Tuesday, April 05, 2005


"Unswerving loyalty to duty, constant devotion to truth, and a clear conscience will overcome every discouragement and surely lead the way to usefulness and high achievement." --Grover Cleveland

Motivator: Part of providing value 2 others is making sure u receive value in return. 4 example, if u have a conversation with some1, & u do all the talking, neither 1 of u benefits as much as if there had been a give-and-take interaction. Uneven transfers of value r never sustainable. It is in the best interest of every1 when value flows in both directions. Honor others bi exchanging value with them. Don't cheat people bi letting them take value from u without getting them 2 provide value 2 u in return. Don't spread the lie that there's such a thing bi pretending 2 offer a free lunch. Provide true, significant value 2 others bi making sure YOU get value in return.

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