"Remember that if the opportunities for great deeds should never come, the opportunities for good deeds are renewed day by day. The thing for us to long for is the goodness, not the glory." - F.W. Faber This quote, my friends, is one of the most inspirational which I try to live by...making it next in line to the Golden Rule.,
Motivator: When things seem 2 b at their worst is the ideal time 4 u 2 b at ur best. When the situation is difficult & getting worse, there's no need 2 deny reality or hide from the truth. Neither is there any need, however, 2 get pulled down with the negativity. The greatest opportunities cum from the most difficult problems. In times of great challenge, moving positively forward -- even if bi just a little bit -- can dramatically alter the momentum 4 the better. & then that momentum can grow quickly. Keep going. Keep moving steadily forward, especially when circumstances seem 2 b working against u. Remember -- that's when YOU can make the most meaningful positive difference.
Monday, February 28, 2005
Friday, February 25, 2005
"Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die." --Carrie Fisher Don't waste your time with such self cruelty of a feeling, instead...learn to forgive and move on.
Motivator: In many ways being ur most diligent critic is good. It can keep u focused. It can prevent u from making serious mistakes. & yet ur own self-criticism can also hold u back. It can stop u be4 u ever get started. It can cause u 2 discard ideas & plans which could turn out 2 b quite valuable if pursued. Pay attention 2 ur own inner critic. After all, u know urself better than any1 else. Ur criticism of urself is often useful & well deserved. At the same time, don't let urself b stopped bi that criticism. It's great 2 hold urself 2 a high standard, as long as that doesn't also hold u back. Temper ur self-criticism with self-encouragement. Answer YOUR own criticism with a renewed positive commitment 2 achievable excellence.
Motivator: In many ways being ur most diligent critic is good. It can keep u focused. It can prevent u from making serious mistakes. & yet ur own self-criticism can also hold u back. It can stop u be4 u ever get started. It can cause u 2 discard ideas & plans which could turn out 2 b quite valuable if pursued. Pay attention 2 ur own inner critic. After all, u know urself better than any1 else. Ur criticism of urself is often useful & well deserved. At the same time, don't let urself b stopped bi that criticism. It's great 2 hold urself 2 a high standard, as long as that doesn't also hold u back. Temper ur self-criticism with self-encouragement. Answer YOUR own criticism with a renewed positive commitment 2 achievable excellence.
Thursday, February 24, 2005
"Waste your money and you're only out of money, but waste your time and you've lost part of your life." --Michael Leboeuf
Motivator: Recall ur most deeply held desires. Think of ur richest blessings. Focus on ur most profound joys. Have ur dreams b-cum buried under the aimless details of everyday life? Is ur attention 2 often dominated bi trivial things 2 the point where there's no time or energy remaining 4 that which truly matters? There is a beautiful & powerful meaning 2 ur life under all the noise. Of course u know that. It pays 2 remember often. When the details, problems, disappointments, & complexities seem overwhelming, keep in mind that there is much, much more 2 life. Give time, thought, value & expression 2 those things which r truly important 2 u, & those things in turn will bring a depth of richness 2 ur life. Surround urself with positive people that like YOUR presence.
Motivator: Recall ur most deeply held desires. Think of ur richest blessings. Focus on ur most profound joys. Have ur dreams b-cum buried under the aimless details of everyday life? Is ur attention 2 often dominated bi trivial things 2 the point where there's no time or energy remaining 4 that which truly matters? There is a beautiful & powerful meaning 2 ur life under all the noise. Of course u know that. It pays 2 remember often. When the details, problems, disappointments, & complexities seem overwhelming, keep in mind that there is much, much more 2 life. Give time, thought, value & expression 2 those things which r truly important 2 u, & those things in turn will bring a depth of richness 2 ur life. Surround urself with positive people that like YOUR presence.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
"No man or woman of the humblest sort can really be strong, gentle and good, without the world being better for it, without somebody being helped and comforted by the very existence of that goodness." -- Phillips Brooks
Motivator: u have the opportunity 2 live. Think 4 a moment about what that means. Though the day may include some pain, loss, discomfort & disappointment, it is also full of life. U can sense. U can think. U can act. U can build. U can grow. U can create. U r alive & the possibilities r endless. How will u make use of ur good fortune at being alive 2day? There r so many ways 2 make a positive & lasting difference in ur own life & in the world around u. Which of these will u choose 2 pursue on this day that is filled with opportunity? Take a deep breath of fresh air & feel ur body fill with the energy of being alive. Hold ur head high & put a smile on ur face. Though troubles surround u they cannot defeat u. Stay in touch with what it means 2 b alive as YOU move forward.
Motivator: u have the opportunity 2 live. Think 4 a moment about what that means. Though the day may include some pain, loss, discomfort & disappointment, it is also full of life. U can sense. U can think. U can act. U can build. U can grow. U can create. U r alive & the possibilities r endless. How will u make use of ur good fortune at being alive 2day? There r so many ways 2 make a positive & lasting difference in ur own life & in the world around u. Which of these will u choose 2 pursue on this day that is filled with opportunity? Take a deep breath of fresh air & feel ur body fill with the energy of being alive. Hold ur head high & put a smile on ur face. Though troubles surround u they cannot defeat u. Stay in touch with what it means 2 b alive as YOU move forward.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
"You are not happy because you are well. You are well because you are happy. You are not depressed because trouble has come to you, but trouble has come to you because you are depressed. You can change your thoughts and feelings, and then the outer things will come to correspond, and indeed there is no other way of working." --Emmet Fox
Motivator: Although taking a risk does not guarantee success, avoiding risk does guarantee failure. Risk is not the enemy of achievement. It is a companion of achievement. Only when there's a chance of something going wrong can anything get done right. Progress is built on risks which have been 4seen, accepted & effectively managed. 2 get from here 2 there necessarily involves some degree of risk. B cautioned. B careful. B smart. B prepared. But don't b stopped.
Prepare urself 2 achieve bi preparing 4 the risks that will surely cum in the course of that achievement. Value is built as u move through those risks, 4 they r what separate real accomplishments from mere wishes.Have the confidence 2 succeed in love....as I am trying.
Motivator: Although taking a risk does not guarantee success, avoiding risk does guarantee failure. Risk is not the enemy of achievement. It is a companion of achievement. Only when there's a chance of something going wrong can anything get done right. Progress is built on risks which have been 4seen, accepted & effectively managed. 2 get from here 2 there necessarily involves some degree of risk. B cautioned. B careful. B smart. B prepared. But don't b stopped.
Prepare urself 2 achieve bi preparing 4 the risks that will surely cum in the course of that achievement. Value is built as u move through those risks, 4 they r what separate real accomplishments from mere wishes.Have the confidence 2 succeed in love....as I am trying.
Monday, February 21, 2005
"There are obviously two educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live." --James Truslow Adams
Motivator: Any desired destination can b reached bi maintaining the appropriate direction & movement. When u drive ur car, u control direction with the steering wheel. Movement is supplied bi the fuel & the engine.When pursuing a goal in ur life, direction is controlled bi ur expectations & movement is supplied bi ur actions. As long as ur expectations r focused in the appropriate direction, & 2 the degree that ur actions support those expectations, u'll achieve what u set out 2 achieve. Every moment of every life has direction & movement. What is urs like? Is it random, drifting, or even reckless? Or is it bringing u steadily toward where u wish 2 b? U're at the wheel. U control the accelerator. U might as well drive YOURSELF somewhere great! Cum, tag along with me!
Motivator: Any desired destination can b reached bi maintaining the appropriate direction & movement. When u drive ur car, u control direction with the steering wheel. Movement is supplied bi the fuel & the engine.When pursuing a goal in ur life, direction is controlled bi ur expectations & movement is supplied bi ur actions. As long as ur expectations r focused in the appropriate direction, & 2 the degree that ur actions support those expectations, u'll achieve what u set out 2 achieve. Every moment of every life has direction & movement. What is urs like? Is it random, drifting, or even reckless? Or is it bringing u steadily toward where u wish 2 b? U're at the wheel. U control the accelerator. U might as well drive YOURSELF somewhere great! Cum, tag along with me!
Sunday, February 20, 2005
Nothing will ever be attempted, if all possible objections must first be overcome." -- Samuel Johnson
Motivator: Understanding is the profit to be gained from knowledge. We live in a world that is awash in information, and yet true understanding, by comparison, remains a rare and precious treasure. It takes effort to refine knowledge into understanding -- the effort of thought. The knowledge you amass is valuable. The understanding you extract from that knowledge can be priceless. With enough understanding you'll know not only what has already happened, but also what will come to be as a result. With understanding, you'll clearly see opportunities others cannot even glimpse. There is awesome power and effectiveness in understanding. Seek not only to know. Seek to understand. Make the effort to understand. Have the courage and the discipline to think for yourself, and you'll transform mere knowledge into true understanding
Motivator: Understanding is the profit to be gained from knowledge. We live in a world that is awash in information, and yet true understanding, by comparison, remains a rare and precious treasure. It takes effort to refine knowledge into understanding -- the effort of thought. The knowledge you amass is valuable. The understanding you extract from that knowledge can be priceless. With enough understanding you'll know not only what has already happened, but also what will come to be as a result. With understanding, you'll clearly see opportunities others cannot even glimpse. There is awesome power and effectiveness in understanding. Seek not only to know. Seek to understand. Make the effort to understand. Have the courage and the discipline to think for yourself, and you'll transform mere knowledge into true understanding
Friday, February 18, 2005
"Fate is the friend of the good, the guide of the wise, the tyrant of the foolish, the enemy of the bad." Where do you stand with fate?
Motivator: The limitations u've imposed on urself have dropped away.The disappointments of ur past no longer hold u down.The opinions of others cannot stand in ur way more. Imagine that u r free 2 focus on creating a better life 4 urself & 4 the world in which u live. Though there r difficult challenges, rather than wasting ur energy worrying about or fighting them, u use that energy 2 work ur way through them.Imagine that u r free of failure.Each setback is nothing more than a stepping stone on the sure & steady path 2 ultimate success.U r free 2 achieve whatever u choose 2 achieve, 2 live in the way u choose 2 live, 2 b-cum the person u choose 2 b-cum. Imagine u r free, & u r.Truly imagine u r on the path of success, & u r.Imagine it with YOUR most deeply held passion, & it is so.
Motivator: The limitations u've imposed on urself have dropped away.The disappointments of ur past no longer hold u down.The opinions of others cannot stand in ur way more. Imagine that u r free 2 focus on creating a better life 4 urself & 4 the world in which u live. Though there r difficult challenges, rather than wasting ur energy worrying about or fighting them, u use that energy 2 work ur way through them.Imagine that u r free of failure.Each setback is nothing more than a stepping stone on the sure & steady path 2 ultimate success.U r free 2 achieve whatever u choose 2 achieve, 2 live in the way u choose 2 live, 2 b-cum the person u choose 2 b-cum. Imagine u r free, & u r.Truly imagine u r on the path of success, & u r.Imagine it with YOUR most deeply held passion, & it is so.
Thursday, February 17, 2005
"Trials, temptations, disappointments -- all these are helps instead of hindrances, if one uses them rightly. They not only test the fibre of a character, but strengthen it. Every conquered temptation represents a new fund of moral energy. Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than it was before." --James Buckham
Motivator: Think of a time in ur life when u were particularly courageous, a time when u were especially creative, persistent, focused or adventurous. Consider that u r still the same person even now. Certainly circumstances have changed since then, & u have changed as well. Yet that capacity 4 courage is still with u. Connect urself with that courage & put ur life in2 it. U have it, there's no doubt. It is there, waiting 2 move u forward. Let urself live in it. Though the world is often harsh, there r boundless opportunities all around u. & u have the courage 2 make the most of them. Gather the circumstances of ur life & let that courage infuse them, so that everything becums an opportunity 4 moving 4ward. Live in courage & make life great.
Motivator: Think of a time in ur life when u were particularly courageous, a time when u were especially creative, persistent, focused or adventurous. Consider that u r still the same person even now. Certainly circumstances have changed since then, & u have changed as well. Yet that capacity 4 courage is still with u. Connect urself with that courage & put ur life in2 it. U have it, there's no doubt. It is there, waiting 2 move u forward. Let urself live in it. Though the world is often harsh, there r boundless opportunities all around u. & u have the courage 2 make the most of them. Gather the circumstances of ur life & let that courage infuse them, so that everything becums an opportunity 4 moving 4ward. Live in courage & make life great.
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
"Some day, in years to come, you will be wrestling with the great temptation, or trembling under the great sorrow of your life. But the real struggle is here, now, in these quiet weeks. Now it is being decided whether, in the day of your supreme sorrow or temptation, you shall miserably fail or gloriously conquer. Character cannot be made except by a steady, long continued process." --Phillips Brooks
Motivator: Wanting, needing & even craving things can severely limit ur enjoyment of them & their value in ur life. When u put all ur energy in2 lusting after something, u create a situation in which u can never have enough. Joy & fulfillment can cum only when u do have enough. Having enough depends not on the size of ur bank account or the number of people @ ur party. Having enough happens whenever u choose 2 let it happen. Thinking that u can never get enough is tragically self-fulfilling. Ambition can take u a long way, & yet if ambition is all u have it will eventually get in ur way. Aim high, 2 b, sure, & then accept it when u have arrived there.When u make the effort 2 go after something, also take the time & effort 2 enjoy it & 2 let it fill YOUR life.
Motivator: Wanting, needing & even craving things can severely limit ur enjoyment of them & their value in ur life. When u put all ur energy in2 lusting after something, u create a situation in which u can never have enough. Joy & fulfillment can cum only when u do have enough. Having enough depends not on the size of ur bank account or the number of people @ ur party. Having enough happens whenever u choose 2 let it happen. Thinking that u can never get enough is tragically self-fulfilling. Ambition can take u a long way, & yet if ambition is all u have it will eventually get in ur way. Aim high, 2 b, sure, & then accept it when u have arrived there.When u make the effort 2 go after something, also take the time & effort 2 enjoy it & 2 let it fill YOUR life.
Monday, February 14, 2005
"There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved." - George Sand
Motivator: Worrying about the future or regretting the past will drain energy away from u. Set aside those futile efforts & put the power of ur being in2 being where u r. Focus on the moment at hand, at being ur best right here & now. Plan 4 the future, 2 b sure, but don't let ur considerable energy b drained off bi it. B aware of where u r, & of where ur focus lies. If u catch urself drifting off in2 the anxieties of the past or the future, gently pull urself back in2 the present moment. There is so much u can accomplish bi doing what u can, when u can. Now is ur moment 2 live. Give ur attention & ur energy 2 where u r. Make the very best use of each moment as it cums along bi living it 2 its fullest. Focus on being where u r, & YOU'll b in a great & positive place indeed.
Motivator: Worrying about the future or regretting the past will drain energy away from u. Set aside those futile efforts & put the power of ur being in2 being where u r. Focus on the moment at hand, at being ur best right here & now. Plan 4 the future, 2 b sure, but don't let ur considerable energy b drained off bi it. B aware of where u r, & of where ur focus lies. If u catch urself drifting off in2 the anxieties of the past or the future, gently pull urself back in2 the present moment. There is so much u can accomplish bi doing what u can, when u can. Now is ur moment 2 live. Give ur attention & ur energy 2 where u r. Make the very best use of each moment as it cums along bi living it 2 its fullest. Focus on being where u r, & YOU'll b in a great & positive place indeed.
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Thoughtfulness for others, generosity, modesty and self-respect are the qualities which make a real gentleman or lady.- Thomas H. Huxley
You have survived every single challenge that has come your way. And when you look back on the things you've done, it is clear that not only have you survived those challenges, they have caused you to learn, to grow, to become stronger. Challenge is difficult, and it is valuable as well. Challenge can energize. Challenge can focus. Challenge can turn mere passing interest into rock solid commitment. It can turn mediocre into exceptional. In the long run, challenge pays off with big rewards. One of the surest ways to move your life forward is through challenge. Sometimes the challenges are forced upon you. But you don't have to wait for challenges to come your way. Seek out challenges for the value they offer. Improve the quality of your life by increasing the level of your challenges. You've already made it through a lifetime of challenges. Continue to find more that will move you ahead and compel you to become even stronger. Seize the challenges and you'll grasp your dreams.
You have survived every single challenge that has come your way. And when you look back on the things you've done, it is clear that not only have you survived those challenges, they have caused you to learn, to grow, to become stronger. Challenge is difficult, and it is valuable as well. Challenge can energize. Challenge can focus. Challenge can turn mere passing interest into rock solid commitment. It can turn mediocre into exceptional. In the long run, challenge pays off with big rewards. One of the surest ways to move your life forward is through challenge. Sometimes the challenges are forced upon you. But you don't have to wait for challenges to come your way. Seek out challenges for the value they offer. Improve the quality of your life by increasing the level of your challenges. You've already made it through a lifetime of challenges. Continue to find more that will move you ahead and compel you to become even stronger. Seize the challenges and you'll grasp your dreams.
Friday, February 11, 2005
"There is no sensual pleasure in the world comparable to the delight and satisfaction that a good man takes in doing good." -- Tillotson (%) Why is it so hard for us to do the right thing? If you haven't experienced the satisfation of unconditionally doing good to others, you have deprived yourself of such delight. It's never too late, though.
Motivator: C this day with the awe it deserves. It is a blessing with no equal. 2day is an opportunity, an adventure, a challenge, a glorious experience filled with enlightenment & wonder. Consider the depth & extent of the richness which spreads out be4 u, within ur grasp. What a great time 2 b alive! How will u make the most of this grand existence which is condensed in2 the day u now behold? U can think. U can reason. U can move about. U can take action. & u can do all these things with a directed purpose. U can make a difference 2day. Though this day is awesome indeed, it's nothing compared 2 what YOU can make of it.
Motivator: C this day with the awe it deserves. It is a blessing with no equal. 2day is an opportunity, an adventure, a challenge, a glorious experience filled with enlightenment & wonder. Consider the depth & extent of the richness which spreads out be4 u, within ur grasp. What a great time 2 b alive! How will u make the most of this grand existence which is condensed in2 the day u now behold? U can think. U can reason. U can move about. U can take action. & u can do all these things with a directed purpose. U can make a difference 2day. Though this day is awesome indeed, it's nothing compared 2 what YOU can make of it.
Thursday, February 10, 2005
"Right actions for the future are the best apologies for wrong ones in the past." -- Tyron Edwards
Motivator: Though u may hold tightly 2 limitations & even embrace them, u can also free urself from them when u decide 2 do so. Though they may seem like an integral part of u, they r not. U have adopted them & u can also let them go. Though ur life would certainly b different, the fact is that u would still b u. U don't need the limitations. They're not permanently bonded 2 u. U can indeed disengage. That freedom is closer than u think. It begins the moment u stop giving power 2 ur limiting thoughts, feelings, habits & actions. Rather than looking 4 excuses 2 give up, find the reasons 2 move forward. Go beyond those limiting thoughts & free urself 2 b YOUR very best...I need to let them go for you ,6D983, be patient please.
Motivator: Though u may hold tightly 2 limitations & even embrace them, u can also free urself from them when u decide 2 do so. Though they may seem like an integral part of u, they r not. U have adopted them & u can also let them go. Though ur life would certainly b different, the fact is that u would still b u. U don't need the limitations. They're not permanently bonded 2 u. U can indeed disengage. That freedom is closer than u think. It begins the moment u stop giving power 2 ur limiting thoughts, feelings, habits & actions. Rather than looking 4 excuses 2 give up, find the reasons 2 move forward. Go beyond those limiting thoughts & free urself 2 b YOUR very best...I need to let them go for you ,6D983, be patient please.
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
""I can't do it" never yet accomplished anything: "I will try" has accomplished wonders." --George P. Burnham
Motivator: Though most goals take a long & sustained effort 2 reach, the benefits of moving toward them begin 2 accrue immediately. That positive influence takes hold the moment u commit 2 reaching the objective. It gives 2 each day, each moment, each action an energy which would not otherwise b present. While it is true that genuine accomplishment requires effort applied over time, that eventual accomplishment begins 2 return value as soon as u start 2 work on it. Working diligently toward a future objective adds real value 2 ur world 2day. So what r u waiting 4? Set ur sights on an ambitious goal & start right now 2 reach 4 it. The reaching, the striving, the discipline & the effort r their own rewards. & they serve 2 make the goal, when it is indeed reached, more valuable.
Motivator: Though most goals take a long & sustained effort 2 reach, the benefits of moving toward them begin 2 accrue immediately. That positive influence takes hold the moment u commit 2 reaching the objective. It gives 2 each day, each moment, each action an energy which would not otherwise b present. While it is true that genuine accomplishment requires effort applied over time, that eventual accomplishment begins 2 return value as soon as u start 2 work on it. Working diligently toward a future objective adds real value 2 ur world 2day. So what r u waiting 4? Set ur sights on an ambitious goal & start right now 2 reach 4 it. The reaching, the striving, the discipline & the effort r their own rewards. & they serve 2 make the goal, when it is indeed reached, more valuable.
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
"Hard things are put in our way, not to stop us, but to call out our courage and strength." -Anonymous Don't forget these words next time you are passing through diffucult moments; Remember that you will never pass through anything that you can't handle!!!
Motivator: Something will grow in the garden of ur life 2day.Will it b an unsightly weed or a beautiful flower? Will it b what u've planned & created bi ur thoughts & actions, or will it simply b what u've allowed bi ur carelessness & lack of clear direction. Fail 2 plant, fail 2 tend the garden, & something will still grow there. But it probably won't b 2 ur liking.Walking through a neighborhood, it is easy 2 spot the gardens which r carefully & lovingly tended. They're the bright & bountiful 1's. Likewise, a life that's well tended is filled with the bright, beautiful rewards of that care & effort.What will grow in ur life 2day? The fertile ground is waiting 4 the seed of ur purpose & the care of ur commitment. 2day u can grow something of value & beauty..I believe it already has.
Motivator: Something will grow in the garden of ur life 2day.Will it b an unsightly weed or a beautiful flower? Will it b what u've planned & created bi ur thoughts & actions, or will it simply b what u've allowed bi ur carelessness & lack of clear direction. Fail 2 plant, fail 2 tend the garden, & something will still grow there. But it probably won't b 2 ur liking.Walking through a neighborhood, it is easy 2 spot the gardens which r carefully & lovingly tended. They're the bright & bountiful 1's. Likewise, a life that's well tended is filled with the bright, beautiful rewards of that care & effort.What will grow in ur life 2day? The fertile ground is waiting 4 the seed of ur purpose & the care of ur commitment. 2day u can grow something of value & beauty..I believe it already has.
Monday, February 07, 2005
"The greatest achievement of the human spirit is to live up to one's opportunities, and to make the most of one's resources." -- Vauvenargues
Motivator: The surest way 2 make a good impression is 2 b urself. After all, being u is what u do best. U have a great deal of experience at it. The surest way 2 look like a fool is bi attempting 2 impress others with something u're not. Success cums from substance. Perhaps u think the substance of ur life is not that impressive. If so, u're completely & absolutely wrong! U own experiences, thoughts, interests, knowledge, passions, desires, integrity & sense of humor, among many other things, set u apart & make u truly special. The power of substance cums from being who u r. B u. It is ur destiny. The world is waiting 2 joyfully throw its arms around the genuine, valuable person u know YOU r! ..from curent experience.
Motivator: The surest way 2 make a good impression is 2 b urself. After all, being u is what u do best. U have a great deal of experience at it. The surest way 2 look like a fool is bi attempting 2 impress others with something u're not. Success cums from substance. Perhaps u think the substance of ur life is not that impressive. If so, u're completely & absolutely wrong! U own experiences, thoughts, interests, knowledge, passions, desires, integrity & sense of humor, among many other things, set u apart & make u truly special. The power of substance cums from being who u r. B u. It is ur destiny. The world is waiting 2 joyfully throw its arms around the genuine, valuable person u know YOU r! ..from curent experience.
Friday, February 04, 2005
"Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it." - William Durant, founder of General Motors
Motivator: Each disappointment in ur life will continue 2 weigh u down only until u learn & accept what that it has 2 teach u. The moment a disappointment b-cums a learning & growing experience is the moment in which it is transformed in2 a triumph.The chance 2 learn from ur shortcomings & grow out of ur disappointments is 1 of the richest opportunities u can ever experience. Adversity is a thorough, effective & highly personalized teacher. The powerful lessons learned in the midst of disappointment will stay with u always. When u can bring urself 2 b grateful 4 ur problems u'll begin 2 harvest their positive value. Life is difficult; out of that difficulty grows meaning & beauty. In each disappointment is the seed of fulfillment. Learn what it has 2 teach...believe!
Motivator: Each disappointment in ur life will continue 2 weigh u down only until u learn & accept what that it has 2 teach u. The moment a disappointment b-cums a learning & growing experience is the moment in which it is transformed in2 a triumph.The chance 2 learn from ur shortcomings & grow out of ur disappointments is 1 of the richest opportunities u can ever experience. Adversity is a thorough, effective & highly personalized teacher. The powerful lessons learned in the midst of disappointment will stay with u always. When u can bring urself 2 b grateful 4 ur problems u'll begin 2 harvest their positive value. Life is difficult; out of that difficulty grows meaning & beauty. In each disappointment is the seed of fulfillment. Learn what it has 2 teach...believe!
Thursday, February 03, 2005
"If you do the best you can, you will find, nine times out of ten, that you have done as well as or better than anyone else." - William Feather
Motivator: Every person, at some level, has a desire 2 make a difference. Getting things done, making things happen, creating positive value though effort is a powerful & proven way 2 make that difference. Yet all 2 often we go out of our way 2 seek comfort & convenience while avoiding as much effort as possible. We make the tragic assumption that "the good life" is defined bi an absence of effort, when in fact the opposite is true. There's nothing more empty than a life devoted 2 leisure. Fill ur days with honest & effective effort. Make a difference in a positive way & YOUR rewards will b great. Experience the abundance of joy which comes from making things happen & getting things done....from experience chronicles of Marco
Motivator: Every person, at some level, has a desire 2 make a difference. Getting things done, making things happen, creating positive value though effort is a powerful & proven way 2 make that difference. Yet all 2 often we go out of our way 2 seek comfort & convenience while avoiding as much effort as possible. We make the tragic assumption that "the good life" is defined bi an absence of effort, when in fact the opposite is true. There's nothing more empty than a life devoted 2 leisure. Fill ur days with honest & effective effort. Make a difference in a positive way & YOUR rewards will b great. Experience the abundance of joy which comes from making things happen & getting things done....from experience chronicles of Marco
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
"The greatest discovery of my generation is that man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind." - William James
Motivator: Rather than lamenting what u do not have, make the most of what u do have. Rather than being stopped bi what u cannot do, move forward bi doing what u can do. Instead of agonizing over the past or worrying about the future, make sure that right now u r the very best u can b. Put ur attention & ur effort where they count. Use ur energy & ur time where they can make the biggest positive difference. Being positive is more than just repeating happy phrases. Being positive means doing what is necessary & right even if it is not easy or popular. Positive values r more than just cliché. Sincere positive values result in effective positive actions. & those actions will bring real, lasting & substantial achievement.
Motivator: Rather than lamenting what u do not have, make the most of what u do have. Rather than being stopped bi what u cannot do, move forward bi doing what u can do. Instead of agonizing over the past or worrying about the future, make sure that right now u r the very best u can b. Put ur attention & ur effort where they count. Use ur energy & ur time where they can make the biggest positive difference. Being positive is more than just repeating happy phrases. Being positive means doing what is necessary & right even if it is not easy or popular. Positive values r more than just cliché. Sincere positive values result in effective positive actions. & those actions will bring real, lasting & substantial achievement.
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