Thursday, February 17, 2005


"Trials, temptations, disappointments -- all these are helps instead of hindrances, if one uses them rightly. They not only test the fibre of a character, but strengthen it. Every conquered temptation represents a new fund of moral energy. Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than it was before." --James Buckham

Motivator: Think of a time in ur life when u were particularly courageous, a time when u were especially creative, persistent, focused or adventurous. Consider that u r still the same person even now. Certainly circumstances have changed since then, & u have changed as well. Yet that capacity 4 courage is still with u. Connect urself with that courage & put ur life in2 it. U have it, there's no doubt. It is there, waiting 2 move u forward. Let urself live in it. Though the world is often harsh, there r boundless opportunities all around u. & u have the courage 2 make the most of them. Gather the circumstances of ur life & let that courage infuse them, so that everything becums an opportunity 4 moving 4ward. Live in courage & make life great.

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