Wednesday, April 20, 2005


"If you're never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances." --Julia Sorel 1926-

Motivator: Look up @ the stars on a clear night. U r not looking @ some illusion. They r really there. U r right in the middle of it. Though ur problems of the moment may seem overwhelming, stop & ask urself, "Compared 2 what?" Consider that the sun will rise 2morrow. The seasons will continue 2 change. The light from distant stars will continue 2 stream across the vast reaches of space, 2 sparkle b4 ur eyes. R ur challenges really challenging? If they seem 2 b, then enlarge ur perspective. U have plenty of room 2 do that. U have an entire universe against which 2 consider those challenges. Back off far enough, & they will appear very tiny. Look at a big enough picture, & u'll find the courage, energy & inspiration 2 move on through those seemingly overwhelming problems.

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