Thursday, July 28, 2005


"The sign of intelligent people is their ability to control emotions by the application of reason." --Marya Mannes (1904-1990) American Journalist

Motivator: Although we have no control over the person we fall in love with, we have the ability 2 control that emotion bi the application of reason. Love is 1 of the greatest feelings ever! When we r in love we sometimes 4get 2 reason; we refuse 2 reason. If a person is not good 4 us, we r not so naïve 2 not know. Deep inside we know best, yet we shut our reasoning telling us what makes sense 2 do in such a case. We've all heard the cliché "listen 2 ur heart." I take a step 4ward & tell u 2 listen 2 ur heart, yet not 4getting 2 apply reason 2 the situation. Don't waste ur precious time with some1 not worth ur love. Value urself 1st! Know & b sure 2 get reciprocated the love u r willing 2 give. Don't settle 4 less. in the end u will end up with just that: less=emptiness!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

straymark: the info about the relationships ... that's another area I've had trouble with in the past ... often drawn to people who don't recepricate ... I've always felt like I was paying back for something, or investing in something for the future of the other party ... but I hadn't thought about applying reason ... there is another way to apply what you suggest that goes beyond 'reason' or at least beyond my limited definition of it ... there is an inner understanding deep within our hearts - beyond the emotions that truely recognizes things for what they are ... looking at things from that inner objectivity applies a 'superior' faculty to reason, the 'logic' of the inner realm ... what do you think?

Marco : what r u saying.. is what i mean when i wrote ............."Deep inside we know best....

Marco : i know how u r saying and perfectly understand but remember i am limited in my words when i send a motivator

Marco : i could write a book about the subject but can't through yahoo

Marco : but i am glad u get my point