Wednesday, February 09, 2005


""I can't do it" never yet accomplished anything: "I will try" has accomplished wonders." --George P. Burnham

Motivator: Though most goals take a long & sustained effort 2 reach, the benefits of moving toward them begin 2 accrue immediately. That positive influence takes hold the moment u commit 2 reaching the objective. It gives 2 each day, each moment, each action an energy which would not otherwise b present. While it is true that genuine accomplishment requires effort applied over time, that eventual accomplishment begins 2 return value as soon as u start 2 work on it. Working diligently toward a future objective adds real value 2 ur world 2day. So what r u waiting 4? Set ur sights on an ambitious goal & start right now 2 reach 4 it. The reaching, the striving, the discipline & the effort r their own rewards. & they serve 2 make the goal, when it is indeed reached, more valuable.

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