Tuesday, October 05, 2004


"The self is not something that one finds. It is something that one creates." -Thomas Szasz (1920-) American Psychiatrist

Motivator: How many times have the obstacles standing in ur way been primarily a creation of ur own imagination? Have u ever convinced urself that u cannot possibly do something, and then later discovered that u can indeed do it? Consider that many of the limitations which u live with each day may very well b self imposed. Certainly there r very real and frightening challenges which u face. B careful not 2 add 2 them with ur own imagined obstacles. Ur imagination is best used 2 imagine ur positive possibilities. Ur mind and ur imagination r totally under ur own control, so use them 4 2 ur benefit. Let ur imagination enrich ur life rather than impede it. Imagine the best 4 urself and YOUR world.

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