"No pleasure philosophy, no sensuality, no place nor power, no material success can for a moment give such inner satisfaction as the sense of living for good purposes, for maintenance of integrity, for the preservation of self-approval." --Minot Simons
Motivator: In the end, it requires just as much effort 2 live poorly as it does 2 live richly. & filling ur life with richness is a whole lot more fun :-). As long as u're going 2 put in the time & effort 2 go through the day, doesn't it make sense 2 get the very most u can from it? Ur expectations do a good job of keeping u in line. What u get from life is just about exactly what u expect. So here's a powerful suggestion -start expecting more! U r filled with possibilities & u live in a world full of opportunities. Resolve right now 2 make the most of it all. U r worth it, u can do it, & u'll b so glad YOU did.
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." - Helen Keller
Motivator: R u tired & weary? Do u need something that will energize ur life & get u going? Give urself a good, difficult challenge -- something u truly want 2 achieve & something that will compel u 2 grow in the process. Once u dive in2 that challenge, it will energize every area of ur life. Y do people climb mountains? Y do billionaires who have enough money 4 1,000 lifetimes work 2 create even more business? Because they understand the value of challenge. Give urself a hefty challenge & watch YOUR life move rapidly 4ward.
Motivator: R u tired & weary? Do u need something that will energize ur life & get u going? Give urself a good, difficult challenge -- something u truly want 2 achieve & something that will compel u 2 grow in the process. Once u dive in2 that challenge, it will energize every area of ur life. Y do people climb mountains? Y do billionaires who have enough money 4 1,000 lifetimes work 2 create even more business? Because they understand the value of challenge. Give urself a hefty challenge & watch YOUR life move rapidly 4ward.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
"Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun." --Mary Lou Cook
Motivator: U'll only live this day once, yet u will live with it 4 the rest of ur life. 2day u have the opportunity 2 take action, 2 make things happen, 2 create, 2 express urself, 2 b with those u love, 2 experience the beauty that's around u. The way u spend this day will have repercussions which will echo through ur life 4 years. U have the opportunity right now 2 control whether u'll look back on 2day with satisfaction or with regret. So what will it b? That's up 2 u. 2day is here right now. It's ur opportunity 2 fill ur life with value & meaning. Make it a day YOU can continue 2 live with & enjoy.
Motivator: U'll only live this day once, yet u will live with it 4 the rest of ur life. 2day u have the opportunity 2 take action, 2 make things happen, 2 create, 2 express urself, 2 b with those u love, 2 experience the beauty that's around u. The way u spend this day will have repercussions which will echo through ur life 4 years. U have the opportunity right now 2 control whether u'll look back on 2day with satisfaction or with regret. So what will it b? That's up 2 u. 2day is here right now. It's ur opportunity 2 fill ur life with value & meaning. Make it a day YOU can continue 2 live with & enjoy.
Monday, June 27, 2005
"The conditions of conquest are always easy. We have but to toil awhile, endure awhile, believe always, and never turn back." - Marcus Annaeus Seneca
Motivator: 4 every disappointment u're experiencing there's a step u can take right now that will begin 2 move u away from that disappointment. 4 every weakness or limitation there's a step u can take right now that will make u stronger. Each time a disappointment cums ur way, each time u encounter a discouraging situation, challenge urself 2 find something positive & compelling 2 offset it. The world is full of ups & downs. The quality of ur life depends not on how many ups or downs cum ur way, but rather on where u choose 2 direct YOUR focus.
Motivator: 4 every disappointment u're experiencing there's a step u can take right now that will begin 2 move u away from that disappointment. 4 every weakness or limitation there's a step u can take right now that will make u stronger. Each time a disappointment cums ur way, each time u encounter a discouraging situation, challenge urself 2 find something positive & compelling 2 offset it. The world is full of ups & downs. The quality of ur life depends not on how many ups or downs cum ur way, but rather on where u choose 2 direct YOUR focus.
Friday, June 24, 2005
"It is a good thing to be rich, it is a good thing to be strong, but it is a better thing to be beloved of many friends." - Euripedes
Motivator: It's nice & comfortable 2 lie in bed an xtra hr or so on a rainy Saturday morning. Yet if u stay in bed all day, that's not comfortable @ all. Being comfortable is pleasant up 2 a point. After that point, the comfort is no longer desirable & can in fact becum quite unpleasant. Comfort is enjoyable. Thankfully that enjoyment doesn't continue indefinitely. No matter how comfortable u may b, soon u get hungry 4 life, 4 challenge, 4 the opportunity 2 make a difference. Pay heed 2 that dissatisfaction. Get out of ur nice warm bed while it's still nice & warm. Move beyond ur comfort zone before it smothers YOU. There's so much more 2 life than mere comfort. Experience it all!
Motivator: It's nice & comfortable 2 lie in bed an xtra hr or so on a rainy Saturday morning. Yet if u stay in bed all day, that's not comfortable @ all. Being comfortable is pleasant up 2 a point. After that point, the comfort is no longer desirable & can in fact becum quite unpleasant. Comfort is enjoyable. Thankfully that enjoyment doesn't continue indefinitely. No matter how comfortable u may b, soon u get hungry 4 life, 4 challenge, 4 the opportunity 2 make a difference. Pay heed 2 that dissatisfaction. Get out of ur nice warm bed while it's still nice & warm. Move beyond ur comfort zone before it smothers YOU. There's so much more 2 life than mere comfort. Experience it all!
Thursday, June 23, 2005
"The only service a friend can really render is to keep up your courage by holding up to you a mirror in which you can see a noble image of yourself." - George Bernard Shaw
Motivator: When u look @ a bigger picture, just the change in viewpoint alone will suddenly make the problems smaller. Does it make sense 2 spend all ur energy fighting battles that don't really matter? Those who can c the bigger picture r able 2 focus on achieving bigger, more positive results. Is something holding u down? Back away from it. Frame it within a larger perspective & u'll create more room 4 urself 2 get around it. R u crawling along the rocky ground, agonizing over every pebble? Or r u flying through the air, enjoying the view from 30,000 feet? The difference is 1 of perspective. Make urs big enough, & YOU'll move suddenly 4ward.
Motivator: When u look @ a bigger picture, just the change in viewpoint alone will suddenly make the problems smaller. Does it make sense 2 spend all ur energy fighting battles that don't really matter? Those who can c the bigger picture r able 2 focus on achieving bigger, more positive results. Is something holding u down? Back away from it. Frame it within a larger perspective & u'll create more room 4 urself 2 get around it. R u crawling along the rocky ground, agonizing over every pebble? Or r u flying through the air, enjoying the view from 30,000 feet? The difference is 1 of perspective. Make urs big enough, & YOU'll move suddenly 4ward.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
"The road to happiness lies in two simple principles: find what it is that interests you and that you can do well, and when you find it, put your whole soul into it -- every bit of energy and ambition and natural ability you have." - John D. Rockefeller III
Motivator: A positive outlook costs u nothing, yet it can bring u so very much. How can u b positive if everything is going wrong? Because a positive outlook is a great way 2 get things going right. The reason 2 b positive is because of how ur positive outlook will shape the future. It will enable u 2 c possibilities that exist despite the problems & obstacles. It can energize ur actions & keep u focused on moving 4ward. Is it naive 2 b positive, or just wishful thinking? Most certainly not. Though it's foolish 2 ignore reality, it's even more foolish 2 give in 2 negativity when that reality gets 2 difficult. The more u acknowledge, accept & pursue positive possibilities, the better off YOU'll b.
Motivator: A positive outlook costs u nothing, yet it can bring u so very much. How can u b positive if everything is going wrong? Because a positive outlook is a great way 2 get things going right. The reason 2 b positive is because of how ur positive outlook will shape the future. It will enable u 2 c possibilities that exist despite the problems & obstacles. It can energize ur actions & keep u focused on moving 4ward. Is it naive 2 b positive, or just wishful thinking? Most certainly not. Though it's foolish 2 ignore reality, it's even more foolish 2 give in 2 negativity when that reality gets 2 difficult. The more u acknowledge, accept & pursue positive possibilities, the better off YOU'll b.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
"I have found that the greatest help in meeting any problem with decency and self-respect and whatever courage is demanded, is to know where you yourself stand. That is, to have in words what you believe and are acting from." --William Faulkner (1897-1962) American Writer
Motivator: An encouraging word, a helpful gesture, an offer of assistance or understanding can go a long way 2 turn things around. It is easy 2 complain when things aren't going right. It is easy 2 criticize every1 & everything. But where does that get u? People will respond 2 kindness. If u want some1 on ur side, if u want 2 persuade some1 2 c ur point of view, 1 of the best ways is 2 approach them with sincere kindness & caring. It can diffuse a tense situation. It can help u 2 build rapport. & it must b sincere. It must cum from the heart. Try a little kindness, with no expectations of anything in return. It will improve ur outlook, ur effectiveness, & it might even lower ur blood pressure! Put some kindness in2 the world & YOU'll like what the world gives back.
Motivator: An encouraging word, a helpful gesture, an offer of assistance or understanding can go a long way 2 turn things around. It is easy 2 complain when things aren't going right. It is easy 2 criticize every1 & everything. But where does that get u? People will respond 2 kindness. If u want some1 on ur side, if u want 2 persuade some1 2 c ur point of view, 1 of the best ways is 2 approach them with sincere kindness & caring. It can diffuse a tense situation. It can help u 2 build rapport. & it must b sincere. It must cum from the heart. Try a little kindness, with no expectations of anything in return. It will improve ur outlook, ur effectiveness, & it might even lower ur blood pressure! Put some kindness in2 the world & YOU'll like what the world gives back.
Monday, June 20, 2005
"The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in the persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours." --Beatrice Vincent
Motivator: Self discipline is the way 2 transform ur weaknesses in2 strengths. Without discipline, even when u know what u want, u're unable 2 achieve it. Without discipline, even though u know what u don't want, u're unable 2 avoid it. It takes effort, it takes determination, it takes sacrifice, yet it is not a punishment. Rather, it is a fulfillment, the means 2 reaching ur highest & best possibilities. How do u "get" self discipline? U already have it. It involves nothing more than controlling ur own actions, & u've been doing that since u were a child. 2 discipline urself, u simply must decide 2 do it. The powerful tool of self discipline is urs 2 use whenever u're ready start living life on YOUR own terms.
Motivator: Self discipline is the way 2 transform ur weaknesses in2 strengths. Without discipline, even when u know what u want, u're unable 2 achieve it. Without discipline, even though u know what u don't want, u're unable 2 avoid it. It takes effort, it takes determination, it takes sacrifice, yet it is not a punishment. Rather, it is a fulfillment, the means 2 reaching ur highest & best possibilities. How do u "get" self discipline? U already have it. It involves nothing more than controlling ur own actions, & u've been doing that since u were a child. 2 discipline urself, u simply must decide 2 do it. The powerful tool of self discipline is urs 2 use whenever u're ready start living life on YOUR own terms.
Friday, June 17, 2005
"There is only one real failure in life that is possible, and that is, not to be true to the best one knows." --John Farrar (1945-) Austrailian Composer
Motivator: The person u pay the most attention 2 is urself. The things u say 2 urself, u tend 2 believe without question. Unfortunately, 2 many people talk 2 negatively 2 themselves 2 much of the time. After all, u control what u say 2 urself. So choose 2 b positive when talking 2 urself. Rather than thinking "I'll never b able 2 do that" tell urself "This is a great challenge that will bring out the best in me." Have u ever offered words of encouragement 2 some1 else? That's great! Remember 2 give urself similar encouragement on a regular basis. U r ur own best motivational speaker. Make a point 2 give urself some positive encouragement every day. It will truly bring out the best in YOU!
Motivator: The person u pay the most attention 2 is urself. The things u say 2 urself, u tend 2 believe without question. Unfortunately, 2 many people talk 2 negatively 2 themselves 2 much of the time. After all, u control what u say 2 urself. So choose 2 b positive when talking 2 urself. Rather than thinking "I'll never b able 2 do that" tell urself "This is a great challenge that will bring out the best in me." Have u ever offered words of encouragement 2 some1 else? That's great! Remember 2 give urself similar encouragement on a regular basis. U r ur own best motivational speaker. Make a point 2 give urself some positive encouragement every day. It will truly bring out the best in YOU!
Thursday, June 16, 2005
"Happiness is like a cat. If you try to coax it or call it, it will avoid you. It will never come. But if you pay no attention to it and go about your business, you'll find it rubbing up against your legs and jumping into your lap." - William Bennett
Motivator: Along the path toward ur goal, occasionally u'll wander off in the wrong direction. It's OK. In fact, it can help u. U'll probably learn or experience something valuable. After all, something caused u 2 b distracted. & once u're off the main road, u might as well make the most of it. Then, remind urself of where u were going in the 1st place, & of how much u want 2 get there. The disappointment of getting distracted, gives u the opportunity 2 reflect on ur original direction. Use these distractions as opportunities 2 learn & grow, then point urself back in the direction of YOUR goals, with renewed commitment & enthusiasm.
Motivator: Along the path toward ur goal, occasionally u'll wander off in the wrong direction. It's OK. In fact, it can help u. U'll probably learn or experience something valuable. After all, something caused u 2 b distracted. & once u're off the main road, u might as well make the most of it. Then, remind urself of where u were going in the 1st place, & of how much u want 2 get there. The disappointment of getting distracted, gives u the opportunity 2 reflect on ur original direction. Use these distractions as opportunities 2 learn & grow, then point urself back in the direction of YOUR goals, with renewed commitment & enthusiasm.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you will help them become what they are capable of becoming." --Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
"There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self." --Hindu proverb
Motivator: Even the most difficult challenge can b broken down in2 finite, easily accomplished steps. People who only take some of those steps will fall short of the goal. Some people will often take a few steps & then stop, complaining about how unfair life is. Others will take some steps in 1 direction, grow bored, & then start off in another direction, only 2 becum disillusioned. The only way 2 success is 2 go all the way 2 success. The path 2 any success is in front of u, & u r free 2 travel that path, 1 step at a time. Each step is within ur reach. It's up 2 YOU 2 take them all, every 1 of them!
Motivator: Even the most difficult challenge can b broken down in2 finite, easily accomplished steps. People who only take some of those steps will fall short of the goal. Some people will often take a few steps & then stop, complaining about how unfair life is. Others will take some steps in 1 direction, grow bored, & then start off in another direction, only 2 becum disillusioned. The only way 2 success is 2 go all the way 2 success. The path 2 any success is in front of u, & u r free 2 travel that path, 1 step at a time. Each step is within ur reach. It's up 2 YOU 2 take them all, every 1 of them!
Monday, June 13, 2005
"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children...to leave the world a better place...to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Motivator: We often say things such as "He makes me furious. He makes me nervous. This job stresses me out. That's driving me crazy." As true as such statements may seem, they're not accurate. When u r angry, or nervous, stressful, fearful, offended or excited, it's due 2 a choice u have made. The other person or situation does not make u that way. The way u respond 2 every situation is up 2 u. When making that choice, it pays 2 consider what will happen as a result of that choice & 2 ask urself if it will have a positive impact on ur life. Rather than putting those responses on auto-pilot, select those which will move ur life, & the world in which YOU live, positively 4ward.
Motivator: We often say things such as "He makes me furious. He makes me nervous. This job stresses me out. That's driving me crazy." As true as such statements may seem, they're not accurate. When u r angry, or nervous, stressful, fearful, offended or excited, it's due 2 a choice u have made. The other person or situation does not make u that way. The way u respond 2 every situation is up 2 u. When making that choice, it pays 2 consider what will happen as a result of that choice & 2 ask urself if it will have a positive impact on ur life. Rather than putting those responses on auto-pilot, select those which will move ur life, & the world in which YOU live, positively 4ward.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
"Gentlemen, why don't you laugh? With the fearful strain that is upon me night and day, if I did not laugh, I should die." - Abraham Lincoln
Motivator: When u blame others 4 your problems, u give up ur ability 2 solve them. Do u really want 2 do that? No matter who may have done what, ur best strategy is 2 take responsibility 4 it. Though it may b their fault, it's ur life. Don't depend on those who have hurt u in the past 2 help u in the future. 4get about who is 2 blame. Focus on what is 2 b done. If u're not satisfied with ur circumstances, it's up 2 u 2 change them 4 the better. Certainly there r many things outside ur control. Accept them, adjust 4 them, & put ur efforts in2 moving 4ward as a result of ur own thoughts, ur own actions. The energy it would take 2 blame & hold a grudge can b used instead 2 make a positive difference. Rather than perpetuating something unpleasant in ur past, choose 2 leave it behind. Create ur future the way YOU would like it 2 b.
Motivator: When u blame others 4 your problems, u give up ur ability 2 solve them. Do u really want 2 do that? No matter who may have done what, ur best strategy is 2 take responsibility 4 it. Though it may b their fault, it's ur life. Don't depend on those who have hurt u in the past 2 help u in the future. 4get about who is 2 blame. Focus on what is 2 b done. If u're not satisfied with ur circumstances, it's up 2 u 2 change them 4 the better. Certainly there r many things outside ur control. Accept them, adjust 4 them, & put ur efforts in2 moving 4ward as a result of ur own thoughts, ur own actions. The energy it would take 2 blame & hold a grudge can b used instead 2 make a positive difference. Rather than perpetuating something unpleasant in ur past, choose 2 leave it behind. Create ur future the way YOU would like it 2 b.
Friday, June 10, 2005
"Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is a beauty, admire it. Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a duty, complete it. Life is a game, play it. Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is sorrow, overcome it. Life is a song, sing it. Life is a struggle, accept it. Life is a tragedy, confront it. Life is an adventure, dare it. Life is luck, make it. Life is life, fight for it!" - Mother Teresa
Motivator: It is ordinary 2 speak with a friend on the phone. Yet when u think of the physical complexities, the social, linguistic & technological accomplishments necessary 4 such a feat, it is indeed amazing. We may think of a miracle as something out of the ordinary, yet that which is ordinary is itself a most wonderful miracle. From ordinary days cum exceptional joy. From ordinary lives cum outstanding accomplishments. In every ordinary moment is possibility, & there's nothing ordinary about that. The fact that life often seems so ordinary, & that we take so much of it 4 granted, is a powerful testament 2 the all-encompassing quality of its wonder. Keep in mind that within ordinary moments r the most extraordinary things YOU could possibly experience.
Motivator: It is ordinary 2 speak with a friend on the phone. Yet when u think of the physical complexities, the social, linguistic & technological accomplishments necessary 4 such a feat, it is indeed amazing. We may think of a miracle as something out of the ordinary, yet that which is ordinary is itself a most wonderful miracle. From ordinary days cum exceptional joy. From ordinary lives cum outstanding accomplishments. In every ordinary moment is possibility, & there's nothing ordinary about that. The fact that life often seems so ordinary, & that we take so much of it 4 granted, is a powerful testament 2 the all-encompassing quality of its wonder. Keep in mind that within ordinary moments r the most extraordinary things YOU could possibly experience.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
"He who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger." -Japanese proverb
Motivator: Success requires that u go the distance. Results depend not only on what u start 2 do, but on what u complete. Accomplishment depends not on what u intend 2 do, but on what u actually get done. Wishing, hoping, planning, & trying will not bi themselves get u there. Ur persistence, ur commitment, ur actions r what will bring the success u seek. The world is full of those with great ideas & big plans. Unfortunately, 2 many of those ideas r never fully explored. 2 many of those plans r never completely implemented. Dream big dreams. Make big plans. & then take the actions which will make those dreams a reality. Give real time & effort 2 ur best intentions & YOU'll transform them in2 accomplishment.
Motivator: Success requires that u go the distance. Results depend not only on what u start 2 do, but on what u complete. Accomplishment depends not on what u intend 2 do, but on what u actually get done. Wishing, hoping, planning, & trying will not bi themselves get u there. Ur persistence, ur commitment, ur actions r what will bring the success u seek. The world is full of those with great ideas & big plans. Unfortunately, 2 many of those ideas r never fully explored. 2 many of those plans r never completely implemented. Dream big dreams. Make big plans. & then take the actions which will make those dreams a reality. Give real time & effort 2 ur best intentions & YOU'll transform them in2 accomplishment.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
"Take time to laugh - it is the music of the soul." --From an old English prayer.
Motivator: When u experience misfortune, or when another person wrongs u, or when u find urself in difficult circumstances, u can choose 2 b a victim. U can choose 2 solicit sympathy & 2 feel sorry 4 urself. U can choose 2 take comfort in the knowledge that some1 else is responsible 4 ur troubles. Or u can choose 2 pick urself up & move forward. U can refuse 2 allow urself 2 b a victim. Others may hurt u. Circumstances may work against u. Tragedy may cum ur way. Yet none of this means u must consent 2 b a victim. Choose 2 make triumph rise from tragedy. Choose 2 make every defeat a temporary 1 on the way 2 ultimate victory. Rather than being skilled @ complaining & collecting excuses, bcum skilled @ adapting & turning even the most difficult circumstances in YOUR favor.
Motivator: When u experience misfortune, or when another person wrongs u, or when u find urself in difficult circumstances, u can choose 2 b a victim. U can choose 2 solicit sympathy & 2 feel sorry 4 urself. U can choose 2 take comfort in the knowledge that some1 else is responsible 4 ur troubles. Or u can choose 2 pick urself up & move forward. U can refuse 2 allow urself 2 b a victim. Others may hurt u. Circumstances may work against u. Tragedy may cum ur way. Yet none of this means u must consent 2 b a victim. Choose 2 make triumph rise from tragedy. Choose 2 make every defeat a temporary 1 on the way 2 ultimate victory. Rather than being skilled @ complaining & collecting excuses, bcum skilled @ adapting & turning even the most difficult circumstances in YOUR favor.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
"No matter who says what, you should accept it with a smile and do your own work." - Mother Teresa
Motivator: U can find a way 2 rise 2 any challenge, accomplish any objective, transcend any obstacle when u know u're doing the right thing. R u doing what is right? Is it right 4 the person u r? Is it right 4 those u love? Is it right 4 the beliefs u hold? Is it right 4 the goals u have set 4 urself? Is it right 4 the world in which u live? Doing what is right will harness the full power of ur being. Doing what is right will put truth & goodness on ur side. Doing what is right will leave u with no need 2 make excuses or 2 suffer regret. Put YOUR time & energy in2 doing what is right; the resulting efforts will b powerful, effective & fulfilling.
Motivator: U can find a way 2 rise 2 any challenge, accomplish any objective, transcend any obstacle when u know u're doing the right thing. R u doing what is right? Is it right 4 the person u r? Is it right 4 those u love? Is it right 4 the beliefs u hold? Is it right 4 the goals u have set 4 urself? Is it right 4 the world in which u live? Doing what is right will harness the full power of ur being. Doing what is right will put truth & goodness on ur side. Doing what is right will leave u with no need 2 make excuses or 2 suffer regret. Put YOUR time & energy in2 doing what is right; the resulting efforts will b powerful, effective & fulfilling.
Monday, June 06, 2005
"The world is moved not only by the mighty shoves of the heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker." - Helen Keller
Motivator: The things 4 which u r responsible r the things over which u have control. If u attempt 2 seize control, u'll b met with fierce resistance. Yet when u offer 2 accept responsibility, u'll b welcomed with open arms. Lots of people r quick 2 claim "it's not my responsibility." Bi so doing, they deny themselves the best opportunities. If u desire 2 have an influence, if u desire 2 make an impact, YOU must b willing 2 take responsibility. Those who fail 2 exercise their responsibilities quickly lose them. Influence, effectiveness & achievement r earned, & responsibility is a critical part of the process. Those who have the 4sight 2 accept it will rise quickly 2 ever-increasing success.
Motivator: The things 4 which u r responsible r the things over which u have control. If u attempt 2 seize control, u'll b met with fierce resistance. Yet when u offer 2 accept responsibility, u'll b welcomed with open arms. Lots of people r quick 2 claim "it's not my responsibility." Bi so doing, they deny themselves the best opportunities. If u desire 2 have an influence, if u desire 2 make an impact, YOU must b willing 2 take responsibility. Those who fail 2 exercise their responsibilities quickly lose them. Influence, effectiveness & achievement r earned, & responsibility is a critical part of the process. Those who have the 4sight 2 accept it will rise quickly 2 ever-increasing success.
Sunday, June 05, 2005
"If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well." - Martin Luther King, Jr
Motivator: When u can accept & even welcum ur feelings, they lose their power over u. Do u feel lousy 2day? Instead of making that something 2 fight against, let it b. Accept that u feel lousy, & suddenly it's not so bad. Ur feelings help u 2 perceive, understand & interact with the world. They r urs 2 experience, 2 learn from & 2 enjoy. Accept them all. Welcum them all. Fighting against them or resenting them does not make them go away. In fact it gives them more power. Each 1 can help u 2 understand urself. Let them fill ur life. Don't let them dominate it. Each day u'll move 4ward past a whole lot of different feelings. C them as milestones along the way, not there 2 slow u down, but 2 keep u moving positively ahead.
Motivator: When u can accept & even welcum ur feelings, they lose their power over u. Do u feel lousy 2day? Instead of making that something 2 fight against, let it b. Accept that u feel lousy, & suddenly it's not so bad. Ur feelings help u 2 perceive, understand & interact with the world. They r urs 2 experience, 2 learn from & 2 enjoy. Accept them all. Welcum them all. Fighting against them or resenting them does not make them go away. In fact it gives them more power. Each 1 can help u 2 understand urself. Let them fill ur life. Don't let them dominate it. Each day u'll move 4ward past a whole lot of different feelings. C them as milestones along the way, not there 2 slow u down, but 2 keep u moving positively ahead.
Friday, June 03, 2005
"Beauty, truth, friendship, love, creation - these are the great values of life. We can't prove them, or explain them, yet they are the most stable things in our lives." --Jesse Herman Holmes
Motivator: All the things u hope 2 becum, all the things u would like 2 accomplish, all the things u plan 2 do, don't carry much weight in comparison 2 those things u actually expect 2 becum, 2 accomplish & 2 do. The best crafted plans r meaningless unless u sincerely expect 2 follow through on them. The most magnificent dreams will evade u until u can truly & confidently expect 2 achieve them. Ur expectations 4 this day, this year, this life will significantly impact u outcums. Raise ur expectations not others', & u raise the quality of ur life. Can u expect great things 4 urself? Yes, indeed u can. Will u? That is completely up 2 YOU.
Motivator: All the things u hope 2 becum, all the things u would like 2 accomplish, all the things u plan 2 do, don't carry much weight in comparison 2 those things u actually expect 2 becum, 2 accomplish & 2 do. The best crafted plans r meaningless unless u sincerely expect 2 follow through on them. The most magnificent dreams will evade u until u can truly & confidently expect 2 achieve them. Ur expectations 4 this day, this year, this life will significantly impact u outcums. Raise ur expectations not others', & u raise the quality of ur life. Can u expect great things 4 urself? Yes, indeed u can. Will u? That is completely up 2 YOU.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
"To be capable of steady friendship or lasting love, are the two greatest proofs, not only of goodness of heart, but of strength of mind." - William Hazlitt
Motivator: There was a time when u had never done even those things at which u're now most skilled. But u learned how, & u did them. U learned some more & improved. Think of all the things that at 1 time were new 2 u. Everything u know right now was at 1 time something new. U've discovered. U've learned. U've improved. U're very experienced at going through that process. It has been happening from the moment u were born. What u need 2 achieve, what u desire 2 achieve, u can indeed achieve. How intensely do u want it? What r u willing 2 do? U're good at achievement, so choose carefully what u decide 2 achieve. Because YOU'll get it.
Motivator: There was a time when u had never done even those things at which u're now most skilled. But u learned how, & u did them. U learned some more & improved. Think of all the things that at 1 time were new 2 u. Everything u know right now was at 1 time something new. U've discovered. U've learned. U've improved. U're very experienced at going through that process. It has been happening from the moment u were born. What u need 2 achieve, what u desire 2 achieve, u can indeed achieve. How intensely do u want it? What r u willing 2 do? U're good at achievement, so choose carefully what u decide 2 achieve. Because YOU'll get it.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
"Time and money spent in helping men do more for themselves is far better than mere giving." - Henry Ford
Motivator: The more u depend on things outside urself the more frustrated & miserable u will becum. These things need not b conditional, or dependent on factors outside ur control. Stop waiting 4 permission 2 b happy. Give urself permission & start living each moment with joy. "If only I could find a new job & make more $$, then I would b happy." Do u attempt 2 console urself with false assumptions such as this? Bi all means, make every effort 2 put urself in a gr8 job, but don't fool urself in2 thinking that it will bring u fulfillment, or that the lack of it will prevent u from being happy. U will b fulfilled & happy when u realize that u already have enough. & that depends entirely on u. Accept & live out the abundance that is already urs, & nothing in the world can hold U back.
Motivator: The more u depend on things outside urself the more frustrated & miserable u will becum. These things need not b conditional, or dependent on factors outside ur control. Stop waiting 4 permission 2 b happy. Give urself permission & start living each moment with joy. "If only I could find a new job & make more $$, then I would b happy." Do u attempt 2 console urself with false assumptions such as this? Bi all means, make every effort 2 put urself in a gr8 job, but don't fool urself in2 thinking that it will bring u fulfillment, or that the lack of it will prevent u from being happy. U will b fulfilled & happy when u realize that u already have enough. & that depends entirely on u. Accept & live out the abundance that is already urs, & nothing in the world can hold U back.
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