Wednesday, November 24, 2004


"Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people."

Motivator: Those things u'r "trying" 2 do usually never seem 2 get done. U can convince urself that u'r trying. U can announce 2 others that u'r trying. Yet only when u're actually doing will u get anything accomplished. What would happen if u eliminated "trying" from ur vocabulary? 4 1 thing, it would force u 2 b more specific. Instead of saying "I'm trying 2 get the job finished" u would have 2 say specifically what u've done so far. If u didn't have "trying" 2 fall back on, perhaps u'd b more apt 2 go ahead & really get it done. Making a sincere effort is great, but a vaguely focused "trying" is of little use. Take care that u'r not trying 2 much & actually doing 2 little. Forget about trying. Get up and get busy doing.

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