Wednesday, June 08, 2005


"Take time to laugh - it is the music of the soul." --From an old English prayer.

Motivator: When u experience misfortune, or when another person wrongs u, or when u find urself in difficult circumstances, u can choose 2 b a victim. U can choose 2 solicit sympathy & 2 feel sorry 4 urself. U can choose 2 take comfort in the knowledge that some1 else is responsible 4 ur troubles. Or u can choose 2 pick urself up & move forward. U can refuse 2 allow urself 2 b a victim. Others may hurt u. Circumstances may work against u. Tragedy may cum ur way. Yet none of this means u must consent 2 b a victim. Choose 2 make triumph rise from tragedy. Choose 2 make every defeat a temporary 1 on the way 2 ultimate victory. Rather than being skilled @ complaining & collecting excuses, bcum skilled @ adapting & turning even the most difficult circumstances in YOUR favor.

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