined 2 make things happen. U r here 2 make a difference. Keep on going, & in the persistence of ur efforts, u'll find a level of joy & fulfillment that YOU otherwise could not know.....Am I making a difference somehow????
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
"Those who love deeply never grow old; they may die of old age, but they die young." --A.W. Pinero
Motivator: U've got a lot of great ideas. Perhaps u're so busy being worried or frustrated or stressed out that u fail 2 appreciate them. Or perhaps u notice the ideas, but fail 2 take action on them. That's 2 bad. Because the ideas u have can b the seeds of greatness in ur life. When u nurture them, put ur commitment & effort in2 working on them, make them stronger bi challenging them, & give them room 2 grow, ur ideas can bring incredible value 2 ur life. Pay attention 2 ur ideas. Write them down before u forget about them. Cum back a few days later & look objectively at each 1. Let ur natural creative process take hold. Then get 2 work on them. Ideas alone aren't worth very much, yet when YOU put some focused, persistent effort in2 them they can turn in2 something magnificent.
Motivator: U've got a lot of great ideas. Perhaps u're so busy being worried or frustrated or stressed out that u fail 2 appreciate them. Or perhaps u notice the ideas, but fail 2 take action on them. That's 2 bad. Because the ideas u have can b the seeds of greatness in ur life. When u nurture them, put ur commitment & effort in2 working on them, make them stronger bi challenging them, & give them room 2 grow, ur ideas can bring incredible value 2 ur life. Pay attention 2 ur ideas. Write them down before u forget about them. Cum back a few days later & look objectively at each 1. Let ur natural creative process take hold. Then get 2 work on them. Ideas alone aren't worth very much, yet when YOU put some focused, persistent effort in2 them they can turn in2 something magnificent.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
"Real heroes are men who fall and fail and are flawed, but win out in the end becauase they've stayed true to their ideals and beliefs and commitments." - Actor Kevin Costner
Motivator: If it were not 4 those who devote their lives, & who often give their lives, 4 a cause bigger than themselves, the world would b an entirely different place than it is 2day. We enjoy freedom because so many have served its cause & died 4 it. We benefit from knowledge, wisdom & faith because of all who have devoted their lives 2 advancing them. Each day u have an opportunity 2 continue that legacy & 2 expand upon its goodness. When u live ur moments in the service of something bigger than urself, u experience a fulfillment that goes beyond anything u could possibly find in self-centered pursuits. Take care of urself, 2 b sure; take care of ur world as well, & make sure 2 leave each place u go, each person u meet, each moment u live, better off than u found them, better 4 YOUR having part of them.
Motivator: If it were not 4 those who devote their lives, & who often give their lives, 4 a cause bigger than themselves, the world would b an entirely different place than it is 2day. We enjoy freedom because so many have served its cause & died 4 it. We benefit from knowledge, wisdom & faith because of all who have devoted their lives 2 advancing them. Each day u have an opportunity 2 continue that legacy & 2 expand upon its goodness. When u live ur moments in the service of something bigger than urself, u experience a fulfillment that goes beyond anything u could possibly find in self-centered pursuits. Take care of urself, 2 b sure; take care of ur world as well, & make sure 2 leave each place u go, each person u meet, each moment u live, better off than u found them, better 4 YOUR having part of them.
Monday, July 04, 2005
"Humor is an affirmation of dignity, a declaration of man's superiority to all that befalls him." --Romain Gary (1914-1980) French Writer
Motivator: Right now u r creating urself. ur thoughts, ur beliefs, ur actions, ur decisions, the things u say, the songs u sing, ur hopes, ur prayers, the things u learn all go in2 making the person u r, & the person u r 2 bcum. Every moment u're in the process of creating a person who is like no other, a life that is special. It is an opportunity which has no = in this world, & it is urs. Some people will take that opportunity & really run with it. Indeed, it is difficult 2 imagine y any1 would want 2 do anything less. Right now u r moving steadily toward being the person u will bcum. Right now u have the opportunity 2 fashion a life that is as splendid as anything u can imagine. So go ahead & imagine, because YOU're already busy making it so.
Motivator: Right now u r creating urself. ur thoughts, ur beliefs, ur actions, ur decisions, the things u say, the songs u sing, ur hopes, ur prayers, the things u learn all go in2 making the person u r, & the person u r 2 bcum. Every moment u're in the process of creating a person who is like no other, a life that is special. It is an opportunity which has no = in this world, & it is urs. Some people will take that opportunity & really run with it. Indeed, it is difficult 2 imagine y any1 would want 2 do anything less. Right now u r moving steadily toward being the person u will bcum. Right now u have the opportunity 2 fashion a life that is as splendid as anything u can imagine. So go ahead & imagine, because YOU're already busy making it so.
Friday, July 01, 2005
"We come into this world crying while all around us are smiling. May we so live that we go out of this world smiling while everybody around us is weeping." --Persian proverb.
Motivator: Have ur doubts bcum 2 comfortable? It's easier 2 doubt than it is 2 do. When u doubt that u can accomplish something, the doubt gives u a nice, comfortable place 2 hide, a reason 4 not making the effort. Yet if u keep piling up 1 doubt on top of another, soon there's no room left 4 ur dreams, ur goals, ur ambitions. When u seek refuge in the comfort of ur doubts, u close urself off from all the positive possibilities in ur life. After a while even the comfort fades, as regret sets in -regret 4 opportunities missed that will never cum again. If u fail 2 prove ur doubts wrong, they will eventually prove themselves right. Don't allow that 2 happen. Get up, get going & make those doubts look foolish. The longer u remain committed 2 ur goals, the weaker YOUR doubts bcum.
Motivator: Have ur doubts bcum 2 comfortable? It's easier 2 doubt than it is 2 do. When u doubt that u can accomplish something, the doubt gives u a nice, comfortable place 2 hide, a reason 4 not making the effort. Yet if u keep piling up 1 doubt on top of another, soon there's no room left 4 ur dreams, ur goals, ur ambitions. When u seek refuge in the comfort of ur doubts, u close urself off from all the positive possibilities in ur life. After a while even the comfort fades, as regret sets in -regret 4 opportunities missed that will never cum again. If u fail 2 prove ur doubts wrong, they will eventually prove themselves right. Don't allow that 2 happen. Get up, get going & make those doubts look foolish. The longer u remain committed 2 ur goals, the weaker YOUR doubts bcum.
Thursday, June 30, 2005
"No pleasure philosophy, no sensuality, no place nor power, no material success can for a moment give such inner satisfaction as the sense of living for good purposes, for maintenance of integrity, for the preservation of self-approval." --Minot Simons
Motivator: In the end, it requires just as much effort 2 live poorly as it does 2 live richly. & filling ur life with richness is a whole lot more fun :-). As long as u're going 2 put in the time & effort 2 go through the day, doesn't it make sense 2 get the very most u can from it? Ur expectations do a good job of keeping u in line. What u get from life is just about exactly what u expect. So here's a powerful suggestion -start expecting more! U r filled with possibilities & u live in a world full of opportunities. Resolve right now 2 make the most of it all. U r worth it, u can do it, & u'll b so glad YOU did.
Motivator: In the end, it requires just as much effort 2 live poorly as it does 2 live richly. & filling ur life with richness is a whole lot more fun :-). As long as u're going 2 put in the time & effort 2 go through the day, doesn't it make sense 2 get the very most u can from it? Ur expectations do a good job of keeping u in line. What u get from life is just about exactly what u expect. So here's a powerful suggestion -start expecting more! U r filled with possibilities & u live in a world full of opportunities. Resolve right now 2 make the most of it all. U r worth it, u can do it, & u'll b so glad YOU did.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." - Helen Keller
Motivator: R u tired & weary? Do u need something that will energize ur life & get u going? Give urself a good, difficult challenge -- something u truly want 2 achieve & something that will compel u 2 grow in the process. Once u dive in2 that challenge, it will energize every area of ur life. Y do people climb mountains? Y do billionaires who have enough money 4 1,000 lifetimes work 2 create even more business? Because they understand the value of challenge. Give urself a hefty challenge & watch YOUR life move rapidly 4ward.
Motivator: R u tired & weary? Do u need something that will energize ur life & get u going? Give urself a good, difficult challenge -- something u truly want 2 achieve & something that will compel u 2 grow in the process. Once u dive in2 that challenge, it will energize every area of ur life. Y do people climb mountains? Y do billionaires who have enough money 4 1,000 lifetimes work 2 create even more business? Because they understand the value of challenge. Give urself a hefty challenge & watch YOUR life move rapidly 4ward.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
"Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun." --Mary Lou Cook
Motivator: U'll only live this day once, yet u will live with it 4 the rest of ur life. 2day u have the opportunity 2 take action, 2 make things happen, 2 create, 2 express urself, 2 b with those u love, 2 experience the beauty that's around u. The way u spend this day will have repercussions which will echo through ur life 4 years. U have the opportunity right now 2 control whether u'll look back on 2day with satisfaction or with regret. So what will it b? That's up 2 u. 2day is here right now. It's ur opportunity 2 fill ur life with value & meaning. Make it a day YOU can continue 2 live with & enjoy.
Motivator: U'll only live this day once, yet u will live with it 4 the rest of ur life. 2day u have the opportunity 2 take action, 2 make things happen, 2 create, 2 express urself, 2 b with those u love, 2 experience the beauty that's around u. The way u spend this day will have repercussions which will echo through ur life 4 years. U have the opportunity right now 2 control whether u'll look back on 2day with satisfaction or with regret. So what will it b? That's up 2 u. 2day is here right now. It's ur opportunity 2 fill ur life with value & meaning. Make it a day YOU can continue 2 live with & enjoy.
Monday, June 27, 2005
"The conditions of conquest are always easy. We have but to toil awhile, endure awhile, believe always, and never turn back." - Marcus Annaeus Seneca
Motivator: 4 every disappointment u're experiencing there's a step u can take right now that will begin 2 move u away from that disappointment. 4 every weakness or limitation there's a step u can take right now that will make u stronger. Each time a disappointment cums ur way, each time u encounter a discouraging situation, challenge urself 2 find something positive & compelling 2 offset it. The world is full of ups & downs. The quality of ur life depends not on how many ups or downs cum ur way, but rather on where u choose 2 direct YOUR focus.
Motivator: 4 every disappointment u're experiencing there's a step u can take right now that will begin 2 move u away from that disappointment. 4 every weakness or limitation there's a step u can take right now that will make u stronger. Each time a disappointment cums ur way, each time u encounter a discouraging situation, challenge urself 2 find something positive & compelling 2 offset it. The world is full of ups & downs. The quality of ur life depends not on how many ups or downs cum ur way, but rather on where u choose 2 direct YOUR focus.
Friday, June 24, 2005
"It is a good thing to be rich, it is a good thing to be strong, but it is a better thing to be beloved of many friends." - Euripedes
Motivator: It's nice & comfortable 2 lie in bed an xtra hr or so on a rainy Saturday morning. Yet if u stay in bed all day, that's not comfortable @ all. Being comfortable is pleasant up 2 a point. After that point, the comfort is no longer desirable & can in fact becum quite unpleasant. Comfort is enjoyable. Thankfully that enjoyment doesn't continue indefinitely. No matter how comfortable u may b, soon u get hungry 4 life, 4 challenge, 4 the opportunity 2 make a difference. Pay heed 2 that dissatisfaction. Get out of ur nice warm bed while it's still nice & warm. Move beyond ur comfort zone before it smothers YOU. There's so much more 2 life than mere comfort. Experience it all!
Motivator: It's nice & comfortable 2 lie in bed an xtra hr or so on a rainy Saturday morning. Yet if u stay in bed all day, that's not comfortable @ all. Being comfortable is pleasant up 2 a point. After that point, the comfort is no longer desirable & can in fact becum quite unpleasant. Comfort is enjoyable. Thankfully that enjoyment doesn't continue indefinitely. No matter how comfortable u may b, soon u get hungry 4 life, 4 challenge, 4 the opportunity 2 make a difference. Pay heed 2 that dissatisfaction. Get out of ur nice warm bed while it's still nice & warm. Move beyond ur comfort zone before it smothers YOU. There's so much more 2 life than mere comfort. Experience it all!
Thursday, June 23, 2005
"The only service a friend can really render is to keep up your courage by holding up to you a mirror in which you can see a noble image of yourself." - George Bernard Shaw
Motivator: When u look @ a bigger picture, just the change in viewpoint alone will suddenly make the problems smaller. Does it make sense 2 spend all ur energy fighting battles that don't really matter? Those who can c the bigger picture r able 2 focus on achieving bigger, more positive results. Is something holding u down? Back away from it. Frame it within a larger perspective & u'll create more room 4 urself 2 get around it. R u crawling along the rocky ground, agonizing over every pebble? Or r u flying through the air, enjoying the view from 30,000 feet? The difference is 1 of perspective. Make urs big enough, & YOU'll move suddenly 4ward.
Motivator: When u look @ a bigger picture, just the change in viewpoint alone will suddenly make the problems smaller. Does it make sense 2 spend all ur energy fighting battles that don't really matter? Those who can c the bigger picture r able 2 focus on achieving bigger, more positive results. Is something holding u down? Back away from it. Frame it within a larger perspective & u'll create more room 4 urself 2 get around it. R u crawling along the rocky ground, agonizing over every pebble? Or r u flying through the air, enjoying the view from 30,000 feet? The difference is 1 of perspective. Make urs big enough, & YOU'll move suddenly 4ward.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
"The road to happiness lies in two simple principles: find what it is that interests you and that you can do well, and when you find it, put your whole soul into it -- every bit of energy and ambition and natural ability you have." - John D. Rockefeller III
Motivator: A positive outlook costs u nothing, yet it can bring u so very much. How can u b positive if everything is going wrong? Because a positive outlook is a great way 2 get things going right. The reason 2 b positive is because of how ur positive outlook will shape the future. It will enable u 2 c possibilities that exist despite the problems & obstacles. It can energize ur actions & keep u focused on moving 4ward. Is it naive 2 b positive, or just wishful thinking? Most certainly not. Though it's foolish 2 ignore reality, it's even more foolish 2 give in 2 negativity when that reality gets 2 difficult. The more u acknowledge, accept & pursue positive possibilities, the better off YOU'll b.
Motivator: A positive outlook costs u nothing, yet it can bring u so very much. How can u b positive if everything is going wrong? Because a positive outlook is a great way 2 get things going right. The reason 2 b positive is because of how ur positive outlook will shape the future. It will enable u 2 c possibilities that exist despite the problems & obstacles. It can energize ur actions & keep u focused on moving 4ward. Is it naive 2 b positive, or just wishful thinking? Most certainly not. Though it's foolish 2 ignore reality, it's even more foolish 2 give in 2 negativity when that reality gets 2 difficult. The more u acknowledge, accept & pursue positive possibilities, the better off YOU'll b.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
"I have found that the greatest help in meeting any problem with decency and self-respect and whatever courage is demanded, is to know where you yourself stand. That is, to have in words what you believe and are acting from." --William Faulkner (1897-1962) American Writer
Motivator: An encouraging word, a helpful gesture, an offer of assistance or understanding can go a long way 2 turn things around. It is easy 2 complain when things aren't going right. It is easy 2 criticize every1 & everything. But where does that get u? People will respond 2 kindness. If u want some1 on ur side, if u want 2 persuade some1 2 c ur point of view, 1 of the best ways is 2 approach them with sincere kindness & caring. It can diffuse a tense situation. It can help u 2 build rapport. & it must b sincere. It must cum from the heart. Try a little kindness, with no expectations of anything in return. It will improve ur outlook, ur effectiveness, & it might even lower ur blood pressure! Put some kindness in2 the world & YOU'll like what the world gives back.
Motivator: An encouraging word, a helpful gesture, an offer of assistance or understanding can go a long way 2 turn things around. It is easy 2 complain when things aren't going right. It is easy 2 criticize every1 & everything. But where does that get u? People will respond 2 kindness. If u want some1 on ur side, if u want 2 persuade some1 2 c ur point of view, 1 of the best ways is 2 approach them with sincere kindness & caring. It can diffuse a tense situation. It can help u 2 build rapport. & it must b sincere. It must cum from the heart. Try a little kindness, with no expectations of anything in return. It will improve ur outlook, ur effectiveness, & it might even lower ur blood pressure! Put some kindness in2 the world & YOU'll like what the world gives back.
Monday, June 20, 2005
"The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in the persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours." --Beatrice Vincent
Motivator: Self discipline is the way 2 transform ur weaknesses in2 strengths. Without discipline, even when u know what u want, u're unable 2 achieve it. Without discipline, even though u know what u don't want, u're unable 2 avoid it. It takes effort, it takes determination, it takes sacrifice, yet it is not a punishment. Rather, it is a fulfillment, the means 2 reaching ur highest & best possibilities. How do u "get" self discipline? U already have it. It involves nothing more than controlling ur own actions, & u've been doing that since u were a child. 2 discipline urself, u simply must decide 2 do it. The powerful tool of self discipline is urs 2 use whenever u're ready start living life on YOUR own terms.
Motivator: Self discipline is the way 2 transform ur weaknesses in2 strengths. Without discipline, even when u know what u want, u're unable 2 achieve it. Without discipline, even though u know what u don't want, u're unable 2 avoid it. It takes effort, it takes determination, it takes sacrifice, yet it is not a punishment. Rather, it is a fulfillment, the means 2 reaching ur highest & best possibilities. How do u "get" self discipline? U already have it. It involves nothing more than controlling ur own actions, & u've been doing that since u were a child. 2 discipline urself, u simply must decide 2 do it. The powerful tool of self discipline is urs 2 use whenever u're ready start living life on YOUR own terms.
Friday, June 17, 2005
"There is only one real failure in life that is possible, and that is, not to be true to the best one knows." --John Farrar (1945-) Austrailian Composer
Motivator: The person u pay the most attention 2 is urself. The things u say 2 urself, u tend 2 believe without question. Unfortunately, 2 many people talk 2 negatively 2 themselves 2 much of the time. After all, u control what u say 2 urself. So choose 2 b positive when talking 2 urself. Rather than thinking "I'll never b able 2 do that" tell urself "This is a great challenge that will bring out the best in me." Have u ever offered words of encouragement 2 some1 else? That's great! Remember 2 give urself similar encouragement on a regular basis. U r ur own best motivational speaker. Make a point 2 give urself some positive encouragement every day. It will truly bring out the best in YOU!
Motivator: The person u pay the most attention 2 is urself. The things u say 2 urself, u tend 2 believe without question. Unfortunately, 2 many people talk 2 negatively 2 themselves 2 much of the time. After all, u control what u say 2 urself. So choose 2 b positive when talking 2 urself. Rather than thinking "I'll never b able 2 do that" tell urself "This is a great challenge that will bring out the best in me." Have u ever offered words of encouragement 2 some1 else? That's great! Remember 2 give urself similar encouragement on a regular basis. U r ur own best motivational speaker. Make a point 2 give urself some positive encouragement every day. It will truly bring out the best in YOU!
Thursday, June 16, 2005
"Happiness is like a cat. If you try to coax it or call it, it will avoid you. It will never come. But if you pay no attention to it and go about your business, you'll find it rubbing up against your legs and jumping into your lap." - William Bennett
Motivator: Along the path toward ur goal, occasionally u'll wander off in the wrong direction. It's OK. In fact, it can help u. U'll probably learn or experience something valuable. After all, something caused u 2 b distracted. & once u're off the main road, u might as well make the most of it. Then, remind urself of where u were going in the 1st place, & of how much u want 2 get there. The disappointment of getting distracted, gives u the opportunity 2 reflect on ur original direction. Use these distractions as opportunities 2 learn & grow, then point urself back in the direction of YOUR goals, with renewed commitment & enthusiasm.
Motivator: Along the path toward ur goal, occasionally u'll wander off in the wrong direction. It's OK. In fact, it can help u. U'll probably learn or experience something valuable. After all, something caused u 2 b distracted. & once u're off the main road, u might as well make the most of it. Then, remind urself of where u were going in the 1st place, & of how much u want 2 get there. The disappointment of getting distracted, gives u the opportunity 2 reflect on ur original direction. Use these distractions as opportunities 2 learn & grow, then point urself back in the direction of YOUR goals, with renewed commitment & enthusiasm.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you will help them become what they are capable of becoming." --Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
"There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self." --Hindu proverb
Motivator: Even the most difficult challenge can b broken down in2 finite, easily accomplished steps. People who only take some of those steps will fall short of the goal. Some people will often take a few steps & then stop, complaining about how unfair life is. Others will take some steps in 1 direction, grow bored, & then start off in another direction, only 2 becum disillusioned. The only way 2 success is 2 go all the way 2 success. The path 2 any success is in front of u, & u r free 2 travel that path, 1 step at a time. Each step is within ur reach. It's up 2 YOU 2 take them all, every 1 of them!
Motivator: Even the most difficult challenge can b broken down in2 finite, easily accomplished steps. People who only take some of those steps will fall short of the goal. Some people will often take a few steps & then stop, complaining about how unfair life is. Others will take some steps in 1 direction, grow bored, & then start off in another direction, only 2 becum disillusioned. The only way 2 success is 2 go all the way 2 success. The path 2 any success is in front of u, & u r free 2 travel that path, 1 step at a time. Each step is within ur reach. It's up 2 YOU 2 take them all, every 1 of them!
Monday, June 13, 2005
"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of leave the world a better know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Motivator: We often say things such as "He makes me furious. He makes me nervous. This job stresses me out. That's driving me crazy." As true as such statements may seem, they're not accurate. When u r angry, or nervous, stressful, fearful, offended or excited, it's due 2 a choice u have made. The other person or situation does not make u that way. The way u respond 2 every situation is up 2 u. When making that choice, it pays 2 consider what will happen as a result of that choice & 2 ask urself if it will have a positive impact on ur life. Rather than putting those responses on auto-pilot, select those which will move ur life, & the world in which YOU live, positively 4ward.
Motivator: We often say things such as "He makes me furious. He makes me nervous. This job stresses me out. That's driving me crazy." As true as such statements may seem, they're not accurate. When u r angry, or nervous, stressful, fearful, offended or excited, it's due 2 a choice u have made. The other person or situation does not make u that way. The way u respond 2 every situation is up 2 u. When making that choice, it pays 2 consider what will happen as a result of that choice & 2 ask urself if it will have a positive impact on ur life. Rather than putting those responses on auto-pilot, select those which will move ur life, & the world in which YOU live, positively 4ward.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
"Gentlemen, why don't you laugh? With the fearful strain that is upon me night and day, if I did not laugh, I should die." - Abraham Lincoln
Motivator: When u blame others 4 your problems, u give up ur ability 2 solve them. Do u really want 2 do that? No matter who may have done what, ur best strategy is 2 take responsibility 4 it. Though it may b their fault, it's ur life. Don't depend on those who have hurt u in the past 2 help u in the future. 4get about who is 2 blame. Focus on what is 2 b done. If u're not satisfied with ur circumstances, it's up 2 u 2 change them 4 the better. Certainly there r many things outside ur control. Accept them, adjust 4 them, & put ur efforts in2 moving 4ward as a result of ur own thoughts, ur own actions. The energy it would take 2 blame & hold a grudge can b used instead 2 make a positive difference. Rather than perpetuating something unpleasant in ur past, choose 2 leave it behind. Create ur future the way YOU would like it 2 b.
Motivator: When u blame others 4 your problems, u give up ur ability 2 solve them. Do u really want 2 do that? No matter who may have done what, ur best strategy is 2 take responsibility 4 it. Though it may b their fault, it's ur life. Don't depend on those who have hurt u in the past 2 help u in the future. 4get about who is 2 blame. Focus on what is 2 b done. If u're not satisfied with ur circumstances, it's up 2 u 2 change them 4 the better. Certainly there r many things outside ur control. Accept them, adjust 4 them, & put ur efforts in2 moving 4ward as a result of ur own thoughts, ur own actions. The energy it would take 2 blame & hold a grudge can b used instead 2 make a positive difference. Rather than perpetuating something unpleasant in ur past, choose 2 leave it behind. Create ur future the way YOU would like it 2 b.
Friday, June 10, 2005
"Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is a beauty, admire it. Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a duty, complete it. Life is a game, play it. Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is sorrow, overcome it. Life is a song, sing it. Life is a struggle, accept it. Life is a tragedy, confront it. Life is an adventure, dare it. Life is luck, make it. Life is life, fight for it!" - Mother Teresa
Motivator: It is ordinary 2 speak with a friend on the phone. Yet when u think of the physical complexities, the social, linguistic & technological accomplishments necessary 4 such a feat, it is indeed amazing. We may think of a miracle as something out of the ordinary, yet that which is ordinary is itself a most wonderful miracle. From ordinary days cum exceptional joy. From ordinary lives cum outstanding accomplishments. In every ordinary moment is possibility, & there's nothing ordinary about that. The fact that life often seems so ordinary, & that we take so much of it 4 granted, is a powerful testament 2 the all-encompassing quality of its wonder. Keep in mind that within ordinary moments r the most extraordinary things YOU could possibly experience.
Motivator: It is ordinary 2 speak with a friend on the phone. Yet when u think of the physical complexities, the social, linguistic & technological accomplishments necessary 4 such a feat, it is indeed amazing. We may think of a miracle as something out of the ordinary, yet that which is ordinary is itself a most wonderful miracle. From ordinary days cum exceptional joy. From ordinary lives cum outstanding accomplishments. In every ordinary moment is possibility, & there's nothing ordinary about that. The fact that life often seems so ordinary, & that we take so much of it 4 granted, is a powerful testament 2 the all-encompassing quality of its wonder. Keep in mind that within ordinary moments r the most extraordinary things YOU could possibly experience.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
"He who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger." -Japanese proverb
Motivator: Success requires that u go the distance. Results depend not only on what u start 2 do, but on what u complete. Accomplishment depends not on what u intend 2 do, but on what u actually get done. Wishing, hoping, planning, & trying will not bi themselves get u there. Ur persistence, ur commitment, ur actions r what will bring the success u seek. The world is full of those with great ideas & big plans. Unfortunately, 2 many of those ideas r never fully explored. 2 many of those plans r never completely implemented. Dream big dreams. Make big plans. & then take the actions which will make those dreams a reality. Give real time & effort 2 ur best intentions & YOU'll transform them in2 accomplishment.
Motivator: Success requires that u go the distance. Results depend not only on what u start 2 do, but on what u complete. Accomplishment depends not on what u intend 2 do, but on what u actually get done. Wishing, hoping, planning, & trying will not bi themselves get u there. Ur persistence, ur commitment, ur actions r what will bring the success u seek. The world is full of those with great ideas & big plans. Unfortunately, 2 many of those ideas r never fully explored. 2 many of those plans r never completely implemented. Dream big dreams. Make big plans. & then take the actions which will make those dreams a reality. Give real time & effort 2 ur best intentions & YOU'll transform them in2 accomplishment.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
"Take time to laugh - it is the music of the soul." --From an old English prayer.
Motivator: When u experience misfortune, or when another person wrongs u, or when u find urself in difficult circumstances, u can choose 2 b a victim. U can choose 2 solicit sympathy & 2 feel sorry 4 urself. U can choose 2 take comfort in the knowledge that some1 else is responsible 4 ur troubles. Or u can choose 2 pick urself up & move forward. U can refuse 2 allow urself 2 b a victim. Others may hurt u. Circumstances may work against u. Tragedy may cum ur way. Yet none of this means u must consent 2 b a victim. Choose 2 make triumph rise from tragedy. Choose 2 make every defeat a temporary 1 on the way 2 ultimate victory. Rather than being skilled @ complaining & collecting excuses, bcum skilled @ adapting & turning even the most difficult circumstances in YOUR favor.
Motivator: When u experience misfortune, or when another person wrongs u, or when u find urself in difficult circumstances, u can choose 2 b a victim. U can choose 2 solicit sympathy & 2 feel sorry 4 urself. U can choose 2 take comfort in the knowledge that some1 else is responsible 4 ur troubles. Or u can choose 2 pick urself up & move forward. U can refuse 2 allow urself 2 b a victim. Others may hurt u. Circumstances may work against u. Tragedy may cum ur way. Yet none of this means u must consent 2 b a victim. Choose 2 make triumph rise from tragedy. Choose 2 make every defeat a temporary 1 on the way 2 ultimate victory. Rather than being skilled @ complaining & collecting excuses, bcum skilled @ adapting & turning even the most difficult circumstances in YOUR favor.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
"No matter who says what, you should accept it with a smile and do your own work." - Mother Teresa
Motivator: U can find a way 2 rise 2 any challenge, accomplish any objective, transcend any obstacle when u know u're doing the right thing. R u doing what is right? Is it right 4 the person u r? Is it right 4 those u love? Is it right 4 the beliefs u hold? Is it right 4 the goals u have set 4 urself? Is it right 4 the world in which u live? Doing what is right will harness the full power of ur being. Doing what is right will put truth & goodness on ur side. Doing what is right will leave u with no need 2 make excuses or 2 suffer regret. Put YOUR time & energy in2 doing what is right; the resulting efforts will b powerful, effective & fulfilling.
Motivator: U can find a way 2 rise 2 any challenge, accomplish any objective, transcend any obstacle when u know u're doing the right thing. R u doing what is right? Is it right 4 the person u r? Is it right 4 those u love? Is it right 4 the beliefs u hold? Is it right 4 the goals u have set 4 urself? Is it right 4 the world in which u live? Doing what is right will harness the full power of ur being. Doing what is right will put truth & goodness on ur side. Doing what is right will leave u with no need 2 make excuses or 2 suffer regret. Put YOUR time & energy in2 doing what is right; the resulting efforts will b powerful, effective & fulfilling.
Monday, June 06, 2005
"The world is moved not only by the mighty shoves of the heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker." - Helen Keller
Motivator: The things 4 which u r responsible r the things over which u have control. If u attempt 2 seize control, u'll b met with fierce resistance. Yet when u offer 2 accept responsibility, u'll b welcomed with open arms. Lots of people r quick 2 claim "it's not my responsibility." Bi so doing, they deny themselves the best opportunities. If u desire 2 have an influence, if u desire 2 make an impact, YOU must b willing 2 take responsibility. Those who fail 2 exercise their responsibilities quickly lose them. Influence, effectiveness & achievement r earned, & responsibility is a critical part of the process. Those who have the 4sight 2 accept it will rise quickly 2 ever-increasing success.
Motivator: The things 4 which u r responsible r the things over which u have control. If u attempt 2 seize control, u'll b met with fierce resistance. Yet when u offer 2 accept responsibility, u'll b welcomed with open arms. Lots of people r quick 2 claim "it's not my responsibility." Bi so doing, they deny themselves the best opportunities. If u desire 2 have an influence, if u desire 2 make an impact, YOU must b willing 2 take responsibility. Those who fail 2 exercise their responsibilities quickly lose them. Influence, effectiveness & achievement r earned, & responsibility is a critical part of the process. Those who have the 4sight 2 accept it will rise quickly 2 ever-increasing success.
Sunday, June 05, 2005
"If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well." - Martin Luther King, Jr
Motivator: When u can accept & even welcum ur feelings, they lose their power over u. Do u feel lousy 2day? Instead of making that something 2 fight against, let it b. Accept that u feel lousy, & suddenly it's not so bad. Ur feelings help u 2 perceive, understand & interact with the world. They r urs 2 experience, 2 learn from & 2 enjoy. Accept them all. Welcum them all. Fighting against them or resenting them does not make them go away. In fact it gives them more power. Each 1 can help u 2 understand urself. Let them fill ur life. Don't let them dominate it. Each day u'll move 4ward past a whole lot of different feelings. C them as milestones along the way, not there 2 slow u down, but 2 keep u moving positively ahead.
Motivator: When u can accept & even welcum ur feelings, they lose their power over u. Do u feel lousy 2day? Instead of making that something 2 fight against, let it b. Accept that u feel lousy, & suddenly it's not so bad. Ur feelings help u 2 perceive, understand & interact with the world. They r urs 2 experience, 2 learn from & 2 enjoy. Accept them all. Welcum them all. Fighting against them or resenting them does not make them go away. In fact it gives them more power. Each 1 can help u 2 understand urself. Let them fill ur life. Don't let them dominate it. Each day u'll move 4ward past a whole lot of different feelings. C them as milestones along the way, not there 2 slow u down, but 2 keep u moving positively ahead.
Friday, June 03, 2005
"Beauty, truth, friendship, love, creation - these are the great values of life. We can't prove them, or explain them, yet they are the most stable things in our lives." --Jesse Herman Holmes
Motivator: All the things u hope 2 becum, all the things u would like 2 accomplish, all the things u plan 2 do, don't carry much weight in comparison 2 those things u actually expect 2 becum, 2 accomplish & 2 do. The best crafted plans r meaningless unless u sincerely expect 2 follow through on them. The most magnificent dreams will evade u until u can truly & confidently expect 2 achieve them. Ur expectations 4 this day, this year, this life will significantly impact u outcums. Raise ur expectations not others', & u raise the quality of ur life. Can u expect great things 4 urself? Yes, indeed u can. Will u? That is completely up 2 YOU.
Motivator: All the things u hope 2 becum, all the things u would like 2 accomplish, all the things u plan 2 do, don't carry much weight in comparison 2 those things u actually expect 2 becum, 2 accomplish & 2 do. The best crafted plans r meaningless unless u sincerely expect 2 follow through on them. The most magnificent dreams will evade u until u can truly & confidently expect 2 achieve them. Ur expectations 4 this day, this year, this life will significantly impact u outcums. Raise ur expectations not others', & u raise the quality of ur life. Can u expect great things 4 urself? Yes, indeed u can. Will u? That is completely up 2 YOU.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
"To be capable of steady friendship or lasting love, are the two greatest proofs, not only of goodness of heart, but of strength of mind." - William Hazlitt
Motivator: There was a time when u had never done even those things at which u're now most skilled. But u learned how, & u did them. U learned some more & improved. Think of all the things that at 1 time were new 2 u. Everything u know right now was at 1 time something new. U've discovered. U've learned. U've improved. U're very experienced at going through that process. It has been happening from the moment u were born. What u need 2 achieve, what u desire 2 achieve, u can indeed achieve. How intensely do u want it? What r u willing 2 do? U're good at achievement, so choose carefully what u decide 2 achieve. Because YOU'll get it.
Motivator: There was a time when u had never done even those things at which u're now most skilled. But u learned how, & u did them. U learned some more & improved. Think of all the things that at 1 time were new 2 u. Everything u know right now was at 1 time something new. U've discovered. U've learned. U've improved. U're very experienced at going through that process. It has been happening from the moment u were born. What u need 2 achieve, what u desire 2 achieve, u can indeed achieve. How intensely do u want it? What r u willing 2 do? U're good at achievement, so choose carefully what u decide 2 achieve. Because YOU'll get it.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
"Time and money spent in helping men do more for themselves is far better than mere giving." - Henry Ford
Motivator: The more u depend on things outside urself the more frustrated & miserable u will becum. These things need not b conditional, or dependent on factors outside ur control. Stop waiting 4 permission 2 b happy. Give urself permission & start living each moment with joy. "If only I could find a new job & make more $$, then I would b happy." Do u attempt 2 console urself with false assumptions such as this? Bi all means, make every effort 2 put urself in a gr8 job, but don't fool urself in2 thinking that it will bring u fulfillment, or that the lack of it will prevent u from being happy. U will b fulfilled & happy when u realize that u already have enough. & that depends entirely on u. Accept & live out the abundance that is already urs, & nothing in the world can hold U back.
Motivator: The more u depend on things outside urself the more frustrated & miserable u will becum. These things need not b conditional, or dependent on factors outside ur control. Stop waiting 4 permission 2 b happy. Give urself permission & start living each moment with joy. "If only I could find a new job & make more $$, then I would b happy." Do u attempt 2 console urself with false assumptions such as this? Bi all means, make every effort 2 put urself in a gr8 job, but don't fool urself in2 thinking that it will bring u fulfillment, or that the lack of it will prevent u from being happy. U will b fulfilled & happy when u realize that u already have enough. & that depends entirely on u. Accept & live out the abundance that is already urs, & nothing in the world can hold U back.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
"The firmest friendships have been formed in mutual adversity, as iron is most strongly united by the fiercest flame." - Charles Caleb Colton
Motivator: In every setback is the opportunity 2 pick urself up & the energy 2 move 2 an even higher level than b4. When they appear, the setbacks seem devastating. & yet, even in despair u can feel the raw energy, ready & waiting 2 b applied in a positive direction. True, that energy can take u down even further if u let it. Make the choice, instead, 2 move 4ward with it. With every fall cums an opportunity. It is up 2 u 2 seize that opportunity & 2 cum back even stronger than b4. Success is not a function of how many times u fall, but of how fast u get back up. When u're able 2 recover quickly enough, the setbacks will actually propel u 4ward. Get right back up, & u'll c YOU've been dealt a great opportunity.
Motivator: In every setback is the opportunity 2 pick urself up & the energy 2 move 2 an even higher level than b4. When they appear, the setbacks seem devastating. & yet, even in despair u can feel the raw energy, ready & waiting 2 b applied in a positive direction. True, that energy can take u down even further if u let it. Make the choice, instead, 2 move 4ward with it. With every fall cums an opportunity. It is up 2 u 2 seize that opportunity & 2 cum back even stronger than b4. Success is not a function of how many times u fall, but of how fast u get back up. When u're able 2 recover quickly enough, the setbacks will actually propel u 4ward. Get right back up, & u'll c YOU've been dealt a great opportunity.
Friday, May 27, 2005
"Who is the happiest of men? He who values the merits of others, and in their pleasure takes joy, even as though t'were his own." - Johann von Goethe *Are you happy in this manner??? In addition to not making us be jelous or envious of others if we make their gain is ours!
Motivator: Play an active role in ur world, & yet spend some time apart from it as well. On a regular basis, take a break. Get some rest. Listen 2 nothing but quietness. Relax in empowering peacefulness. Recharge ur spirit & re-focus ur mind upon the things which r truly important 2 u. Ur power 2 create & accomplish can work against u or it can work 4 u. The guidance u give it, born of the strength of ur spirit, will make all the difference. Nourish the essence of ur being with time & thought spent away from the holler of a complex world & a busy life. Then get back in & give true meaning 2 every moment of that life.
Motivator: Play an active role in ur world, & yet spend some time apart from it as well. On a regular basis, take a break. Get some rest. Listen 2 nothing but quietness. Relax in empowering peacefulness. Recharge ur spirit & re-focus ur mind upon the things which r truly important 2 u. Ur power 2 create & accomplish can work against u or it can work 4 u. The guidance u give it, born of the strength of ur spirit, will make all the difference. Nourish the essence of ur being with time & thought spent away from the holler of a complex world & a busy life. Then get back in & give true meaning 2 every moment of that life.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
"Faith that the thing can be done is essential to any great achievement." - Thomas N. Carruther
Motivator: Each of us is blessed with numerous ways 2 make a positive difference. Make a positive difference, & it will spread. The caring & goodness u invest in others will multiply, going on & on far beyond u. What a way 2 make an impact! There r plenty of justifications 4 being cynical, but there is no good reason 2 b. Likewise, there r plenty of excuses 4 not giving ur best, & yet every reason in the world 2 do so anyway, & 2 b a genuine positive influence. B true 2 the best that u have & let it shine through each thing u do. The richness of YOUR life grows ever more valuable each time it is shared.
Motivator: Each of us is blessed with numerous ways 2 make a positive difference. Make a positive difference, & it will spread. The caring & goodness u invest in others will multiply, going on & on far beyond u. What a way 2 make an impact! There r plenty of justifications 4 being cynical, but there is no good reason 2 b. Likewise, there r plenty of excuses 4 not giving ur best, & yet every reason in the world 2 do so anyway, & 2 b a genuine positive influence. B true 2 the best that u have & let it shine through each thing u do. The richness of YOUR life grows ever more valuable each time it is shared.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
"No pleasure philosophy, no sensuality, no place nor power, no material success can for a moment give such inner satisfaction as the sense of living for good purposes, for maintenance of integrity, for the preservation of self-approval." - Minot Simons
Motivator: Each minute u spend in preparation saves at least 5 to 10 minutes worth of catching up. When opportunities cum ur way they won't wait until u 2 get ready 4 them. U must already b prepared 2 meet the challenges & quickly seize those opportunities, or they'll leave u behind. Preparation makes the difference between merely offering empty promises & really being able 2 deliver. Those who r prepared can deliver right away. Those who r not can only try. Each day, every time u can, make the extra effort 2 better prepare urself. It is time well invested, which begins 2 pay dividends almost immediately. Prepare ahead, work ahead, & YOU'LL surely get ahead.
Motivator: Each minute u spend in preparation saves at least 5 to 10 minutes worth of catching up. When opportunities cum ur way they won't wait until u 2 get ready 4 them. U must already b prepared 2 meet the challenges & quickly seize those opportunities, or they'll leave u behind. Preparation makes the difference between merely offering empty promises & really being able 2 deliver. Those who r prepared can deliver right away. Those who r not can only try. Each day, every time u can, make the extra effort 2 better prepare urself. It is time well invested, which begins 2 pay dividends almost immediately. Prepare ahead, work ahead, & YOU'LL surely get ahead.
Monday, May 23, 2005
"Every heart that has beat strongly and cheerfully has left a hopeful impulse behind it in the world, and bettered the tradition of mankind." - Robert Louis Stevenson
Motivator: U'll never b satisfied or fulfilled bi hat which is empty, no matter how much u have of it. When u must choose between speed & direction, choose direction. Going faster & faster will do u no good if the destination is not where u wish 2 end up. What a shame it would b 2 diligently spend ur effort & irreplaceable time on an empty pursuit. Be4 u make the effort, be4 u commit the time, decide precisely where u intend 2 go, & why. Pay attention 2 where YOU'RE going. Put thought & consideration in2 the destination, & the journey will bring abundant rewards.
Motivator: U'll never b satisfied or fulfilled bi hat which is empty, no matter how much u have of it. When u must choose between speed & direction, choose direction. Going faster & faster will do u no good if the destination is not where u wish 2 end up. What a shame it would b 2 diligently spend ur effort & irreplaceable time on an empty pursuit. Be4 u make the effort, be4 u commit the time, decide precisely where u intend 2 go, & why. Pay attention 2 where YOU'RE going. Put thought & consideration in2 the destination, & the journey will bring abundant rewards.
Friday, May 20, 2005
"You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who can do nothing for them or to them." --Malcolm Forbes (1919-1990) American Publisher
Motivator: Effort gets things done. Patience sees them through. Both r crucial 2 success. When u can balance effort & patience, it is a powerful combination. U can make almost anything happen with enough effort, but not right away. The most effective effort is continuing effort, which patience makes possible. The most spectacularly successful people in any field r those who have the patience 2 continually apply their effort 4 as long as it takes 2 succeed. Know when 2 push & when 2 wait. Balance aggressive effort with a deep, underlying patience & the results YOU achieve will b truly amazing.
Motivator: Effort gets things done. Patience sees them through. Both r crucial 2 success. When u can balance effort & patience, it is a powerful combination. U can make almost anything happen with enough effort, but not right away. The most effective effort is continuing effort, which patience makes possible. The most spectacularly successful people in any field r those who have the patience 2 continually apply their effort 4 as long as it takes 2 succeed. Know when 2 push & when 2 wait. Balance aggressive effort with a deep, underlying patience & the results YOU achieve will b truly amazing.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
"A professional is someone who can do his best work when he doesn't feel like it." - Alistair Cooke
Motivator: Those things which u fear represent significant challenges 4 u, & in challenge there is much value. The places u've always feared 2 go r filled with unexplored territory. There's no telling what treasures u could find there. A few of ur fears will genuinely keep u out of trouble. Most of them, though, r not there 2 stop u but 2 prepare u. The more u confront ur fears & work through them, the more new & fertile ground u'll uncover. There's a whole rich & wonderful world waiting just on the other side of ur fears. Heed ur fears bi adequately preparing YOURSELF. Then march right on through those fears toward the golden rewards which r beyond them.
Motivator: Those things which u fear represent significant challenges 4 u, & in challenge there is much value. The places u've always feared 2 go r filled with unexplored territory. There's no telling what treasures u could find there. A few of ur fears will genuinely keep u out of trouble. Most of them, though, r not there 2 stop u but 2 prepare u. The more u confront ur fears & work through them, the more new & fertile ground u'll uncover. There's a whole rich & wonderful world waiting just on the other side of ur fears. Heed ur fears bi adequately preparing YOURSELF. Then march right on through those fears toward the golden rewards which r beyond them.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
"The nobler sort of man emphasizes the good qualities in others, and does not accentuate the bad. The inferior does the reverse." --Confucius (551-479 BC) Chinese Philosopher
Motivator: If u could watch urself from this slightly removed perspective, what new things would u c? What advice would u b itching 2 give urself? What opportunities would u b able 2 point out 2 urself? What mistakes could u talk urself out of making? Most of us can b very sensible when it cums 2 observing & giving advice 2 others. Yet when it cums 2 watching & advising ourselves, the view is often distorted because we're so intimately involved. In ur mind, step back. Look @ urself as u would look @ another person. Discover the things that r obvious 2 every1 else, & give YOURSELF some good, objective guidance.
Motivator: If u could watch urself from this slightly removed perspective, what new things would u c? What advice would u b itching 2 give urself? What opportunities would u b able 2 point out 2 urself? What mistakes could u talk urself out of making? Most of us can b very sensible when it cums 2 observing & giving advice 2 others. Yet when it cums 2 watching & advising ourselves, the view is often distorted because we're so intimately involved. In ur mind, step back. Look @ urself as u would look @ another person. Discover the things that r obvious 2 every1 else, & give YOURSELF some good, objective guidance.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
"To live in the presence of great truths and eternal laws, to be led by permanent ideals - that is what keeps a man patient when the world ignores him, and calm and unspoiled when the world praises him." - Honore De Balzac
Motivator: The disappointments can take care of themselves, so learn from them & then let them go. Focus ur attention on the positive things u've achieved. It would b a shame 2 let them slip away. What can u do 2day 2 build on those things? Consider how far u've already cum, & imagine how far u can continue 2 go. U've already begun a pattern of success. Use 2day 2 build on that energy. Latch on 2 ur positive progress, no matter how small it may have been, & keep it rolling. Focus on it, & it will grow. Find something positive about yesterday & make it even bigger 2day. Keep building success upon success, accomplishment upon accomplishment. Soon u'll have a powerful force that can take u wherever YOU wish 2 go.
Motivator: The disappointments can take care of themselves, so learn from them & then let them go. Focus ur attention on the positive things u've achieved. It would b a shame 2 let them slip away. What can u do 2day 2 build on those things? Consider how far u've already cum, & imagine how far u can continue 2 go. U've already begun a pattern of success. Use 2day 2 build on that energy. Latch on 2 ur positive progress, no matter how small it may have been, & keep it rolling. Focus on it, & it will grow. Find something positive about yesterday & make it even bigger 2day. Keep building success upon success, accomplishment upon accomplishment. Soon u'll have a powerful force that can take u wherever YOU wish 2 go.
Monday, May 16, 2005
"If you have not often felt the joy of doing a kind act, you have neglected much, and most of all yourself." - A. Neilen
Motivator: How do u ask 4 what u desire? Begging is not an effective way of asking. Begging puts u @ the mercy of the other person. Demanding is not an effective way of asking either. Demanding things quickly uses up whatever power u may have. An ideal way 2 ask is 2 offer. When u offer, u put urself in a powerful position. U make urself much more difficult 2 deny. Think about it. If some1 were constantly begging u 4 something, or constantly demanding things of u, how willing would u b 2 comply? Yet if some1 were offering u something of value in return, think about what a difference that would make. U have plenty of valuable things 2 offer -ur time, ur experience, ur knowledge, ur attention, ur understanding. Effectively get whatever YOU desire bi making a compelling offer.
Motivator: How do u ask 4 what u desire? Begging is not an effective way of asking. Begging puts u @ the mercy of the other person. Demanding is not an effective way of asking either. Demanding things quickly uses up whatever power u may have. An ideal way 2 ask is 2 offer. When u offer, u put urself in a powerful position. U make urself much more difficult 2 deny. Think about it. If some1 were constantly begging u 4 something, or constantly demanding things of u, how willing would u b 2 comply? Yet if some1 were offering u something of value in return, think about what a difference that would make. U have plenty of valuable things 2 offer -ur time, ur experience, ur knowledge, ur attention, ur understanding. Effectively get whatever YOU desire bi making a compelling offer.
Friday, May 13, 2005
"I will make love my greatest weapon and none on who I call can defend against its force....My love will melt all hearts liken to the sun whose rays soften the coldest day." --Og Mandino
Motivator: There is really no great secret 2 success. It is easy 2 wish 4 some kind of magical intervention 2 bring success & fulfillment. It is easy 2 fool ourselves in2 thinking that we have found a shortcut. In reality, the secret 2 success is that there is no secret. The desire 4 a secret, magical pill cums from a lack of experience with the real engine of success, which is intentioned, focused effort. 4 when u taste the joy of effective effort u realize that is where the real magic exists. The fact that any imagined result can b had bi taking well thought out action is all the magic any1 could ever need. That's the way the world works; it is beautiful & elegant 2 the core. Follow the obvious & well laid path 2 success & bring real magic 2 ur own life.
Motivator: There is really no great secret 2 success. It is easy 2 wish 4 some kind of magical intervention 2 bring success & fulfillment. It is easy 2 fool ourselves in2 thinking that we have found a shortcut. In reality, the secret 2 success is that there is no secret. The desire 4 a secret, magical pill cums from a lack of experience with the real engine of success, which is intentioned, focused effort. 4 when u taste the joy of effective effort u realize that is where the real magic exists. The fact that any imagined result can b had bi taking well thought out action is all the magic any1 could ever need. That's the way the world works; it is beautiful & elegant 2 the core. Follow the obvious & well laid path 2 success & bring real magic 2 ur own life.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." - Mark Twain
Motivator: Instead of cursing ur weakness, make urself stronger. Instead of filling ur mind with regret, fill ur moments with constructive action. Instead of worrying about ur ignorance, find out what u need 2 know. Success, happiness & fulfillment r not that complicated, though we often strive 2 make them so. We wait in pain & desperation 4 circumstances 2 improve, when circumstance has little 2 do with anything. What do u want 2 have, 2 be, 2 do? Then get up & take the actions which will surely bring u there. Stop waiting, stop worrying, stop complaining, stop settling 4 less. YOU're alive & overflowing with possibilities. Start living like it!
Motivator: Instead of cursing ur weakness, make urself stronger. Instead of filling ur mind with regret, fill ur moments with constructive action. Instead of worrying about ur ignorance, find out what u need 2 know. Success, happiness & fulfillment r not that complicated, though we often strive 2 make them so. We wait in pain & desperation 4 circumstances 2 improve, when circumstance has little 2 do with anything. What do u want 2 have, 2 be, 2 do? Then get up & take the actions which will surely bring u there. Stop waiting, stop worrying, stop complaining, stop settling 4 less. YOU're alive & overflowing with possibilities. Start living like it!
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
"Our real duty is always found running in the direction of our worthiest desires." - Randolph Bourne
Motivator: Those who only make use of their strengths r missing a big part of the picture. Use ur strengths, 2 b sure, & also make use of ur weaknesses. Ur weaknesses represent the areas in which u can make the greatest, most dramatic improvements. 4 example, instead of saying 2 urself "I'm no good @ meeting people" consider what an enormous difference u could make bi taking it upon urself 2 becum better @ meeting people. Bi turning around a particular weakness YOU can have a dramatic impact. Every1 is blessed with numerous weaknesses. Instead of denying them or trying not 2 think about them, select a few & make the effort 2 overcum them.
Motivator: Those who only make use of their strengths r missing a big part of the picture. Use ur strengths, 2 b sure, & also make use of ur weaknesses. Ur weaknesses represent the areas in which u can make the greatest, most dramatic improvements. 4 example, instead of saying 2 urself "I'm no good @ meeting people" consider what an enormous difference u could make bi taking it upon urself 2 becum better @ meeting people. Bi turning around a particular weakness YOU can have a dramatic impact. Every1 is blessed with numerous weaknesses. Instead of denying them or trying not 2 think about them, select a few & make the effort 2 overcum them.
Monday, May 09, 2005
"The world of achievement has always belonged to the optimist." - J. Harold Wilkins
Motivator: The thoughts u think help 2 form a big part of ur reality. Though nothing will happen solely bi thinking about it, thinking is the 1st crucial step 2 getting results. The thoughts u think give ur life its flavor. Ur thoughts r the breeding ground 4 ur reality. Every action u ever take will b preceded bi a thought. So what r u thinking? R u thinking about how unfair life is? If so, then it will b cruelly unfair 2 u. Or r u thinking about how great life can b? If so, u'll c exciting possibilities that others cannot even imagine. Ur mind is constantly turning out thoughts which do indeed have the power 2 change ur life. As much as u can possibly do so, put those thoughts 2 work 4 YOU. Think about it!
Motivator: The thoughts u think help 2 form a big part of ur reality. Though nothing will happen solely bi thinking about it, thinking is the 1st crucial step 2 getting results. The thoughts u think give ur life its flavor. Ur thoughts r the breeding ground 4 ur reality. Every action u ever take will b preceded bi a thought. So what r u thinking? R u thinking about how unfair life is? If so, then it will b cruelly unfair 2 u. Or r u thinking about how great life can b? If so, u'll c exciting possibilities that others cannot even imagine. Ur mind is constantly turning out thoughts which do indeed have the power 2 change ur life. As much as u can possibly do so, put those thoughts 2 work 4 YOU. Think about it!
Friday, May 06, 2005
"The higher type of man clings to virtue, the lower type of man clings to material comfort. The higher type of man cherishes justice, the lower type of man cherishes the hope of favors to be received." --Confucius (551-479 BC) Chinese Philosopher
Motivator: The great thing about 2day is that it's wide open. R u not satisfied with some aspect of ur life? 2day u can take the first steps toward changing it. Is there something u truly desire 2 have, 2 becum, 2 experience, 2 create? This very day u r free & able 2 make all sorts of choices. Those choices determine precisely where ur life will go. What u do 2day can change the course of ur life far in2 the future. 2day is ur opportunity 2 make a real, positive difference in ur life & in the world around u. It is a powerful position u're in 2day. Live this very day with respect & responsibility toward ur own future & the treasure of 2day will b with YOU always.
Motivator: The great thing about 2day is that it's wide open. R u not satisfied with some aspect of ur life? 2day u can take the first steps toward changing it. Is there something u truly desire 2 have, 2 becum, 2 experience, 2 create? This very day u r free & able 2 make all sorts of choices. Those choices determine precisely where ur life will go. What u do 2day can change the course of ur life far in2 the future. 2day is ur opportunity 2 make a real, positive difference in ur life & in the world around u. It is a powerful position u're in 2day. Live this very day with respect & responsibility toward ur own future & the treasure of 2day will b with YOU always.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
"The greatest discovery of my generation is that man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind." - William James
Motivator: If u're constantly worried about little, trivial problems & annoyances, u'll end up getting little, trivial results. Yet when u tackle a big, major problem ur energy is directed toward producing significant positive results. Many people never get ahead simply because their problems r not big enough 2 draw them 4ward. 2 many lives r wasted fighting little, petty, but comfortable battles over & over again. If u're going 2 make a mark on this world u'll need 2 rise above the petty concerns which keep others from realizing their true potential. Put urself on the line. Get urself some challenges with meaning, & they'll propel u toward great achievements. Welcum those big, sticky, complicated problems. In them r YOUR most powerful opportunities.
Motivator: If u're constantly worried about little, trivial problems & annoyances, u'll end up getting little, trivial results. Yet when u tackle a big, major problem ur energy is directed toward producing significant positive results. Many people never get ahead simply because their problems r not big enough 2 draw them 4ward. 2 many lives r wasted fighting little, petty, but comfortable battles over & over again. If u're going 2 make a mark on this world u'll need 2 rise above the petty concerns which keep others from realizing their true potential. Put urself on the line. Get urself some challenges with meaning, & they'll propel u toward great achievements. Welcum those big, sticky, complicated problems. In them r YOUR most powerful opportunities.
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
"At first dreams seem impossible, then improbable, then inevitable." --Christopher Reeve (1952-) American Actor
Motivator: Passion makes things happen which would otherwise b considered impossible. Passion overcums obstacles which long ago would have stopped mere interest or resolve. Those who r passionate about what they do have an advantage that is nearly impossible 2 overcum. In passion there is energy, creativity, resilience & persistence. Passion will get it done. There is something about which u r passionate. Find it, understand it, & connect it with what u r doing. Put the power of passion behind the things u do. Live & act in harmony with a purpose that touches ur soul. Go beyond being inspired. Go beyond being merely motivated. Get really passionate & fulfill YOUR greatest possibilities.
Motivator: Passion makes things happen which would otherwise b considered impossible. Passion overcums obstacles which long ago would have stopped mere interest or resolve. Those who r passionate about what they do have an advantage that is nearly impossible 2 overcum. In passion there is energy, creativity, resilience & persistence. Passion will get it done. There is something about which u r passionate. Find it, understand it, & connect it with what u r doing. Put the power of passion behind the things u do. Live & act in harmony with a purpose that touches ur soul. Go beyond being inspired. Go beyond being merely motivated. Get really passionate & fulfill YOUR greatest possibilities.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
"Judgment comes from experience, and great judgment comes from bad experience." - Robert Packwood
Motivator: When u abandon ur integrity in order 2 get what u want, whatever u get will not b worth having. When u go against ur own best judgment in pursuit of a token treasure or position, even if u get it the victory will b empty. Fulfillment & joy cum from the accomplishments in2 which u put the best u have 2 offer. Rewards & victories r urs 2 treasure 2 the extent that they r expressions of ur most firmly held values. The value of the achievement depends on the values that went in2 it. There is no shortcut 2 a life of meaning. It cannot b bought or stolen. It can only b created. B who u truly r while u work 4 what u truly desire. Keep YOUR integrity intact, & the rewards will b sweet indeed.
Motivator: When u abandon ur integrity in order 2 get what u want, whatever u get will not b worth having. When u go against ur own best judgment in pursuit of a token treasure or position, even if u get it the victory will b empty. Fulfillment & joy cum from the accomplishments in2 which u put the best u have 2 offer. Rewards & victories r urs 2 treasure 2 the extent that they r expressions of ur most firmly held values. The value of the achievement depends on the values that went in2 it. There is no shortcut 2 a life of meaning. It cannot b bought or stolen. It can only b created. B who u truly r while u work 4 what u truly desire. Keep YOUR integrity intact, & the rewards will b sweet indeed.
Monday, May 02, 2005
"Nothing is ever lost by courtesy. It is the cheapest of pleasures, costs nothing, and conveys much." - Erastus Wiman
Motivator: When u enjoy ur work, u put ur own special value in2 it. That causes it 2 yield even more value in return. There's no need 2 wait 4 ur fantasy job 2 cum along in order 2 enjoy the work u do. Whatever u're doing, the main ingredient in making it enjoyable is ur attitude. There's a widely held assumption that work is not fun, that it is some kind of punishment. That assumption is not shared bi the most successful people in this world. Those who can find a way 2 make any kind of work enjoyable r the 1's who accomplish great & astounding things. What's the difference between working & enjoying urself? There doesn't have 2 b a difference. Look @ YOUR work, whatever it is, as an opportunity 4 enjoyment.
Motivator: When u enjoy ur work, u put ur own special value in2 it. That causes it 2 yield even more value in return. There's no need 2 wait 4 ur fantasy job 2 cum along in order 2 enjoy the work u do. Whatever u're doing, the main ingredient in making it enjoyable is ur attitude. There's a widely held assumption that work is not fun, that it is some kind of punishment. That assumption is not shared bi the most successful people in this world. Those who can find a way 2 make any kind of work enjoyable r the 1's who accomplish great & astounding things. What's the difference between working & enjoying urself? There doesn't have 2 b a difference. Look @ YOUR work, whatever it is, as an opportunity 4 enjoyment.
Friday, April 29, 2005
"One must have the adventurous daring to accept oneself as a bundle of possibilities and undertake the most interesting game in the world – making the most of one's best." -- Harry Emerson Fosdick
Motivator: The real person u r is revealed in the moments when u're certain no other person is watching. When no 1 is watching, u r driven bi what u expect of urself. The foundation of success is built in the moments when no 1 else is watching. If ur efforts r only made 4 appearance, they will fall short. When u make the effort even though no 1 else is keeping track, that's a sure path 2 achievement. What do u do when no 1 is watching? U can't keep any secrets from urself. Success is built in the moments when u're truly free 2 b YOU. Make those moments count. Being a real winner is much better than just trying 2 look like 1.
Motivator: The real person u r is revealed in the moments when u're certain no other person is watching. When no 1 is watching, u r driven bi what u expect of urself. The foundation of success is built in the moments when no 1 else is watching. If ur efforts r only made 4 appearance, they will fall short. When u make the effort even though no 1 else is keeping track, that's a sure path 2 achievement. What do u do when no 1 is watching? U can't keep any secrets from urself. Success is built in the moments when u're truly free 2 b YOU. Make those moments count. Being a real winner is much better than just trying 2 look like 1.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
"Our Deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our Darkness that frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually who are you not to be? ... Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that others won't feel insecure around you ....It is not just some of us; it is everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear our presence automatically liberates others." Mandela 1994
Motivator: Wisdom cums from learning the difficult lessons which experience teaches. With wisdom cums respect, authority & effectiveness. U pay a hefty price 4 wisdom, & yet what u get is even more valuable than what u paid. It is indeed difficult 2 console urself 2 "learning from this" when things fail 2 go ur way. It is much easier 2 get angry, 2 get depressed, 2 complain or even 2 forget about the whole thing. But when u do that, u end up paying the price without getting any value in return. Whatever happens, let it increase ur wisdom &, ultimately, YOUR success. Whatever happens, get past the concerns of the moment & learn from it.
Motivator: Wisdom cums from learning the difficult lessons which experience teaches. With wisdom cums respect, authority & effectiveness. U pay a hefty price 4 wisdom, & yet what u get is even more valuable than what u paid. It is indeed difficult 2 console urself 2 "learning from this" when things fail 2 go ur way. It is much easier 2 get angry, 2 get depressed, 2 complain or even 2 forget about the whole thing. But when u do that, u end up paying the price without getting any value in return. Whatever happens, let it increase ur wisdom &, ultimately, YOUR success. Whatever happens, get past the concerns of the moment & learn from it.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
"Class is an aura of confidence that is being sure without being cocky. Class has nothing to do with money. Class never runs scared. It is self-discipline and self-knowledge. It's the sure footedness that comes with having proved you can meet life." -- Ann Landers
Motivator: B free, & savor every little grain of existence that dances b4 ur eyes. Beauty & joy r not what some1 says they r. U know them because of the way they fulfill u. Ur own doubt is ur opponent's greatest strength. Free urself from the burden of ur own anxiety. Whatever is, is already. Whatever u will b, is urs 2 create right now. Live each moment with all u have, not just with whatever has survived the worry. Life is urs 2 live. Though it is gritty, it is real. Though sadness cums, it is possible only because u care so much. Let go & live the joyful experience that is YOURS.
Motivator: B free, & savor every little grain of existence that dances b4 ur eyes. Beauty & joy r not what some1 says they r. U know them because of the way they fulfill u. Ur own doubt is ur opponent's greatest strength. Free urself from the burden of ur own anxiety. Whatever is, is already. Whatever u will b, is urs 2 create right now. Live each moment with all u have, not just with whatever has survived the worry. Life is urs 2 live. Though it is gritty, it is real. Though sadness cums, it is possible only because u care so much. Let go & live the joyful experience that is YOURS.
Monday, April 25, 2005
"The beauty of the soul shines out when a man bears with composure one heavy mischance after another, not because he does not feel them, but because he is a man of high and heroic temper." - Aristotle
Moticator: After u've been defeated is not the time 2 give up. Look @ ur defeat as a payment in advance 4 ur ultimate success. It matters little that u've been defeated. What really counts is how quickly u get going again. Find something better 2 do. Pick urself up & get on with it. U're smarter now. U're wiser & more experienced. Each of ur defeats can bring u closer 2 victory, so why in the world would u want 2 let any of them stop u? YOU've already paid part of the price. Now get on with the business of reaping the reward.
Moticator: After u've been defeated is not the time 2 give up. Look @ ur defeat as a payment in advance 4 ur ultimate success. It matters little that u've been defeated. What really counts is how quickly u get going again. Find something better 2 do. Pick urself up & get on with it. U're smarter now. U're wiser & more experienced. Each of ur defeats can bring u closer 2 victory, so why in the world would u want 2 let any of them stop u? YOU've already paid part of the price. Now get on with the business of reaping the reward.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
"Enjoyment is not a goal, it is a feeling that accompanies important ongoing activity." -- Paul Goodman
Motivator: When u think of something u must do, get 2 work on it as quickly as possible, & then continue working on it until it is finished. Tasks which u put off until later, or which u start & then put off finishing, will have the effect of clogging ur thoughts. If u regularly & consistently procrastinate, ur mind will soon become so filled with thoughts of what needs 2 b done that there will b little room 4 anything else. Clear out all those "need 2 dos" from ur thinking bi actually getting them done. Rather than worrying about them over & over again in ur mind, do them once & b finished. Free ur mind 2 recognize new opportunities, 2 develop new insights & 2 focus clearly on the business @ hand... 1 of the hardest things 4 me
Motivator: When u think of something u must do, get 2 work on it as quickly as possible, & then continue working on it until it is finished. Tasks which u put off until later, or which u start & then put off finishing, will have the effect of clogging ur thoughts. If u regularly & consistently procrastinate, ur mind will soon become so filled with thoughts of what needs 2 b done that there will b little room 4 anything else. Clear out all those "need 2 dos" from ur thinking bi actually getting them done. Rather than worrying about them over & over again in ur mind, do them once & b finished. Free ur mind 2 recognize new opportunities, 2 develop new insights & 2 focus clearly on the business @ hand... 1 of the hardest things 4 me
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
"If you're never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances." --Julia Sorel 1926-
Motivator: Look up @ the stars on a clear night. U r not looking @ some illusion. They r really there. U r right in the middle of it. Though ur problems of the moment may seem overwhelming, stop & ask urself, "Compared 2 what?" Consider that the sun will rise 2morrow. The seasons will continue 2 change. The light from distant stars will continue 2 stream across the vast reaches of space, 2 sparkle b4 ur eyes. R ur challenges really challenging? If they seem 2 b, then enlarge ur perspective. U have plenty of room 2 do that. U have an entire universe against which 2 consider those challenges. Back off far enough, & they will appear very tiny. Look at a big enough picture, & u'll find the courage, energy & inspiration 2 move on through those seemingly overwhelming problems.
Motivator: Look up @ the stars on a clear night. U r not looking @ some illusion. They r really there. U r right in the middle of it. Though ur problems of the moment may seem overwhelming, stop & ask urself, "Compared 2 what?" Consider that the sun will rise 2morrow. The seasons will continue 2 change. The light from distant stars will continue 2 stream across the vast reaches of space, 2 sparkle b4 ur eyes. R ur challenges really challenging? If they seem 2 b, then enlarge ur perspective. U have plenty of room 2 do that. U have an entire universe against which 2 consider those challenges. Back off far enough, & they will appear very tiny. Look at a big enough picture, & u'll find the courage, energy & inspiration 2 move on through those seemingly overwhelming problems.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
"So, then, to every man his chance -- to every man, regardless of his birth, his shining golden opportunity -- to every man his right to live, to work, to be himself, to become whatever his manhood and his vision can combine to make him -- this, seeker, is the promise of America." -- Thomas Wolfe
Motivator: Anything that knocks u off track does so because u have allowed it 2. Keep in mind that u give power 2 ur circumstances. U fill them with ur life, ur purpose & ur meaning. They r ur reflection, not ur essence. The world around u can influence u 2 the extent that u allow it. There is a part of u that no 1, no thing can ever touch without ur participation. The direction in which u point & focus that essential core of ur being will largely determine the quality of ur life. Pain & pleasure may both b quite compelling, yet they r outside of who u really r. Circumstances may b very appealing or terribly frightening, yet u exist beyond those circumstances. Keep that ever in mind, & b true 2 ur greatest possibilities.
Motivator: Anything that knocks u off track does so because u have allowed it 2. Keep in mind that u give power 2 ur circumstances. U fill them with ur life, ur purpose & ur meaning. They r ur reflection, not ur essence. The world around u can influence u 2 the extent that u allow it. There is a part of u that no 1, no thing can ever touch without ur participation. The direction in which u point & focus that essential core of ur being will largely determine the quality of ur life. Pain & pleasure may both b quite compelling, yet they r outside of who u really r. Circumstances may b very appealing or terribly frightening, yet u exist beyond those circumstances. Keep that ever in mind, & b true 2 ur greatest possibilities.
Monday, April 18, 2005
"The way to get things done is not to mind who gets the credit for doing them." - Benjamin Jowett (1817-1893), British theologian and classicist
Motivator: Yes, u want 2 get it done as quickly as possible. U also want 2 get it done right. Because getting it wrong & having 2 start over will cause an even bigger delay than taking the time 2 do it right. Focus on what u're doing. Put the worries or excitement about what's coming next out of ur mind. Give ur full attention 2 the task @ hand. Take the time 2 do it right, so u won't have 2 do it again. If u've tried speeding up & it doesn't seem 2 get u anywhere, consider slowing down. Speed is not the only thing that matters. Quality matters. Effectiveness matters. Paying attention matters. If u were having surgery, would u want the surgeon 2 rush through the operation? Respect what u're doing enough 2 give it the time & attention it deserves!
Motivator: Yes, u want 2 get it done as quickly as possible. U also want 2 get it done right. Because getting it wrong & having 2 start over will cause an even bigger delay than taking the time 2 do it right. Focus on what u're doing. Put the worries or excitement about what's coming next out of ur mind. Give ur full attention 2 the task @ hand. Take the time 2 do it right, so u won't have 2 do it again. If u've tried speeding up & it doesn't seem 2 get u anywhere, consider slowing down. Speed is not the only thing that matters. Quality matters. Effectiveness matters. Paying attention matters. If u were having surgery, would u want the surgeon 2 rush through the operation? Respect what u're doing enough 2 give it the time & attention it deserves!
Friday, April 15, 2005
"Being defeated is often only a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent." --Marilyn vos Savant 1946-NA
Motivator: Though we often take this world & this life 4 granted, the fact is that we exist, experience & even thrive against unimaginable odds. U're already a winner because u r here 2day, living & breathing, capable of making decisions, thinking thoughts, taking action & accomplishing great things. Though u've made mistakes, though others may have hurt u, though u may b weary & filled with regret, still this life is full of positive possibilities 4 u. Consider the boundless magnitude of ur good fortune. Live every moment as if it were the most miraculous thing YOU could ever imagine, because it is.
Motivator: Though we often take this world & this life 4 granted, the fact is that we exist, experience & even thrive against unimaginable odds. U're already a winner because u r here 2day, living & breathing, capable of making decisions, thinking thoughts, taking action & accomplishing great things. Though u've made mistakes, though others may have hurt u, though u may b weary & filled with regret, still this life is full of positive possibilities 4 u. Consider the boundless magnitude of ur good fortune. Live every moment as if it were the most miraculous thing YOU could ever imagine, because it is.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
"Never speak of yourself to others; make them talk about themselves instead: therein lies the whole art of pleasing." -- J.E de Goncourt
Motivator: The same effort spent looking 4 excuses 2 quit could instead b used 2 keep reminding urself of ur reasons 2 keep going. Don't fight against ur own best interests. Instead, let ur thoughts support ur ambitions. Keep on convincing urself of the value of ur goals, & u'll keep on doing what is necessary 2 reach them. Deciding 2 persevere is no more difficult than deciding 2 quit. & when u decide 2 keep pressing 4ward, the rewards r infinitely greater than if u had decided 2 give up. B ur own biggest supporter. Use the strength of ur thoughts 2 continually encourage YOUR own positive, productive actions.
Motivator: The same effort spent looking 4 excuses 2 quit could instead b used 2 keep reminding urself of ur reasons 2 keep going. Don't fight against ur own best interests. Instead, let ur thoughts support ur ambitions. Keep on convincing urself of the value of ur goals, & u'll keep on doing what is necessary 2 reach them. Deciding 2 persevere is no more difficult than deciding 2 quit. & when u decide 2 keep pressing 4ward, the rewards r infinitely greater than if u had decided 2 give up. B ur own biggest supporter. Use the strength of ur thoughts 2 continually encourage YOUR own positive, productive actions.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
"Genuine security arises from actual, first-hand knowledge that one is both capable and worthy of achieving happiness (through conscious, responsible action) and, once having attained it, that he deserves it." --Michael J. Hurd () American Motivational Speaker
Motivator: Someday I'll work on that new idea, but 2day there r 2 many interruptions. Someday I'll sit down & get focused on my goals, but 2day is just not right. Someday never cums. It is always TODAY. No matter how far-reaching ur goal may b, no matter how long it will take 2 complete, there is something u can do about it 2day. There is a step u can take which will propel u 4ward. What things have u been scheduling 4 someday? Start 2 work on them this very day. Find something u can do now, & keep on going until they're accomplished. 2day is the space in which u r able 2 move YOUR dreams from someday 2 this day, so make the most of it.
Motivator: Someday I'll work on that new idea, but 2day there r 2 many interruptions. Someday I'll sit down & get focused on my goals, but 2day is just not right. Someday never cums. It is always TODAY. No matter how far-reaching ur goal may b, no matter how long it will take 2 complete, there is something u can do about it 2day. There is a step u can take which will propel u 4ward. What things have u been scheduling 4 someday? Start 2 work on them this very day. Find something u can do now, & keep on going until they're accomplished. 2day is the space in which u r able 2 move YOUR dreams from someday 2 this day, so make the most of it.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
"To live at this time is an inestimable privilege, and a sacred obligation devolves upon you to make right use of your opportunities." - Grenville Kleiser
Motivator: Though u have much in common with others, there r many differences as well. Even those who agree with u have a different perspective than ur own. No 1 else knows exactly what u know. No other person shares ur unique set of experiences, just as u do not share the exact same experiences as any1 else. Ur success in working with other people will depend largely on the degree 2 which u r able 2 understand & consider their unique perspectives, & on ur ability 2 make YOUR own perspective understood. Make the effort 2 sincerely understand, & 2 b understood. It will add value & effectiveness 2 every undertaking.
Motivator: Though u have much in common with others, there r many differences as well. Even those who agree with u have a different perspective than ur own. No 1 else knows exactly what u know. No other person shares ur unique set of experiences, just as u do not share the exact same experiences as any1 else. Ur success in working with other people will depend largely on the degree 2 which u r able 2 understand & consider their unique perspectives, & on ur ability 2 make YOUR own perspective understood. Make the effort 2 sincerely understand, & 2 b understood. It will add value & effectiveness 2 every undertaking.
Monday, April 11, 2005
"From long familiarity, we know what honor is. It is what enables the individual to do right in the face of complacency and cowardice. It is what enables the soldier to die alone, the political prisoner to resist, the singer to sing her song, hardly appreciated, on a side street." --Mark Helprin () American Novelist and Writer
Motivator: U can choose 2 put 4th the absolute minimum effort necessary 2 make it through this day, & u will indeed make it through the day. Trouble is, 2morrow u'll end up right back where u started, with the need 2 make it through another day. Instead, use 2day 4 all it's worth. Make the effort 2 make some real progress. U know what needs 2 b done. U know what u want 2 accomplish. Now is the time 2 do it. Instead of "making it through" focus on "making it happen." Think of one little thing u can do 2day, that will improve all ur 2morrows, & then do it. Surely u have the time & energy 4 1 little improvement.Think of the difference it will make. When u're already moving sideways, it doesn't take that much more effort 2 change YOUR direction 2 4ward. 2day is here right now. Use it!
Motivator: U can choose 2 put 4th the absolute minimum effort necessary 2 make it through this day, & u will indeed make it through the day. Trouble is, 2morrow u'll end up right back where u started, with the need 2 make it through another day. Instead, use 2day 4 all it's worth. Make the effort 2 make some real progress. U know what needs 2 b done. U know what u want 2 accomplish. Now is the time 2 do it. Instead of "making it through" focus on "making it happen." Think of one little thing u can do 2day, that will improve all ur 2morrows, & then do it. Surely u have the time & energy 4 1 little improvement.Think of the difference it will make. When u're already moving sideways, it doesn't take that much more effort 2 change YOUR direction 2 4ward. 2day is here right now. Use it!
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