Friday, July 01, 2005


"We come into this world crying while all around us are smiling. May we so live that we go out of this world smiling while everybody around us is weeping." --Persian proverb.

Motivator: Have ur doubts bcum 2 comfortable? It's easier 2 doubt than it is 2 do. When u doubt that u can accomplish something, the doubt gives u a nice, comfortable place 2 hide, a reason 4 not making the effort. Yet if u keep piling up 1 doubt on top of another, soon there's no room left 4 ur dreams, ur goals, ur ambitions. When u seek refuge in the comfort of ur doubts, u close urself off from all the positive possibilities in ur life. After a while even the comfort fades, as regret sets in -regret 4 opportunities missed that will never cum again. If u fail 2 prove ur doubts wrong, they will eventually prove themselves right. Don't allow that 2 happen. Get up, get going & make those doubts look foolish. The longer u remain committed 2 ur goals, the weaker YOUR doubts bcum.

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