"The greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall." - Confucius
Last Motivator of the year: A sure sign that u're chasing happiness 2 no avail is the phrase "if only," as in "if only I had a new car, then I'd b happy" or "if only I had a better job, then I'd b happy." It's great 2 have higher & higher ambitions. Yet when u make ur happiness conditional, u never seem 2 b able 2 meet all the conditions.A better strategy is not 2 chase happiness but 2 make it right where u r. Rather than putting conditions on ur happiness, simply allow it 2 b. Could u b happy right now, right here? Of course. Bi all means pursue ur dreams. Make things better. & enjoy each moment along the way.There's no need 2 wait 4 happiness. U don't get it bi chasing it. YOU have it bi living it! ..& that is what I will do on vacation :-)
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Friday, December 24, 2004
"The nobler sort of man emphasizes the good qualities in others, and does not accentuate the bad. The inferior does." - Confucius
Motivator: Life can b as full, rich & joyful & u're willing 2 make it. There's absolutely no reason 2 put it off until later. U'll only cheat urself out of the golden days that can b urs.
Stop 4 a moment & consider ur dreams, ur hopes & ur ambitions. They r urs 4 a reason. They r urs because u r in the best position 2 follow & fulfill them. They r urs because they will compel u 2 make a positive difference in ur own special way.2day is the time 4 action, 4 commitment, 4 living with purpose & positive direction. 2day is an opportunity 4 u 2 b the best u can be bi making progress toward ur own special dreams.
Motivator: Life can b as full, rich & joyful & u're willing 2 make it. There's absolutely no reason 2 put it off until later. U'll only cheat urself out of the golden days that can b urs.
Stop 4 a moment & consider ur dreams, ur hopes & ur ambitions. They r urs 4 a reason. They r urs because u r in the best position 2 follow & fulfill them. They r urs because they will compel u 2 make a positive difference in ur own special way.2day is the time 4 action, 4 commitment, 4 living with purpose & positive direction. 2day is an opportunity 4 u 2 b the best u can be bi making progress toward ur own special dreams.
Thursday, December 23, 2004
"Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control. These three alone lead to sovereign power." -Lord Alfred Tennyson
Motivator: The things u do not attempt, u will surely not achieve. Though u may have great excuses & justifications 4 not taking action, those excuses will bring no value 2 ur life or 2 the world around u. Hiding behind excuses simply does not bring that joy or sense of fulfillment. Undertaking an ambitious project is rarely easy. It can often b uncomfortable & challenging. & there is no guarantee of success. Yet the alternative is far worse. Never attempting anything is indeed a guarantee -- a guarantee of failure. B bold. Get in the game. Jump in & make a difference. Set ur goals high, & then commit 2 reaching them through ur actions. It won't b easy. It will b great!
Motivator: The things u do not attempt, u will surely not achieve. Though u may have great excuses & justifications 4 not taking action, those excuses will bring no value 2 ur life or 2 the world around u. Hiding behind excuses simply does not bring that joy or sense of fulfillment. Undertaking an ambitious project is rarely easy. It can often b uncomfortable & challenging. & there is no guarantee of success. Yet the alternative is far worse. Never attempting anything is indeed a guarantee -- a guarantee of failure. B bold. Get in the game. Jump in & make a difference. Set ur goals high, & then commit 2 reaching them through ur actions. It won't b easy. It will b great!
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
"I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing." -Agatha Christie
Motivator: U can hide things about urself from just about any1, but u can't really hide them from urself. U know what u're up 2, & that's important. Because the person u r 2 b-cum tomorrow is always watching the person u r 2day. U know who u r (hopefully LOL) right now, u know what u're doing, what ur motivations r, what kind of attitude u maintain. U know & control the real u. Let the person u r 2day push u forward, positively in2 the future. Soon u'll look back on 2day, & what u c can either give u strength or bring u regret. Choose ur actions so that what u do 2day will truly make YOU stronger tomorrow.
Motivator: U can hide things about urself from just about any1, but u can't really hide them from urself. U know what u're up 2, & that's important. Because the person u r 2 b-cum tomorrow is always watching the person u r 2day. U know who u r (hopefully LOL) right now, u know what u're doing, what ur motivations r, what kind of attitude u maintain. U know & control the real u. Let the person u r 2day push u forward, positively in2 the future. Soon u'll look back on 2day, & what u c can either give u strength or bring u regret. Choose ur actions so that what u do 2day will truly make YOU stronger tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
"Enthusiasm is the best protection in any situation. Wholeheartedness is contagious. Give yourself, if you wish to get others." -David Seabury
Motivator: Have the courage 2 dream great dreams. U're worthy of greatness.When u focus on just getting bi, that's the most u'll b able 2 do. Yet when u set ur sights higher, when u dare 2 dream big dreams, when u make the effort 2 make a difference, those same moments u would have spent just getting bi will bring u, & ur world, so much more. Once this day is over, u cannot go back & reclaim it. What a waste it would b if u failed 2 squeeze every last drop of living & joy love & achievement from it. If ur aim is 2 just get through the day, if ur goal is 2 just get bi, aim higher. U're spending the moments, so make them really count. Start right now 2 live the greatness YOU were born 2 live.
Motivator: Have the courage 2 dream great dreams. U're worthy of greatness.When u focus on just getting bi, that's the most u'll b able 2 do. Yet when u set ur sights higher, when u dare 2 dream big dreams, when u make the effort 2 make a difference, those same moments u would have spent just getting bi will bring u, & ur world, so much more. Once this day is over, u cannot go back & reclaim it. What a waste it would b if u failed 2 squeeze every last drop of living & joy love & achievement from it. If ur aim is 2 just get through the day, if ur goal is 2 just get bi, aim higher. U're spending the moments, so make them really count. Start right now 2 live the greatness YOU were born 2 live.
Monday, December 20, 2004
"Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance towards the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vantage point." --Harold B. Melchart
Motivator: Here's a suggestion that will make 2day a great day. Find a way 2 look forward 2 & enjoy everything that u must do 2day. That's easy 2 say, but is it really possible? Of course! 1st, there r things u will genuinely enjoy doing. U should have no problem looking forward 2 them. That leaves all the other things -those tasks which may b unpleasant or uncomfortable or otherwise undesirable. The good news is that u can look forward 2 them with even more anticipation, because rather than looking forward 2 doing them u can genuinely look forward 2 having them done & behind u. Don't forget that when u enjoy what u r doing, YOU naturally b-cum more effective at it!
Motivator: Here's a suggestion that will make 2day a great day. Find a way 2 look forward 2 & enjoy everything that u must do 2day. That's easy 2 say, but is it really possible? Of course! 1st, there r things u will genuinely enjoy doing. U should have no problem looking forward 2 them. That leaves all the other things -those tasks which may b unpleasant or uncomfortable or otherwise undesirable. The good news is that u can look forward 2 them with even more anticipation, because rather than looking forward 2 doing them u can genuinely look forward 2 having them done & behind u. Don't forget that when u enjoy what u r doing, YOU naturally b-cum more effective at it!
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
"You can have anything you want -- if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose." ...by one of my heroes ... Abraham Lincoln
Motivator: If someone else is doing something that has the potential 2 annoy u, u actually have a choice. U can choose 2 b annoyed, but why would u choose that? Or, u can choose 2 do something else, something more positive & productive. The behavior of others is largely their problem, not urs. Yet when u choose 2 let it annoy u, it does b-cum ur problem bi stealing ur time & attention. Instead, look past them. Put the annoying behavior of others out of ur mind & get busy on something positive & worthwhile.The energy u spend on b-ing annoyed can b put 2 much better use in other, more productive pursuits. & it's not even pleasant 2 b annoyed, so why let urself b? Refuse 2 give an annoying person power over ur time, ur thoughts & ur energy. Choose 2 ignore them!
Motivator: If someone else is doing something that has the potential 2 annoy u, u actually have a choice. U can choose 2 b annoyed, but why would u choose that? Or, u can choose 2 do something else, something more positive & productive. The behavior of others is largely their problem, not urs. Yet when u choose 2 let it annoy u, it does b-cum ur problem bi stealing ur time & attention. Instead, look past them. Put the annoying behavior of others out of ur mind & get busy on something positive & worthwhile.The energy u spend on b-ing annoyed can b put 2 much better use in other, more productive pursuits. & it's not even pleasant 2 b annoyed, so why let urself b? Refuse 2 give an annoying person power over ur time, ur thoughts & ur energy. Choose 2 ignore them!
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
"Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blue prints of your ultimate accomplishments." -- Napoleon Hill
Motivator: B thankful 4 this day, & u will fill it with joy. B appreciative of those around u, & they will bring much value 2 ur life. B grateful 4 ur opportunities, & u'll find urself making the most of them. B thankful 4 what u have, & u'll get more from it. B grateful 4 the challenges, & they will help u b-cum stronger. Appreciate the dark, cloudy days & they'll instantly b-cum brighter. Appreciate the sunny days, & u'll enjoy them even more.Those things u take 4 granted will fade from usefulness as u forget they're even there. Bi contrast, those things 4 which u're thankful remain readily available & will grow even stronger as a result of ur appreciative attention. The more u count ur blessings, the more there will b 2 count.
Motivator: B thankful 4 this day, & u will fill it with joy. B appreciative of those around u, & they will bring much value 2 ur life. B grateful 4 ur opportunities, & u'll find urself making the most of them. B thankful 4 what u have, & u'll get more from it. B grateful 4 the challenges, & they will help u b-cum stronger. Appreciate the dark, cloudy days & they'll instantly b-cum brighter. Appreciate the sunny days, & u'll enjoy them even more.Those things u take 4 granted will fade from usefulness as u forget they're even there. Bi contrast, those things 4 which u're thankful remain readily available & will grow even stronger as a result of ur appreciative attention. The more u count ur blessings, the more there will b 2 count.
Monday, December 13, 2004
"Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." -- Henry Ford
Motivator: Make it a point 2 do something 2day 4 someone special, someone whom u often take 4 granted, someone who deserves ur full & cumplete support --YOURSELF ! B-ing good 2 urself is not b-ing selfish. It doesn't mean u must ignore others. Rather, it makes u able 2 offer more value 2 the other people in ur world when u take good care of urself. Putting urself down is of no benefit 2 any1. Helping urself 2 grow & build will provide u with more 2 give.B positive with urself. B kind & generous with urself. When was the last time u did something nice 4 urself? U deserve some special attention. B good 2 urself & that goodness will overflow in2 the world & the people around YOU. Articles from my personal experience....
Motivator: Make it a point 2 do something 2day 4 someone special, someone whom u often take 4 granted, someone who deserves ur full & cumplete support --YOURSELF ! B-ing good 2 urself is not b-ing selfish. It doesn't mean u must ignore others. Rather, it makes u able 2 offer more value 2 the other people in ur world when u take good care of urself. Putting urself down is of no benefit 2 any1. Helping urself 2 grow & build will provide u with more 2 give.B positive with urself. B kind & generous with urself. When was the last time u did something nice 4 urself? U deserve some special attention. B good 2 urself & that goodness will overflow in2 the world & the people around YOU. Articles from my personal experience....
Friday, December 10, 2004
"To live in the presence of great truths and eternal laws, to be led by permanent ideals - that is what keeps a man patient when the world ignores him, and calm and unspoiled when the world praises him." --Honore De Balzac
Motivator: In just 1 day u can go from b-ing filled with despair 2 b-ing filled with excitement about ur positive possibilities. In just 1 day, u can set urself solidly on a course toward the achievement of ur most treasured desires. 1 day is plenty of time 2 make a major difference in ur life & in the lives of those around u. 1 day, filled with positive thoughts & decisive, effective actions can have an impact that reaches far in2 the future. & when that 1 day is over, there is another 1, filled with just as many opportunities, right behind it. When u live 1 day 2 the fullest, it's amazing what a difference u can make. When u string together day after day after day of positive, effective thoughts & actions, the result is nothing short of miraculous.
Motivator: In just 1 day u can go from b-ing filled with despair 2 b-ing filled with excitement about ur positive possibilities. In just 1 day, u can set urself solidly on a course toward the achievement of ur most treasured desires. 1 day is plenty of time 2 make a major difference in ur life & in the lives of those around u. 1 day, filled with positive thoughts & decisive, effective actions can have an impact that reaches far in2 the future. & when that 1 day is over, there is another 1, filled with just as many opportunities, right behind it. When u live 1 day 2 the fullest, it's amazing what a difference u can make. When u string together day after day after day of positive, effective thoughts & actions, the result is nothing short of miraculous.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
He who reigns within himself and rules his passions, desires, and fears is more than a king.
--John Milton
Motivator: Start right now 2 achieve the goals u've set 4 urself. Those goals, those possibilities r 2 important 2 let them go stale. There is something u can do right now 2 move toward them.Get busy & do it.There is some initial action u can take.Get busy & take it.Who is the person u have always wanted 2 b-cum?What is the lifestyle u've always wished 4? Wishing is not enough.Intention is not enough.At some point u must take action 2 achieve those things u truly desire. That point is right now. Now is ur opportunity 2 act. Now is when ur goals, ur dreams, ur ambitions begin 2 b-cum a reality. There's no need 2 put off the fulfillment of ur best possibilities 4 another moment.Start now, take action, keep going & experience the incomparable thrill of making YOUR dreams a reality.
--John Milton
Motivator: Start right now 2 achieve the goals u've set 4 urself. Those goals, those possibilities r 2 important 2 let them go stale. There is something u can do right now 2 move toward them.Get busy & do it.There is some initial action u can take.Get busy & take it.Who is the person u have always wanted 2 b-cum?What is the lifestyle u've always wished 4? Wishing is not enough.Intention is not enough.At some point u must take action 2 achieve those things u truly desire. That point is right now. Now is ur opportunity 2 act. Now is when ur goals, ur dreams, ur ambitions begin 2 b-cum a reality. There's no need 2 put off the fulfillment of ur best possibilities 4 another moment.Start now, take action, keep going & experience the incomparable thrill of making YOUR dreams a reality.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
"Most of us miss out on life's big prizes. The Pulitzer. The Nobel. Oscars. Tonys. Emmys. But we're all eligible for life's small pleasures. A pat on the back. A kiss behind the ear. A four-pound bass. A full moon. An empty parking space. A crackling fire. A great meal. A glorious sunset. Hot soup. Cold beer." --Anonymous
Motivator: Don't concern urself with b-ing better than everyone else. That will mainly get u resentment, disappointment, or both. Focus instead on b-ing better today than u were yesterday, on being even better tomorrow than u r today. When u compare urself 2 others, u'll either end up b-ing disappointed or u'll end up b-ing arrogant. Instead, compare urself 2 urself. The important thing is 2 make progress in ur own life. Upstaging someone else simply won't bring u any true gain. Improving urself will.We all share certain things in common, yet no 2 people r the same. There is no 1 who is better than u. At the same time, u r better than no 1 else. U r unique. Stop worrying about everyone else & u'll free up enormous energy 2 b the best YOU can b.
Motivator: Don't concern urself with b-ing better than everyone else. That will mainly get u resentment, disappointment, or both. Focus instead on b-ing better today than u were yesterday, on being even better tomorrow than u r today. When u compare urself 2 others, u'll either end up b-ing disappointed or u'll end up b-ing arrogant. Instead, compare urself 2 urself. The important thing is 2 make progress in ur own life. Upstaging someone else simply won't bring u any true gain. Improving urself will.We all share certain things in common, yet no 2 people r the same. There is no 1 who is better than u. At the same time, u r better than no 1 else. U r unique. Stop worrying about everyone else & u'll free up enormous energy 2 b the best YOU can b.
Monday, December 06, 2004
"I find that it is not the circumstances in which we are placed, but the spirit in which we face them, that constitutes our comfort." --Elizabeth T. King
Motivator: Let urself enjoy being u today. Allow the anger, the anxiety, the frustration & the stress 2 fall away. Stop assuming that u must b negative just because of ur circumstances.There r challenges, there is beauty, there is pain, there is joy. Immerse urself in it all & enjoy the intensity of ur living experience. The harsh words directed ur way keep u focused. The kindnesses build ur faith. The disappointments give u wisdom and perspective. The triumphs make it all worthwhile. In every moment there is every possibility. Could anything b more sublime? Live those moments with an unquestionable sense of enjoyment. They're urs 2 live, 2 experience, 2 mold and 2 elevate. Don't fall down in2 the world. Bring it up 2 YOU, & enjoy.
Motivator: Let urself enjoy being u today. Allow the anger, the anxiety, the frustration & the stress 2 fall away. Stop assuming that u must b negative just because of ur circumstances.There r challenges, there is beauty, there is pain, there is joy. Immerse urself in it all & enjoy the intensity of ur living experience. The harsh words directed ur way keep u focused. The kindnesses build ur faith. The disappointments give u wisdom and perspective. The triumphs make it all worthwhile. In every moment there is every possibility. Could anything b more sublime? Live those moments with an unquestionable sense of enjoyment. They're urs 2 live, 2 experience, 2 mold and 2 elevate. Don't fall down in2 the world. Bring it up 2 YOU, & enjoy.
Friday, December 03, 2004
"One day in retrospect the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." --Sigmund Freud
Motivator: There is enormous power in the fact that something so all-encompassing as ur attitude can b changed so quickly. The key thing 2 keep in mind about ur attitude is that it is urs. Though anything can influence it, u control it. U have final authority over ur attitude. Bi exercising that control, u can literally change ur world. U say there r certain things which put u in a bad mood. Yet the truth is that u put urself in a bad mood. It is a way in which u choose 2 respond. What if u were 2 make a different choice? Those "bad mood" things would no longer have control over u, & ur precious time could b used moving forward rather than feeling miserable.What if YOU were 2 choose 2 b in a good mood more often? Imagine the positive possibilities!
Motivator: There is enormous power in the fact that something so all-encompassing as ur attitude can b changed so quickly. The key thing 2 keep in mind about ur attitude is that it is urs. Though anything can influence it, u control it. U have final authority over ur attitude. Bi exercising that control, u can literally change ur world. U say there r certain things which put u in a bad mood. Yet the truth is that u put urself in a bad mood. It is a way in which u choose 2 respond. What if u were 2 make a different choice? Those "bad mood" things would no longer have control over u, & ur precious time could b used moving forward rather than feeling miserable.What if YOU were 2 choose 2 b in a good mood more often? Imagine the positive possibilities!
Thursday, December 02, 2004
"Every position must be held to the last man: there must be no retirement. With our backs to the wall, and believing in the justice of our cause, each one of us must fight on to the end." -- Earl Douglas Haig
Motivator: When things rn't going ur way, do something about it. Is something bothering u? Is there something u're concerned about? Once u start 2 take action, the whole dynamic of the situation begins 2 change immediately. Rather than suffering under a negative influence, u're busy making a positive difference. That will change ur outlook 4 the better. It will improve ur energy level. It will enable u 2 c the positive possibilities. Start moving urself forward, & the force which had been working against u begins 2 move in ur favor. U're alive, intelligent, aware, experienced & capable of making things happen. Every moment is ur opportunity 2 make use of ur incredible good fortune. Life can indeed b great when u make up YOUR mind 2 do something about it.
Motivator: When things rn't going ur way, do something about it. Is something bothering u? Is there something u're concerned about? Once u start 2 take action, the whole dynamic of the situation begins 2 change immediately. Rather than suffering under a negative influence, u're busy making a positive difference. That will change ur outlook 4 the better. It will improve ur energy level. It will enable u 2 c the positive possibilities. Start moving urself forward, & the force which had been working against u begins 2 move in ur favor. U're alive, intelligent, aware, experienced & capable of making things happen. Every moment is ur opportunity 2 make use of ur incredible good fortune. Life can indeed b great when u make up YOUR mind 2 do something about it.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
"So, then, to every man his chance -- to every man, regardless of his birth, his shining golden opportunity -- to every man his right to live, to work, to be himself, to become whatever his manhood and his vision can combine to make him -- this, seeker, is the promise of America." -- Thomas Wolfe
Motivator: The greatest triumphs can rise from the most devastating defeats. When all is lost, there is everything 2 gain. Never, ever can u b so far down that u're unable 2 pull urself back up. There is always a way 2 transform loss in2 victory. Rejoice in the good fortune of having made it through a bad experience & then set 2 work 2 turn it around. Challenge urself 2 b a turnaround specialist in ur own life, in ur own world. Look 4 challenging situations & pull the positive possibilities out of them. Make it ur job 2 redirect the enormous amount of energy around u in2 positive pursuits, & the world will marvel at what YOU accomplish.
Motivator: The greatest triumphs can rise from the most devastating defeats. When all is lost, there is everything 2 gain. Never, ever can u b so far down that u're unable 2 pull urself back up. There is always a way 2 transform loss in2 victory. Rejoice in the good fortune of having made it through a bad experience & then set 2 work 2 turn it around. Challenge urself 2 b a turnaround specialist in ur own life, in ur own world. Look 4 challenging situations & pull the positive possibilities out of them. Make it ur job 2 redirect the enormous amount of energy around u in2 positive pursuits, & the world will marvel at what YOU accomplish.
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