Sunday, January 23, 2005


"He is a man of sense who does not grieve for what he has not, but rejoices in what he has." -- Epictetus

Motivator: Have u ever noticed how much ur own thinking can often interfere with ur awareness? U've probably had the experience of failing 2 hear what some1 is saying 2 u because u're busy thinking of how 2 answer them. There is a time 4 thinking, 4 questioning & judgment, 4 analyzing & strategizing, & there is a time 4 opening urself up 2 experience the world around u. U r well equipped 2 think, & u r also equipped 2 listen, 2 feel, 2 see, 2 experience. Thoughts can b powerful. The absence of thoughts can b powerful as well. Many things r annoying, 4 example, simply because u think they're annoying. What grand & beautiful things might lie hidden underneath the relentless noise of ur own thoughts? Pursue ur thoughts with vigor, & when the situation calls 4 it, let ur thoughts b still. Strength & wisdom cum not only from excitement & complexity, but also from a quiet & peaceful awareness of what is.

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