Thursday, November 18, 2004


"The great thing and the hard thing is to stick to things when you have outlived the first interest, and not yet got the second, which comes with a sort of mastery." --Janet Erskine Stuart

Motivator: No circumstance has the power 2 distract u from the direction u have chosen. Anything that knocks u off track does so because u have allowed it 2. Keep in mind that u give power 2 ur circumstances. The world around u can influence u 2 the extent that u allow it. There is a part of u that no 1, no thing can ever touch without ur participation. The direction in which u point & focus that essential core of ur being will largely determine the quality of ur life. Pain & pleasure may both b quite compelling, yet they r outside of who u really r. Keep that ever in mind, & b true 2 YOUR greatest possibilities.

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