Friday, August 05, 2005


"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." --William Arthur Ward

Motivator: After this day is over, the world will b a little bit different place because of what u have done. Will it b a better place, or worse, or just different? That depends on what u do. Y should u care? Because u r a part of the world!! The positive things u do, cum back 2 u, as do the negative things. U cannot escape the consequences of ur own thoughts & actions. So make them the best that u can. U can change the world. U have the power & the ability 2 change it 4 the better, right this moment & every moment. As long as u're going 2 change the world, u might as well change it in a positive way. U're changing the world. It's a big responsibility & a tremendous opportunity. Make the best of it, 2day & every day...believe in me

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